Hmmm … last night was too hot here in france and i was unable to sleep . Sooo i did what i do when i cant sleep …. Think 
Think about what ? Easy , think about the english OMG and the french OMD . Here is what i find :
OMG mean “Oh my god” in english , but if we write OMG in french , it mean “Oh mon gode”
OMD mean “Oh mon dieu” in french , but if we write OMD in english , it mean “Oh my dildo”
here is the funny thing , ” Oh my god ” mean ” Oh mon dieu ” in french and ” Oh mon gode ” mean ” Oh my dildo ” in english 
Conclusion , english god is a dildo for a french , and french god is a dildo for an english 
So be carefull when you use ” OMG ” it could be interpreted wrong