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- This topic has 78 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by Vaughan.
March 18, 2014 at 7:01 pm #131551
I roll up my sleeves and finally get serious about reclaiming that hill. I take out my phone and dial.
*beep boop beep boop beep*
“Hello, is this Richards & Richards law practice? Yes, I'm having an issue over disputed land…”
Months pass, and we can be found inside a courtroom, facing a judge. My legal team goes before the judge, pleading their case.
“Your honor…as you can see here from these documents, my client has rightful claim over this hill. There is no evidence to suggest otherwise..” my lawyer concludes.
Marilyn and her legal team deliberate meanwhile..trying their best to hold claim to the hill.
Finally the judge comes to a verdict..
“Alright, I've heard about enough. I grant Hukk ownership of the hill currently in dispute and order the current 'owner' of the hill to vacate the premise, immediately.
I jump up for joy, celebrating our legal victory. “My long nightmare is finally over…I may have won..back my hill..but the damages caused to it…by bombs and stampedes of warriors…well I can only hope it can return to its former glory.” I say, looking quite grief stricken.
My legally owned Hill.March 18, 2014 at 7:15 pm #131552After Hukk has taken over the hill the people living on it are starting to protest, they don't want Hukk as their King, they want me, so i help them to hold a referendum to let them decide to wich king they want to belong.
Hukk is protesting, he don't want the referendum and claims it's illegal and against the law, i just shake my head and continue. After the referendum is done 95% of the people want me to be there King.
Now the whole world is protesting, but again i don't care and the next day i sign a law in my own parlement to claim the hill despite of what the world is thinking and the sanctions they are willing to take against me.
Legal or illegal it's MY HILL NOWMarch 18, 2014 at 7:48 pm #131553Ruler of all King of all Kings, the Great I Am..
The King
My Feather!
My Hill! Is the Rock
Never a Queen but always a Princess.
March 20, 2014 at 10:20 am #131554Bah, I look at the lawyers, the useless land claims, the Presidents, The princesses and shake my head.
Queens are the rulers and they choose a King when they wish.. and then discard him if he does not serve well. Its written in the stars of the universe, the Destiny that is..I look at the Princess on the Hill, knowing it shall soon be mine..
I look at the sky, the time is near and I flex and grab my weapons..
Then I attack
[img][/img]FoxyRoxxy stands no chance against the might of The Queen Bee. She shakes , she trembles and Lover sweeps her up in his arms to fight another day.
[img][/img]This is my Hill.
It belongs to the Queen.[img][/img]Queen BrandybeeMarch 20, 2014 at 3:49 pm #131555A mighty queen may be powerful. But even the most beautiful and mighty one remains human.
And we all know that power makes one lonely after a while. Ruling is not that easy. And treachery never far. But noone can remain alone for too long.
Queen Brandy also feels lonely after a while, so she is in need of attention. Trustful attention. And lets some of her subjects come afore her to choose some innocent looking citizen to give her company. Amongst them, she sees Peeka. So shy and impressed by her might.
She offers her to live in the palace and be her company girl. After some nice days brought together in the secret places of the castle on the hill, the queen can't resist temptation as peeka gets tender with her. they both lay in bed, half naked and she lets Peeka feed her during some soft erotic game.
But the fruit is poisonned. The queen eventually falls asleep…for loooong time!
“Mwahahahaaaaaaaa!” laughs Peeka “Silly queen, thinking her beauty and power will put everyone at her feet. MY HILL!!!”
March 20, 2014 at 8:17 pm #131556WOW Peeka I am impressed by the way you take The Queen
from the hill like I said before I like you on my said hahaha Lets go have a cold glass of tea and a game of ping-pong what Peeka don't know is I add some sleeping power on her tea . Giving her a taste of her own medicine, hahah soon after Peeka sleeps . :
Sorry Peeka
PeekaRunning back to My Hill I am thinking how strong is the Queen , I grin but not as strong as the King.On my way there I ask My Lover( The KING ) to go to the Hill with me . Baby I got a special date for us planed up on the Hill
we make our way to the hill.
All hail to Lover
All Hail to the King He stands in His honor And speaks what is true He is the King
My Gorgeous King :-* :-*Queen Brandybee
“This Battle will finish with blood and sweat” I will not be defeated
I surround my Hill with the world's strongest Knights and the Queens weakest defense.They are ready for you My Queennnnhahah
Are you ready to play Queen Brandybee
With Peeka and The Queen out of the way we are at the hill.
Our Hill!
April 10, 2014 at 12:06 pm #131557After a long time out…. i back to my hill… and see that now have a Queen and a Princess…. i love both, because are my friends, so i will do it without blood.
In the exit of the hill i give them something to be distracted…. a full monty show
Also, i give them a pills that show what they want to see…
Now, The Queen and the Princess are busy… and have no eyes for me… so i can take my hill.
Now… i am the king of the hill….
April 12, 2014 at 9:06 pm #131558
I build a small fire pit at the bottom of the hill, spread out my condiments and cookware.Zoerink looks down just slightly curious as i pull from my backpack…
a green sea turtle…
realizing it is about to be barbecued Zoerink sprints down from the hill.
He snatches the turtle from my hands and rushes in the direction of the sea screaming impolite words as he disappears from view.
Such was his panic that he failed to realize the turtle was not moving, or that it was made of rubber.
I dance gracefully up the hill.
April 12, 2014 at 10:20 pm #131559I see HGO looking all mighty fine up on that hill :-*
I think its time to see for myself the beautiful view from up top
I shout out to HGO from the bottom of the hill
“heyy babe i brought a friend with me he wants to meet you may we come closer?”
HGO answers “sure you may” being her kind and charming like always
I approach with a grin and we get close then i whisper into my friend's eat “now!”
He dropps all his clothes and KABOOOM out comes a HUGE OMG (penis)!!!!!
I see HGO scream in terror!
Well she gone…
April 13, 2014 at 7:56 am #131560Shimmering from afar, a loosly hanging thread caught my attention,
it seems the king is wearing a new, shiny belt….the news spread like wildfire. Backup arrived in an instant,
seconds later the security system was history….we took our positions….
and attacked….
the casualties were low….
cause my squad learnt from the best…
[img width=400][/img]
the takeover was a piece of cake for our unit…
say –Sayounara– to your new belt, king
April 13, 2014 at 1:01 pm #131561Below the hill, you can see me, camouflaged within the dense tree foliage, peering through my binoculars.
I take the walkie from my flack jacket and radio JayC back at HQ. “This is hatchling, reporting from the perch, are you able to copy me Black Sparrow?”
Over at HQ, Jayc takes a momentary pause from examining the map layout of the hill, to answer back. “This is Black Sparrow, reporting from the Nest, I copy you Black Sparrow. What do you see over there?”
“Give me one second Black Sparrow…I'm trying to make out the inhabitants.” I answer, back. Using my binoculars, I zoom in closer, hoping to get a clear image of the occupants at the hill.
“Wait…I see Maron…and….” I stop short of completing my sentence. Fear has suddenly gotten a hold of me, it's tight grip suffocating my throat prohibiting me from communicating with Jay.
“Hatchling, I didn't copy that. What do you see?!” Jay cries.
“Mother of God…it's worse then what we imagined.” I finally reply. The fuzzy ears. The little button noses. The shimmering cute eyes. “She has a kitten platoon Black Sparrow.” I conclude.
Jay, falls back on his chair, grim faced upon hearing of Maron's deadly kitten Platoon. “That crazy woman……” There is a long pause of speech between the both of us, as we let the situation fully sink into us. Calmly, Jayc takes a cigar and lights it. He deliberates for a bit, before finally calling me back. “Alright, I have a plan Hatchling.”
“Sparrow, there isn't a single plan that can thwart kittens! Do you not know how cute and fluffy they are?! Whatever plan you have is likely suicide!” I respond back, slightly garbled in static.
“Calm down Hatchling….there is a way to defeat a kitten platoon.” he says, trying to settle down my nerves. “Impossible. Only God himself could defeat this army!” I shout.
“No… order to beat a kitten army…we must fight back with…” he stops short, displaying a smirk.
“Fight back with what?!” I ask, pressing him to continue. Jay, takes a long inhale of his cigar, before letting it stream out from his nose. “We unleash a puppy army.”
The notion hadn't even crossed my mind. “Of course! Pure genius Black Sparrow! “
“Come back to the Nest, hatchling, so we may prepare…our move.” Jay says. I began my descension downwards from the tree, and return back to HQ.
Hours pass..all seems well atop the hill. Maron surveys her territory..vigilant and paranoid over potential trespassers within her domain.
Far bellow the hill, I prepare to unleash our puppy army. “Is everything ready, hatchling?” asks, Jay through my walkie. I retrieve it, and reply “That's a roger Black Sparrow..just say the word.”
Jay takes in a deep breath before finally uttering out the go code “Who let the dogs out?”
With that, I open the cages and unleash the puppy army. What follows…is a gruesome sight that only the most hardened of human beings could withstand. Furry paws and tails tangling together in a struggle for survival. I tried my best to steel my stomach for this…but I am unable to cope with the cute whiskers and playful tongue licks from the puppies. I vomit on the spot.
Over the radio, JayC hears the carnage…a barrage of puppy woofs and kitten meows providing a haunting silhouette of carnage that shatters his heart. He drops his walkie on the floor and nearly weeps “God forgive us.”
After a prolonged chaotic battle, the puppies come out victorious…we collect the survivors and clamber up the hill. Maron retrieves what little remains of her kitten army and flees to the safety of the forest. I seem traumatized…distraught and weakened from this whole ordeal.
“We took the hill, Hatchling.” Jay says, somberly. I look over to him, before looking over the blood soaked battle field. “Yes we did Black Sparrow…but at what cost..?”
Our Hill.
April 13, 2014 at 7:17 pm #131562Easy throw him a playboy magazine under the hill he runs down to get it.
Plant some plants for his panda keep him bussy eating them
Yes I said it My Hill!
April 13, 2014 at 8:51 pm #131563“Retreat, retreat”
Bloody and defeated but with dignity and grace I take what´s
left of my unit and retreat to the forest to reinforce.
But after hours of consulting the books and discussing
strategies I still came up empty handed.“Damn, I need some help, there´s no other way as to seek advice”
[img width=400][/img]
Obi Wan,still striken from last battle, was no help though,
the Master himself had to join our troops.
his wisdom was cryptical and hard to interpret,
but encouraging nonetheless.“aware that only your energy and readiness for
greatest sacrifices will enable you to conquer this hill you must be”“I know master, Hukk is an easy target, Black Sparrow
and his flea circus is what bothers me more”“an easy target he is?”
*grins evil*
“our special ops team is already on its way, secret weapon on board”“Company! Fall in! ”
I gathered the troops, we were ready to attack againour ambush….
and special weapon to distract Hukk set in place…
the victory was ours… or so we thought.
as we arrived the battlefield, the sight was devastating.
broken and wounded pups scattered all over the hill.
distraught I had to pull myself together, my heart filled
with sympathy for our former enemy.
there was no other way, we had to fight dirty again…fortunately our MeowI6 gathered some intel on Foxy before
her real weakness was well known in operative circles
we had to work quick, time was of essencethe trap was set, cause a puma is still a cat
chocolate and catnip from my own stash in tow
“here kitty kitty, here kitty kitty”–Lover– was trapped
known as merciless and hard to bargain,
foxy had no other choice as to surrender[img width=400][/img]
the Queen is defeated, long live the QUEEN
MY HILL *meow*
April 14, 2014 at 9:13 am #131564With my troops ready to move on the hill
I give the Order to take the Hill
my troops move it
And with little fight from the cats and there Queen Maron My dog warriors take the hill and I sit looking down over MY HILL
April 14, 2014 at 9:30 am #131565not for long my dear
my troops are partying again
woof goodbye to that hill
MINE againnnnnn *meow*
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The forums › Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books… › Forum Game. King or Queen of the Hill