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LovingSir. Introductions.

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  • #144973

    After enjoying the Chat in the square last night, I believe it is time to leave this place. I expressed my opinion towards comments that a person made. I was offended by seeing someone told them they were not wrong. I didn’t call out anyone, I only expressed my opinion. Opinion is OPINION. 


    Oh Come on Loving Sir!!!  pretty drastic action for a small slight.


    I don't see any small lights here, only bright shining stars!

    LovingSir, think about it. This is the forum, not the square. Let's compare it with the game – would you leave the forum, just bc you had a bad happening in the game?


    Sir I don't know whats gone on , nor do I care ..but tgere are a few here that will miss you if you leave …focus on the good and just turn your back on the bad …life is too short …hope you stick around

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