I would like to say a special massive THANK YOU to mrsexlover.
As Contest Manager in Achats Erotic Story Contest, mrsexlover has supported me without complaint. He is always at hand to make and design fabulous posters for the announcement of Winners as one Contest ends and design a launch poster for the next contest which starts at the same time.
By the very nature of how the Contests are run and so we can do 3 contests a year, he has very little notice and if the voting is close, as you can see above he very often has to make two posters for a contest and be flexible to amend his posters at the last minute to cater for flurry votes and podium and position changes.
He does this in his own time, without reward and for the love of Forum and support for the Erotic Story Contests.
He is without a doubt my unsung hero. He is one of the ” behind the scene workers ” that keeps Forum colourful and interesting.
Thank you for supporting me, the contests and the Forum Village. You help make it the success it is.
