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Tagged: Meeting Rooms. Winter. Summer. City. New York. Amsterdam. Night Shift. Red Light. Paradise Location. Mullaloo Beach, Room Idea. Meet and Greet Rooms
- This topic has 37 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by Vaughan.
February 28, 2012 at 1:50 pm #60497
teasing, my dear…..teasing!
February 28, 2012 at 3:32 pm #60498i suppose never
February 28, 2012 at 3:34 pm #60499why you have to ruin our happy mood!? sometimes i hate you, PQ!
February 28, 2012 at 10:02 pm #60500watch out hentai before i really tease you till you want to fuck me hehehehe
jacquesza might take a while before we get the rooms cause that would be a big change to the game but it sure would be a nice edition. plus it would be nice to be in a room chatting and not get bombarded by all the hi want to fuck you chat before it even gets interesting.February 29, 2012 at 12:28 am #60501hehe for not be bombarded , they created the ZZZ button
February 29, 2012 at 8:29 am #60502oh, hope you have a mirror to talk whit yourself…….if you set stop all, you are alone!
February 29, 2012 at 1:15 pm #60503i dont use it so i never talk alone
but it seems many use it
and its for that this button was created
February 29, 2012 at 8:07 pm #60504I support the idea of creating personalized chat threads. I know it can be done,.. is on another site, so the idea is viable. Rooming aspect will have to be static, any options will make the whole room reloadwhen one chooses… (think of the constant reloads with 10 folks)… which could be just visually annoying if someone is bouncing through the option. It is a chat thread,… so the necessity of creating a “private space” may not be necessary… there raises another issue that private rooms would likely remove one from the global chat function. My opinion doesn't sway either way in this,… however segregation on large groups might create some negative imagery of the site to new users when everyone is busy.
The other side that might encourage peeps to join rooms out of necessity… in itself exposing them to more informal chats where friendships are actually made.
March 1, 2012 at 11:23 am #60505using a different chat service is a nonsense….my opinion.
better have the chance to create a sub channel inside achat or some other option who can't jump in my mind at the moment.
March 3, 2012 at 12:49 am #60506Well, I’ve been enjoying the game immensely, and to be quite honest… I’ve gotten my hubby to join me in the game. Well, We (Azrielle & Shaffer) wish to propose an interesting idea. WE realise the limitations that the present game module may impose upon coding issues, but WE felt this idea may be worthy of some serious consideration and allow the AChat Dev Team a new perspective on expanding the entire game to a new horizon.
Before making a presentation of OUR idea, WE wish to do a quick recap of some of the existing features of the game so that it lends perspective to the idea WE wish to present.
Firstly, everyone has their Character Editor to personalise their Avatar’s as they see fit… limited in scope, but still awesome! (btw, More Clothes for the Males!)
Secondly, everyone has their Friend’s List where they have a listing of their friends, lovers and (wink) spouses. (MWAH!)
Thirdly, the poses are already available in MF, MM, FF, MS, FS, SS, in addition to group poses with MFM, FMF, MMM, FFF, MFS, MSS, SSS, FSS, FFS… and with that boggling my mind that I was able to actually make sure I had them all is awesome, even if I do say so myself (pats back)… The possibilities of future use could be simply amazing to comprehend next.
Moving right along… Shaffer & I are swingers. We enjoy the social attitudes of other like minded couples such as ourselves. While I won’t be getting into the whole explanation of the swinging lifestyle, I will mention on cardinal rule that every swinger follows without question… it’s a respect thing, both for one’s self and for their swing partner(s).
You leave with whom you arrived with!
(can you guess where this is going next?)ok, the subject of a Meet & Greet Room was discussed in this thread, and I have done a quick recap of some of the features available to be incorporated into the idea Shaffer & I are now going to propose.
Meet & Greet (Game Room for Couples) whether a Couple is defined as MM, MF, FF, FS, MS, SS, the politics remain the same… you leave with whom you arrive with. So, Where is that Spouse`s List…?
Have you guessed yet? A Couple enters the room, and everyone else (No singles just to be fair) can either do their own thing, or watch the action if they desire within a room with a maximum capacity of say ten people (the number was mentioned previously).
OK, implementation… (a structural means of making it possible) Now what did I do with all those left-over $A’s I have… oh yes, there’s those pesky little things. In the Shop, those Couples who wish to host a swing party of say 10 of their favourite friends, lovers, spouses can buy a Meet & Greet Room from the shop and there you have it… a moresome in progress with peeps either running around neked, or playfully engaged in some carnal pleasures while other may be just relaxing (clothing optional of course).
Doesn’t this sound like absolutely naughty fun? Of course it does, when you have a naughty mind like mine… hehehe. From where do you ask should couples be able to attend a swing party? Why not add the moresome functionality to the one place where it will be certain a couple is already present… the privacy of their own room of course. But how will they know there’s a party going on? Well silly, why not just add a Meet & Greet section as a search parameter so peeps can know who the HOST(s) are… that sounds like the way it works in real life. Can’t have a party without sending out invitations and of course RSVP’s from your guests. Perspective guests would have to send a group request to the hosts.
Entrance strategy. The group sex button, with the pop-up cleverly redesigned to have a MEET & GREET function added for those that have purchased a room. Mhmm, sounds so deviously simple… is it possible I may have stumbled upon something?
Exit strategy. The exit button of course! When a Couple (or one of them) has had enough fun and needs to retire to their own bedroom… all it will take is one of the Couple to exit, and Poof! The pair of them are gone… and if the Host(s) should decide they want to change the sheets and/or restock the condom basket(s) one click and POOF, everyone must return to their own room, (or by default, if this is possible to the partner selection).
Lock-out strategy. Simple! Swingers are friends and know one another! Sometimes really, really well… hehehe. If one member of a couple is not on the host(s) friend’s listings, then Nope, Nada, Not, Nicht! The request simply vanishes into nothingness and the Host(s) are not bombarded with an interuptus cullingus, or Felatio failium on a constant basis when all they really want to do is have fun with their guests.
Well, I know OUR idea may or may not evolve into anything beyond an idea, but WE felt it appropriate to at least share our thoughts with you. If the idea is worthy of ADEV Team’s gaze, a reward in the form of everything in the store, twice, would definitely make us more compliant to make more suggestions… LOLZ
AZRIELLE and Shaffer.March 3, 2012 at 2:37 am #60507First, Azrielle, I would like to extend a warm welcome to your hubby, Shaffer, for joining you to collaborate ideas and sharing them with the forum. Next I would like to say I really, REALLY like your idea. You incorporated everything that already exists in AChat. The only challenge will be to address the technical issues that needs dealt with to allow a group of more than 3 people into a room together. Also perhaps expand the size of the average room a bit.
So let me see if I understand your suggestion clearly… You buy a “Meet and Greet” Host ticket from the shop which would permit you to use a large party room for perhaps 1 – 5 times before it expires. Then you extend a “group invite” to like 10 people (5 couples). Once everyone joins the room, how does pairing off work? Or do you stay paired with the partner you came with? Once everyone is with their partner, you have choose your poses and actions just like you would in a room by yourself. The only difference is you can look around the room at the 4 other couples and see what positions they choose. This could be done by dividing sections of the room off that serve as boundaries where each couple's poses/actions take place. (I'm thinking like the 5-pattern on a 6-sided dice) It may be complex to sync everyone's movements together in real time, but since the poses just loop, then they don't have to be in real time. Just display the pose at it's default setting. It could keep refreshing the action choices of the other couples every 10 seconds or half a minute. That way you can watch your friends go from missionary to doggie style and vice versa.
So if any single player leaves/disconnects, would it kick out the partner they came with or the partner they are engaging sex with? Also, when dealing with guests disconnecting, they should be easily re-invited by the host. The host should be able to kick couples out too if they become satisfactory. Now if the host disconnects, should that kick all the guests out of the room? Or would the title of “host” be passed on to another user? And only those on the guest list from the beginning will be able to leave and rejoin the party. That way when 1 couple leaves, a completely new couple can't take their place. This would prevent abuse by recycling the same room endlessly among a large group of people.
I am very intrigued by this idea and would like to hear more about it and what other people think about it. Sounds fun.
March 3, 2012 at 10:49 am #60508first thing what mean the “OUR idea” and “WE wish” ? a kind of provocation ?
I have never see someone write “i will propose you MY pose”Firstly, everyone has their Character Editor to personalise their Avatar’s as they see fit… limited in scope, but still awesome! (btw, More Clothes for the Males!)
You forgot the one (like me) , who dont know use it
Thirdly, the poses are already available in MF, MM, FF, MS, FS, SS, in addition to group poses with MFM, FMF, MMM, FFF, MFS, MSS, SSS, FSS, FFS… and with that boggling my mind that I was able to actually make sure I had them all is awesome, even if I do say so myself (pats back)… The possibilities of future use could be simply amazing to comprehend next.
So you say to homos in general “you want the same poses than MF go in room with a man to fuck” (or with a girl for men homo)
Entrance strategy. The group sex button, with the pop-up cleverly redesigned to have a MEET & GREET function added for those that have purchased a room. Mhmm, sounds so deviously simple… is it possible I may have stumbled upon something?
good idea if when you invit someone , he/she can see who is in the room before accept
Swingers are friends and know one another! Sometimes really, really well… hehehe. If one member of a couple is not on the host(s) friend’s listings, then Nope, Nada, Not, Nicht!
so with this idea , i cant go with my spouse everywere cool . not sure she apreciate
ps : sorry in advance if i dont understand well
March 3, 2012 at 12:03 pm #60509first thing what mean the “OUR idea” and “WE wish” ? a kind of provocation ?
I have never see someone write “i will propose you MY pose”i don't think it's like that, but, i let the author answer you.
Firstly, everyone has their Character Editor to personalise their Avatar’s as they see fit… limited in scope, but still awesome! (btw, More Clothes for the Males!)
You forgot the one (like me) , who dont know use it
Rukya, Character Editor, is the one in game where you set hair skin etc, not the tool set for clothes, you had missunderstood
Entrance strategy. The group sex button, with the pop-up cleverly redesigned to have a MEET & GREET function added for those that have purchased a room. Mhmm, sounds so deviously simple… is it possible I may have stumbled upon something?
good idea if when you invit someone , he/she can see who is in the room before accept
Swingers are friends and know one another! Sometimes really, really well… hehehe. If one member of a couple is not on the host(s) friend’s listings, then Nope, Nada, Not, Nicht!
so with this idea , i cant go with my spouse everywere cool . not sure she apreciate
ps : sorry in advance if i dont understand well
I agree….i will like to know who is in the room before join, same things on threesome. Aboutyour spouse, this is something porsonal, between you and her, and it depend on the bond you have. and if one don't wanna do it, i can't see why he or she had to be forced to do anyway!
December 24, 2014 at 11:46 am #7283ROOM IDEA. SET UP A MEETING ROOM TO MEET PARTNERS.
I have just spent a few days on 3DXchat. It is nothing like as good as Achat when it comes to sexual interaction graphics and the general experience. And you need a credit card to do anything – so no free lunch
The only way in which it is better is the ability to wander around and meet people (eg on the Beach, in the Night Club etc)
You can click on them and then have a conversation or just fornicate on the spot. Or go back to your room
Obviously, this would be a major step for Achat so how about this:
1. In the search term you type “Meeting Room” ie where you might have typed “Robot Boy” etc
2. This takes you to a room which is much like our rooms but much bigger
3. You can see people and if you fancy them you can click on them and send a message
4. If they respond you can go back to a room
This strikes me as the easiest route but without seeing how the code is organised, difficult to say …
December 24, 2014 at 12:19 pm #144005Hi ya Sukislut,
Welcome to forum. Your idea is a valid one but I think that this is the advantage of Achat. It’s the simplicity that attracts many of our members as well as the hot graphics.
Achat is unique in how it is set up and although moving around may be attractive to some, that would make it a similar game to their competition.
We have the search engine to check out other profiles in the game and we have an unofficial chat room that is used by our members. It is run by AusWoody, a member here. It is still quite young but relatively busy at different times. We are still hoping to attract more members there so dont give up if you visit at the quieter times.
Here’s a bit more about it.
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.htmlFeel free to drop in and get to know some of us
🙂 Same TOS as Achat. You would be made welcome.
Look forward to seeing you there.
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The forums › Share your creative ideas › Room Idea. Meet and Greet Rooms