Another point is clear: All prem members are before the robots, then the non-prems follow.
Sm, what you're owning… not sure. There was a time I had anything you can purchase, but after I made some gifts (having less money then in my account) I went down. My membership will stop soon, so if I'm higher after renewing my subscription I'm gonna tell you.
On the other hand, it's not really important – your friends see you in their list.
most of the time i check to see if anyone on my list is on first then if none are on then i might go through the list of names of ppl on lol but most of the time unless i know someone i don't stop to chat with anyone lol
I never thought of using the member list in this way…. I get so many messages (and dozens of colds) every day, it never occurred to me to go looking in that way, I do search from the engine looking for members interested in SM and that gives me more than enough to “pick” from
Rukya, to see the members & how they're ranked, go to, & at the top of the page, click “members”. Members will appear 12 to a page, from the higest to the lowest.
oh ok , last time i had see there i was in first page , but for me it mean nothing i let you the place if you want hihi
Well, I also always asked myself very often even if not really caring as my friends can see me on their list and i can see them on mine. Just a matter of curiosity in fact, lol But it happened to me to be one day far before another memeber and three days later two pages after him… So this could surely not only be the one that are longer here first. There must be some other criteria
Or simply random ? lol just having the members before the robot…