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- This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 3 months ago by Findulas.
November 15, 2017 at 7:26 am #8459
Hello, my name is Findulas …… welcome to MiddleEarth, a land devised entirely by JRR Tolkien, governed unseen by the Valar, filled with Hobbits, Elves ( such as myself ), heroic Men, mythical beings such as the Maiar, Ents, Wizards, Goblins, Orcs, Balrogs, Dragons, Wargs, Werewolves, & many other beings, both terrible & fair ….. For those of you not familiar with the world of MiddleEarth, I hope to post descriptions, pictures, & stories, that will hopefully stir your imagination ……..
In the beginning, there was the Void, and Illuvatar dwelt in the Void …… and from his thought, he created the Ainur, the Holy Ones …….. and they were with him before aught else was made …… and he talked with them, teaching each of them themes of music, and the Ainur sang before Illuvatar ….. they sang each alone, or a few together, while the rest listened …… for each only understood that part of Illuvatar's mind, from which they sprang ……. and in the understanding of their brethren, they grew but slowly ……. yet ever as they sang & listened to each other, they came to a deeper understanding of each other, and increased in unison and harmony …… After a time, Illuvatar called together all the Ainur, and declared to them a mighty theme, unfolding to them things greater and more wonderful than he had yet revealed, the glory of its beginning, and the splendor of its end, amazed the Ainur …….. Then Illuvatar spoke, “Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a great music, and ye shall show forth your powers in adorning this theme, each with their own thoughts and devices, and I shall sit and listen ……” Then the voices of the Ainur, like unto harps, lutes, pipes, trumpets, viols, organs, and countless choirs singing with words, began to fashion the theme of Illuvatar into a great music, of endless interchanging melodies, woven in harmony ……… that passed beyond hearing, into the Void, and it was no longer void ……… As the harmony of the theme progressed, it came into the heart of Melkor, to interweave matters of his own imagining, that were not in accord with the theme of Illuvatar ……… seeking to increase the power and glory of the part assigned to him …….. To Melkor among the Ainur, had been given the greatest gifts of power and knowledge, and he had a share in all the gifts of his brethren …… desire burned hot within him, to bring into being things of his own design, and he began to conceive thoughts of his own, unlike his brethren ……. Some of these thoughts, he now wove into the theme of the music, disturbing the thoughts and creating discord in the music of those Ainur closest to him, and their music faltered ….. Some began to attune their music to his, and the discord of Melkor spread ever wider, causing the harmony of the music to founder in a sea of turbulent sound, as a raging storm of dark waters, that made war, one upon the other …….. Twice Illuvatar rose from his throne, and caused the theme of music to begin anew, yet each time the discord created by Melkor rose in uproar and contended with the harmony of the music, more violent than before, until many of the Ainur were dismayed and sang no longer, and Melkor had the mastery ……. Then Illuvatar arose from his throne a third time, his face terrible to behold, he raised both hands, and the music ceased ….. silence filled the halls of Illuvatar and the Ainur, including Melkor, beholding the fire of his eyes, quailed in fear …… Then Illuvatar spoke, “Mighty are the Ainur, and mightiest among them is Melkor …… but so that he and the rest of the Ainur may know that I am Illuvatar, those things of which you have sang, I shall show them forth, that ye may see what ye have done …….” Then Illuvatar led the Ainur out into the Void, and said to them, “Behold your music …. !” And he showed them a vision, giving them sight, where before was only hearing, they saw a new world made visible ……. and as they watched, seeing the history of the world unfold before them ……. it seemed that it lived and grew …… The mightiest of the Ainur bent their will towards this new world, which they named Arda, observing the roaring of the seas, the winds of the air, the substances of which it was made, firey volcanoes, vast mountains, immensely tall trees, myriads of colorful flowers, clouds, rain, ice & snow, the living creatures that inhabited it, the birth of the children of Illuvatar, which are Elves and Men ……. and the Ainur fell in love with what they saw …… “Behold your music, I know the desire of your minds, that what ye have seen should be, not only in thought, but even as you yourselves are …….. Therefore I say, let these things be ! And those of you who choose to do so, may go down into it …… but by doing so, your powers will be contained and bound in this world, you will be a part of its life, and its yours ….. ” Then Melkor and the mightiest and most fair of the Ainur descended into the realm of Arda, becoming known as the Valar, the Powers of the World ……. Upon entering Arda, the Valar were amazed to discover that it was as if naught was yet made, which they had seen in the vision, and all was but on the point to begin, and yet unshaped …… So began the great labors of the Valar, to achieve the completion of the vision they had seen …… In this work, the chief part was taken by Manwe, Aule, and Ulmo, but Melkor too was there, turning if he might, all that was done to his own desires and purposes ….. till at the last, after countless ages, the formation of the world of Arda was completed …… Then Melkor, being filled with desire & lust, claimed lordship of Arda, but the Valar choosing Manwe as their King, denied Melkor and strove against him, no longer counting him as one of them …. Manwe called down to Arda, other Ainur & lesser spirits called the Maiar, to aid them in their struggle …….. Then Melkor departed away from the Valar to other regions, and did there what he would ……. but he did not put the desire for mastery of Arda from his heart or mind ……… Now the Valar & the Maiar, took to themselves shape and hue, and because of their love for the children of Illuvatar, they took shape and form after that manner, which they had beheld in the vision, some male and some female, for that difference of temper they had even from their beginning, though they may also walk unseen if desired ……. Then Melkor seeing that the Valar and their allies dwelt in Arda as powers visible, in glorious splendor, his envy grew the greater, and he also took visible form, but because of his mood and malice, that form was dark and terrible, as a mountain that wades in the sea, its head above the clouds, clad in ice and crowned with smoke and fire …… The light of Melkor's eyes was as a flame that withers with heat and pierces with a deadly cold ………. The lords of the Valar are seven, Manwe, Ulmo, Aule, Orome, Mandos, Lorien, and Tulkas ….the queens of the Valar also are seven, Varda, Yavanna, Nienna, Este, Vaire, Vana, and Nessa, Melkor is no longer counted as one of the Valar ………. Manwe was King of the Valar, sapphire blue was his raiment, his delight is in the winds and clouds, and in all the regions of the air, the eagles are his messengers, and come and go at his bidding …… With Manwe dwells Varda, Lady of the Stars, Queen of the Valar, in light is her power & her joy ….. Ulmo is the Lord of the Waters, he dwells alone and seldom stays in one place for long, but moves as he will through all the deep waters of Arda, as a mounting wave that strides to the land, with dark helm foam crested, and raiment of of mail shimmering from silver down into shadows of green, his voice is deep, as the deeps of the ocean …….. Aule's delight is in the substances of which Arda is made, he is a smith and master of all crafts, and he dilights in works of skill …….. The spouse of Aule is Yavanna, The Giver of Fruits, robed in green, she loves all things that grow in the earth ….. Mandos is the Keeper of the Houses of the Dead, he is a summoner of the spirits of the slain, he forgets nothing and knows all things that shall be, he is the Doomsman of the Valar, but only pronounces his dooms and judgements at the bidding of Manwe ……. Vaire the Weaver is his spouse, she weaves all things that have ever been in time, into her storied webs and the ever widening halls of Mandos are clothed with them ……… Lorien is the Master of Visions and Dreams …… Este the gentle, Healer of Hurts and of Weariness is his spouse, grey is her raiment and rest is her gift ……. Nienna dwells alone, she is acquainted with grief, and mourns all the wounds and hurts Arda suffers from the evil works of Melkor, those who hearken to her learn pity and endurance in hope, she brings strength to the spirit and turns sorrow to wisdom …….. Greatest in strength and deeds of prowess is Tulkas, he came later to Arda, to aid them in their strife against Melkor, he delights in wrestling and contests of strength, he can out run all things that go on feet and he is tireless, his weapons are his hands …… Nessa is his spouse, the Fleet Footed, deer she loves and they follow her, whenever she goes abroad, in dancing she delights …… Orome the Hunter, though less strong than Tulkas, he is more dreadful in anger, he is a hunter of monsters and the fell beasts of Melkor, and often left Valinor, the land of the Valar, to return to MiddleEarth in search of them, he is a lover of horses and hounds and all trees ……. Vana the Ever Young is his spouse, all flowers spring as she passes and open if she glances upon them, and all birds sing at her coming ……… These are the Valar, the Powers of Arda, Valinor the Undieing Lands, was their realm, where they built their city named Valmar, and lived in their great halls and gardens …….
Map of Valinor, The Undieing Lands & MiddleEarth
Map of Beleriand & the East of MiddleEarth before the War of the Silmarils
Map of Beleriand
Map of MiddleEarth after the War of the Silmarils
Map of Numenore
Well, I think that's enough for now, next time I hope to invite some of my friends, who may have more interesting stories to tell …… Till then, may the light of the Valar shine upon you …….
November 16, 2017 at 3:22 pm #162666AnonymousHi Findulas *hugs* Welcome to Forum and THANK YOU for the illuminating history of a world so magical. I was read the Hobbit as a bedtime story and later read the Trilogy of the Rings but nothing more than that. Of course I have seen all the movies…. but I still prefer the magic of the WORD and IMAGINATION.
You have obviously read much more than I and I appreciate you sharing.
[img][/img]Of course Legolas was always my FAV…..
surprise, surpriseohh, if I am stepping on your thread and you would prefer I don't….. please excuse my infraction and you can delete this post, I will understand and will not be offended. Kait
November 16, 2017 at 9:09 pm #162667[img][/img]
Hello Kaitlyn, tyvm for your response, yes I'm a big JRR Tolkien fan, & no you're not stepping on anything, as all responses are welcome & appreciated …. May I suggest you consider reading The Silmarillion, written by his son Christopher Tolkien …… The Hobbit & the Lord of the Rings, all took place during the 3rd age of MiddleEarth, The Silmarillion is a history of the 1st & 2nd ages of MiddleEarth, & better explains some of the people & places that are referenced in the Hobbit & the Lord of the Rings, I think you'd enjoy reading it …… Oh & yes, I like Legolas too, I think he's very cute ……
November 17, 2017 at 2:45 am #162668Hello there, Findulas.
Welcome to the forum and achat!
I too was a big fan of Tolkien some time ago, now, I still like it a lot, but I am no longer a fan of anyworld, or better to say I am a fan of all worlds.A bit of correction about the Silmarillion… it was not writen by his son, it was writen by J.R.R Tolkien himself, but he never finished working on it. Christopher took JRR work and compiled it into a more or less coherent book.
It's not an easy reading. The Hobbit and The Rings trilogy are as they were intended by JRR.
The Silmarillion is the best his soon could make with the notes and scratchs of the stories JRR was working on.BTW, my fav character is Eowyn… she confronted the Nazgûl lord alone!
Well, that's all.
Hope you don't mind me stepping into your topic.Hugs
November 17, 2017 at 7:46 am #162669Hello Eidamir, yes you're correct, the Silmarillion was originally created by JRR Tolkien, & his son Christopher took the notes, etc …… & compiled them into the book called The Silmarillion …… tyvm for that correction …… Once again, no I don't mind any comments that people choose to make, as my original purpose was to solicite comments, & all are welcome …… I too like Eowyn, as she was a brave shieldmaiden of the Rohirrim, & yes she confronted the dreaded Lord of the Nazgul, whom it was prophesized could not be killed by a man …… she did however have a small helper, in Meriadoc the Hobbit, who stabbed the Nazgul Lord from behind in the sinew behind his knee, causing him to falter & the blow from his mace to miss Eowyn & hit the ground allowing Eowyn the chance to stab the Nazgul Lord & vanquish him ……..
November 17, 2017 at 9:28 am #162670[img]http://[/img]
November 17, 2017 at 10:59 am #162671Loved your story Findulas!
Sounds good from here!November 18, 2017 at 9:18 am #162672Tyvm Venus for your response, I hope to post more stories & pics soon ….
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