The forums › Shemales and their lovers in AChat › More poses for us She Males.
- This topic has 675 replies, 132 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 2 months ago by Vaughan.
August 27, 2015 at 6:32 pm #147070
So, another Giant Cock pose *Laughs*
Big and inflated. Like some Egos on hereAnd in your face!
The ACHAT team must be making loads of money if they keep on doing poses like this.
Seriously though for a while. Yes we want more and I do understand that we have to be patient. But, can the ACHAT team at least give us some clue as when some FF, SS, MM and FS poses are going to be released.
(YES LOVER I totally over-reacted). Thanks to all the people that sent me a message. It was very nice and kind of you. :-*
I cannot explain Why. Sorry! It's sort of personal.
August 27, 2015 at 9:19 pm #147071AnonymousPersonally, I don't see the point of the giant cock poses, but maybe I'm just weird.
[img][/img]August 28, 2015 at 1:18 am #147072
its a financial thing achat gets a greater return for effort with MF poses than any other orientation
im sure if you offered to pay 10x the mf price for your poses they look at it harder
no one in mf world is denying you poses the market for them is small thats allSkyhooks – Ego Is Not A Dirty Word
August 28, 2015 at 3:30 am #147073That's the reason why i stopped to fight for poses and left
Dev team wasn't listening 2 years ago and they will not listen either today
August 28, 2015 at 6:02 am #147074AnonymousHate to admit it, but Woody is right.
But, as has been said before, everyone does pay the same for their subscription, regardless of orientation.
[img][/img]August 28, 2015 at 3:22 pm #147075Sure, Woody is right. And it's also just fair, to give more poses for all other genders. But they have to show they exist!
August 28, 2015 at 4:01 pm #147076Great, So what everyone is saying is that we are wasting our time asking for them.?
Yes / No, Perhaps………
I know the MF orientation is going to make the biggest return, I knew that right at the start of me complaining about it. But, without the other orientations would they make less money or more ? Who knows But the ACHAT team.
As for the Inflated Cocks/Egos. All I can say is LOL !!!!! Nothing more.
But other orientations do exist massively, and I have been messaging people in ACHAT about the appeal. People don't like coming on here for reasons unknown and known to me
. But, this is the only way they can show that they do. So…….. What else can we do ?
Quit. Go to other Games. What ?
August 28, 2015 at 4:07 pm #147077No, asking for something never is wasting time. I believe (but it's just believing, not knowing) that they are still working on another extra update and just add poses, which are easy to do. In all the last poses, they just had to add a bigger cock.
I'm asking myself, why they can't simple convert existing MF poses to MM/FF/SS poses. I don't have an idea to be honest. Maybe they need a placeholder – which could be a reason for all the dildo-poses in FF.August 28, 2015 at 8:23 pm #147078I just want to say that its very unfair all this lack of poses for sex genders
I know Achat is slow in this and other things … But I want to say to try to enjoy what we have here now
Achat is a nice game nice poses what little we have we can enjoy and not let it bother us far as I know
we have some pose that are amazing we have poker now that we like as is and we have met some wonderful amazing people we met here we have the forum and all the members are nice we dont all see eye to eye on things but we all are trying to give our ideas and improv the game
in addition we have the square to meet to and as time is going by its ok ,,, Patience is hard for me but I have learned this hereDont lose hope it will take time but we can only have this and I am sure Achat sees this
I only think that it
when they do one pose it should be same pose for all its MembersAugust 29, 2015 at 12:23 pm #147079Great, So what everyone is saying is that we are wasting our time asking for them.?
Yes / No, Perhaps………
I know the MF orientation is going to make the biggest return, I knew that right at the start of me complaining about it. But, without the other orientations would they make less money or more ? Who knows But the ACHAT team.
As for the Inflated Cocks/Egos. All I can say is LOL !!!!! Nothing more.
But other orientations do exist massively, and I have been messaging people in ACHAT about the appeal. People don't like coming on here for reasons unknown and known to me
. But, this is the only way they can show that they do. So…….. What else can we do ?
Quit. Go to other Games. What ?
What we have to remember here Zuzannah is what AChat sales are based on. What the mf poses sales are based on is access to us women and shemales. Without us here AChat won't sell a single pose. It is us women and shemales that is the commodity that AChat makes its money on. That gives us both power and the right to demand equality.
At this time I would be happy for a statement of intent from them as to when they aim to put new poses for us in.
If however AChat are just going to keep slapping us in the face then we have two choices, take matters into our own hands or leave. How can we take matters into our own hands? Simple bisex girls and Shemales outnumber hetero girls about three to two here. We simply do what Lysistrata did and go on strike. Stop having sex with men full stop on the site and let them fight over the much reduced number of willing women. Achat will soon take notice when the males start complaining about it suddenly being twice as hard to get laid.
It is unfortunate that men will suffer as its not their fault but it is obvious that if we do nothing then AChat will reciprocate. You want it you are going to have to go fight for it because AChat are just going to sit there complacently and do nothing otherwise. (for those curious
August 29, 2015 at 4:05 pm #147080I concur completely with Spike and Zuzannah that Achat needs to start paying heed a lot more to where they truly get their money from. As paying males, and hetro females only make up a portion of it the rest belongs in the hands of those that have every right, and reason to expect, and demand better from them if they fail to deliver anything substantial in the way of improvements.
Which is what we're looking at more, and more as the weeks pass by. Giant cock poses are not necessary at all they're more of an optional thing for those that like them. However priority level of them compared to other issues is lower and the time would have been better spent on making the other paying customers of theirs happier with more poses for those that have been asking for more equal representation.
We're not asking for a lot just to have some more poses for us and consideration for future ones then are getting right now. As if shemales and those that support us, and bisex girls decide they've had enough of this one sided mf show they're doing than there goes a very large, and significant portion of their player base, and money base. As a game maker you have to appeal to as many of your paying customers as possible true, but you don't only pay heed to one group. As will just make more, and more look elsewhere, and vote with their with money that way.
And so I fully support the idea of going on strike. It is time to stand up and be heard. As if you just keep going along to get along or sitting by silent on the forums than nothing is going to change and more people will trickle out of the gate as it were to find something else to do that get tired of things as is.
August 30, 2015 at 4:35 am #147081The other day i roomed with RoB to check the hetero poses and as i was searching for the famous “giant cock” poses i discovered that there is no poses marked “giant” in the list . So i suppose that men have an option “giant” to turn on in their customisation screen who change the size of their penis in the “giant” poses .
If it's the case , i'm not sure that devs will receive more money from men when they throw a MF pose than with lesbian/shemales when they give us one . So why do they continue to give more “giant” poses than LGBT ones ?
August 30, 2015 at 8:31 am #147082AnonymousThe whole giant cock thing I personally see as pretty pointless, especially when you look at how much they cost. Maybe it's because I've never suffered from “cock envy”. I am who I am and I don't care how I compare in size to other men. The effort that went into these poses should have been better spent expanding the poses available to the LGBT community.
For those who don't know me, I'm a hetero man (you probably guessed
) and I have been supporting Zuzannah's campaign since the day I joined the forum. The passion she and others have around this subject is obvious and I will continue to give my support.
I can understand why you would consider a strike to get your voice heard. It may work but I would like to offer a word or two of caution. Firstly, remember only a small number of players actually use the forum, so many will be unaware of this issue. Secondly, as someone who has suffered the affects of RL strikes, they often have the reverse affect, alienating people, even from a just cause because of the negative impact it has on their lives. A strike should not be entered into lightly, you leave yourselves open to the risk of abuse and being seen as the “enemy”.
Whatever, the LGBT community chose to do, I promise that I will continue to support a good, just cause calling for equal treatment for all orientations within the game.
[img][/img]August 30, 2015 at 10:32 am #147083Rukya. I have no idea why they continue to create Giant cock poses either. Only the ACHAT team know and they aren't going to say why, are they.
Lover does have a theory (a good one actually, I think) that the ACHAT team is doing these poses because they are easy so, they can concentrate on a BIG update. But, until that happens, we don't know do we ? This is looking on the Bright Side I know and for all we know this is it, and Giant Cock poses are going to be a regular occurrence without any update.
So as Spike has said before a statement of intent is needed from them.
Will we get one though before everyone involved gets fed up and goes elsewhere.
August 30, 2015 at 7:18 pm #147084All that has been said here has the ring of truth to it. Apparently achat feels that releasing SOMETHING each week is better than NOTHING so why take heed to what it's members actually want? I have said before the users who mainly use the MF poses have a plethora of poses to occupy themselves with while newer better LGBT poses are developed and worked on. As far as some sort of mysterious “BIG” update, there was just a huge one done that shut down achat servers for a whole day. To me this “BIG” update can wait. Or how about this, Achat has been making $$ so why not hire MORE developers and have one team devoted to the development and release of LGBT poses and the other working on this new update and other things like clothes etc? Wouldn't that solve the issue? I feel that if Achat wasn't going to put the equal amount of effort it puts into MF / HETERO poses /interactions that it would put into FF / SS / SF poses /interactions then why make a 3rd gender in the first place? The fact is, this 3rd gender was implemented to give ALL of those players who wish to, the freedom to be what they wanted to be. So they should have the freedom to play with their partners and playmates with just as many poses and options as others who want to play with Males or Females in hetero sex situations. Anywho, that's my 2 cents. I completely support Spike on her strike idea. Perhaps it would spur hordes of horny men to flood the forum and voice their requests for achat to give us what we want so they can go back to being satisfied LOL.
Dee -
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The forums › Shemales and their lovers in AChat › More poses for us She Males.