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    I Choose YOU ~ Sara Bareilles


    I'll unfold before YOU…
    What i've strung together
    The very first words
    Of a lifelong Love letter


    Pearl Jam—  Just Breathe

    An intensely personal song,  I first heard,… well maybe not but … better described, the first time I truly listened to the lyrics, while sitting bedside in hospice vigilance of a friend who literally passed in my arms a few hours later.

    It reminds me with the epidemic, unrest, dodging asteroids…well we shouldn't need all that  to compel us to embrace each moment with those you love.

    Yes, I understand that every life must end, uh-huh
    As we sit alone, I know someday we must go, uh-huh
    Oh I'm a lucky man, to count on both hands the ones I love
    Some folks just have one, yeah, others, they've got none

    Stay with me…
    Let's just breathe…

    Practiced on my sins, never gonna let me win, uh-huh
    Under everything, just another human being, uh-huh
    I don't wanna hurt, there's so much in this world to make me bleed

    Stay with me
    You're all I see…

    Did I say that I need you?
    Did I say that I want you?
    Oh, if I didn't I'm a fool you see
    No one knows this more than me

    As I come clean…
    I wonder everyday, as I look upon your face, uh-huh
    Everything you gave
    And nothing you would take, oh no

    Nothing you would take
    Everything you gave…

    Did I say that I need you?
    Oh, did I say that I want you?
    Oh, if I didn't I'm a fool you see
    No one knows this more than me
    As I come clean, ah…

    Nothing you would take
    Everything you gave
    Hold me 'til I die
    Meet you on the other side…


                              Needs no explanation really, it speaks for itself.



                                                        Pink Floyd
                                              On The Turning Away


    David Bowie  ~  Heroes


    Not just the song…. but DAVID that touches me. Thinking of him, missing his spirit, his music on this day… when he left us 5 years ago. WE are all HEROES to someone.


    Hall and Oats ~~  Kiss On My List


    This is just beautifully done.
    I've never been one to watch music videos, preferring to just hear the music.
    But this video fits the song so well.
    It's rare for me to cry, but this brings a few tears each time I hear it.

                                   So We Won't Forget




         This always moves me, the feel of it
        but more importantly the images it creates



                          Eivør          Remember Me




                                    First Love Never Die




    Fiona Apple  Slow like Honey

    [img width=500][/img]

    NO “vidjo” here to see… close your eyes and listen


    Sara Bareilles  –  She Used To Be Mine




                            Sara Niemietz & W.G “Snuffy” Walden
                                                            In My Life




    The new song from Serj Tankian (some of you may know him from “System Of A Down”).
    Even though I've only listened to it 3 times so far it already resonates with meaning.

                                          Serj Tankian



    Papapapapapapa where are you going bebebe, what are you saying Dadadadadadada

    You blew you blew me baby out of the water bebe out of the water Bebe Dadadadadada

    I won’t be betrayed by you,
    I won’t lie awake for today,
    Right away,
    I don’t need to pray to you
    I don’t want to sacrifice my day, not this way.

    Muppetmamuppetmuppet where are you going bebe , what are you saying Dadadadadadada

    You blew you blew me baby out of the water bebe out of the water Bebe Dadadadadada

    I won’t be afraid of you,
    I won’t lie and beg for today,
    Right away,
    No more fun and games for you,
    I don’t need to sacrifice my day, not this way.

    Far and away, where the sorcerers have seen the lore,
    Turning night into day,
    With a fresh ratatouille of blood and gore,
    Never will we tread on the weak and the frail,
    Never will we switch the head for the tail,
    Never will we drink the milk from her pail,
    Never will we utter the word, Before.

    Don’t you know revenge is upon the day,
    Lovers have no remorse dancing right through the rains,

    We must all kiss goodnight before they return again,
    Bright esoteric lights for all of us but the vain,
    No more searching for God when we are looking for the grains,
    Rectifying the cross for the loss of the slain,
    Now wipe the cane,

    Far and away, where the sorcerers have seen the lore,
    Turning night into day,
    With a fresh ratatouille of blood and gore,
    Never will we tread on the weak and the frail,
    Never will we switch the head for the tail,
    Never will we drink the milk from her pail,
    Never will we utter the word, Before.

    Don’t you know revenge is upon the day,
    Lovers have no remorse dancing right through the rains,
    We must all kiss goodnight before they return again,
    Rectifying the cross for the loss of the slain,
    Now wipe the cane.


    A few years ago I had prearranged with the band to sing the lead vocal on a song played for the Father/daughter dance.

    Nothing unusual as to the song it's been used at weddings by millions…but I wanted to sing it…and make the moment personal.

    She still blames me for ruining her makeup that day.

    This weekend I walked into the family room and saw my two year old granddaughter swirling and twirling in dance to whatever song was going through her head.

    I walked by patted her on the head and commented “Preparing for the ball monkey?”

    she looked up and raised her arms…said “Dance papa please.”

    So I gathered her into my arms , she wrpped aher little hand over my finger and we danced. We needed a song so I started to sing as we whirled about the room.

    A couple stanzs in I caught a glimpse of her mother standing in awe with tears on her face at the kitchen doorway, It suddenly dawned on me,…the song,..the moment and how life had  blossomed into perfection.

    The song….

    Steven Curtis chapman's


    This song I carry in my heart and mind for ever!

    The Internationale-Pete Seeger

    Music by: Pierre Degeyter, 1889;
    Written by: Eugène Pottier, Paris, June 1871;
    Eugène Pottier, was a refugee from the Paris Commune, who wrote the poem while in hiding in the aftermath of the massacre of the Communards. Pottier’s poem was only set to music in 1889, two years after his death, and published in 1894, and was virtually unknown until then, so it is very unlikely that he wrote an English version. He only lived briefly in England, spending most of his post-Commune exile in New York, Philadelphia, and Newark. He did a lot of work for the various socialist parties of the time in America, all of it in French and ran a French-language school.

    The International
    Arise ye workers from your slumbers
    Arise ye prisoners of want
    For reason in revolt now thunders
    And at last ends the age of cant.
    Away with all your superstitions
    Servile masses arise, arise
    We’ll change henceforth the old tradition
    And spurn the dust to win the prize.

    So comrades, come rally
    And the last fight let us face
    The Internationale unites the human race.

    No more deluded by reaction
    On tyrants only we’ll make war
    The soldiers too will take strike action
    They’ll break ranks and fight no more
    And if those cannibals keep trying
    To sacrifice us to their pride
    They soon shall hear the bullets flying
    We’ll shoot the generals on our own side.

    No saviour from on high delivers
    No faith have we in prince or peer
    Our own right hand the chains must shiver
    Chains of hatred, greed and fear
    E’er the thieves will out with their booty
    And give to all a happier lot.
    Each at the forge must do their duty
    And we’ll strike while the iron is hot.

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