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New Achat – Achat 2

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The forums Forum News New Achat – Achat 2

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  • #7533


      I was surprised to find a new Achat presentation !!

      So the first impression is… very disappointed…

      1. The window size is visibly different, not adjustable, and on my screen, praticly same wide screen : i never played with wide screen, and this window size doesn't suit to me. For another people, the window is so small, that he conét play, only with wide screen, and he don't want it (like me !). So why the window size can't be adjust ??
      If this point stays like that, not sure to come again on Achat…

      2. The change of style, is not really nice… What is better than before ? i wonder me…

      I hope some changes will come enough quickly…



        I agree with you  on the  small screen  hope they  can change this back


          Hello putedocile,
          we already have 2 existing threads.
          And one about collecting ideas to change back to the old system:

          Adult Game AChat > Discussions about AChat > Share your creative ideas  > Changes in AChat 2.0

          One to talk about the update and changes:
          Adult Game AChat > Announcements > Upgrades and newly added features  > AChat publishs big update

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        The forums Forum News New Achat – Achat 2