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New experiences for AChat

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    I agree with most of the ideas already submitted.

    I was thinking myself about something that may not be easy to implement but would put the game to a whole new level.

    What if you could control the whole position and actions for every part of your body….

    For example, instead of choosing a predefined position/movement, you could say :
    -my  right index is pinching gently her left nipple
    -my left hand  midlfinger is fingering her ass and my left hand index is fingering her pussy
    -my tongue and lips are sucking and licking her clitoris
    So it would give you the possibility to do multiple things with all your arms, fingers, hands, mouths, dick,……

    In the same spirit, you could choose the positionniong of people… like with some cursors or keyboard input you could rotate them, tell them to move up or down,…..

    This way, instead of having predefined position, you could let your imagination go wild and do whatever you could think of….
    Everyt time you virtually f… a new person, you would experience new position, new movement,….

    And maybe with some statistics or something like that, the developpers could see what are the main actions done and learn to add them in the predefined actions….

    I understand that is probably a LOT of work for developpers but if you can make it happen, you 're the best!


    The whole chat interface needs redesigning to enable better interaction amongst players with…
    .. certain copy and paste ( as opposed to will it/won't it work)
    .. ability to edit messages
    .. timestamps on log
    .. repeating text
    .. language translation
    .. voice perhaps
    .. separate window

    Completely agree! If you hadn't already said it, I would have.
    Be able to save chat logs…. Each time I logged in, not been able to see what I said and with who I say it is a bit of a pain


    Hi patosh, thanks for your ideas

    About saving chatlogs, you can do this! You have to enable this in settings, then every chat is saved on your computer. You find it if you open your AChat folder and look for chatlog.txt

    Your idea about controlling the avis is fantastic. I don't think it's possible now, but maybe they can add single actions which are rather close to your idea. And step by step giving us more flexibility and freedom in actions


    Hi patosh, thanks for your ideas

    About saving chatlogs, you can do this! You have to enable this in settings, then every chat is saved on your computer. You find it if you open your AChat folder and look for chatlog.txt

    Your idea about controlling the avis is fantastic. I don't think it's possible now, but maybe they can add single actions which are rather close to your idea. And step by step giving us more flexibility and freedom in actions

    Hi Lover,
    Thank you for the info on how to save the logs.
    For my ideas, I'm sure it's feasible but only on the long run. It's something that takes a lot of time to develop so I completely agree and understand your point.


    You're right. Many things will be possible on a long run. Some things have been improved already, sometimes not as quick as we wanted, but isn't it always a “want” and a “give” lol


    Hi, some other ideas I'd like to share :
    * possibilty to use keyboard key or mouse to move the character around (like MMORPG style) and also assign some actions to some key (find it more easy for me than looking through the poses/actions menu….
      Example1 :
      I'm licking her, we can imagine that I could control the movement of my hands with directionnal keys, and the movement of my tongue with mouse movement,….
      I'm fingering her, same things….
    * Voice chat (skype, mumble,…) this way you gain both on freeing your hands (that's always useful  ) and hearing the sweet voice of your partner.
      But this should be internal of Achat, to avoid sharing  yoru own personnal voice chat account (whatever platform you may use) for privacy matters.
      This should be an option to let players decide if the want to use it or not.
    * As virtual reality goggles are appearing, adding the possibility to use them to play the game in 1rst person view.
      You could virtually be there. It would bring the reality of the game to a whole new level…
      Of course that means buying the goggles, that are quite expensive for the moment…
      So maybe not know, maybe wait that the prices of those get cheaper…
    * Add some room like shower / sauna/ swimming pool
      In shower, actions like soaping her, using the water jet on her clit or breast,….
    In Sauna, assing more steam or not, by default would be wearing towel, and could decide to drop them or not,…
      In swimming pool, y default woul be wearing swimming suit (or bikini for ladies, or topless or nothing as they prefer…should have the option)
        add the actions like swim together, hold her in your arms,….
      or outdoor like at the beach, at the park, in the subway,iin a car… if some has some exhibitionnits fantasies…
    * Add some options like tantric massage, nuru massage, ….
    * more hair style, possibility to have curly, straight, …. possibility to have long, medium-long, short,… possibility for the woman to use her long hair to caress your torso or anywhere else ,…Can do many things with hair….Smell them, caress them,….


    Just one last one…
    In the search, it's already possible to add offline people.
    Would it be possible to filter out/in busy people as well?
    I don't know if it makes sense and if other player agree, but currently in your search you may found 50 to 70% of busy people… So if you are new and trying to make new friends, would be nice to have the possibility to see people 'available' to chat (mean not already in a room or who have not set busy settings)
    I think it's feasible without being too hard to do…


    Good idea


    I agree completely with TG_Chaser. I would love to see a way that someone or several people to join and just watch in a room.  It could be a new “group” invite, were 4-5 invites can be made but the most is 3 that can interact together.


    We want your ideas for brand new experiences for AChat. Think out of the box and post what you would like to have. This thread is just for collecting ideas, like a positive brainstorming. Please dont post negavtive comments here.

    Ideas can be silly, crazy, very thoughtful… as long as they improve game. Many great men are born bc least two people had a silly idea

    Think about combining rooms, poses, actions, clothes, interieur, backgrounds, accessories

    – You want to be able to strip in room? What kind of room would be perfect? Which clothes have to be taken off in which sequence? Could it even be an own pose with own actions?

    – You want a shower after sex (or prefer to shower before lol)? What's necessary to do it? What do you need to shower beside the shower… foam, sponge, brushes…

    – What if there are automatically running poses or actions? You choose “romantic foreplay” and poses/actions start for a given time… you choose “wild sex” and get different poses/actions or you choose a few actions (eg 4 in a row) and they change after some time

    – Weve got the speed slider and the excitement bar. What else could be useful? Also think about sounds (moaning, screaming, gasping, kiss-sounds….) or text boxes.

    – What about different lights? Dimming, candles, just a small lamp in the corner…

    – What if we could change colours in room? The room in general, but also walls, ceiling, floor…

    These are just a few examples. In the beginning, dont ask if its possible. Just post your ideas and wishes. Also dont comment negative to added ideas (“I dont like that” “This isnt possible”)… there will be enough time later to look whats possible and what we will get.

    Lets have a think tank here. Even just one or two buzz phrases are ok. We are a great team and will work it out together

    I know, together we have many funny and amazing ideas. If you think “my idea isnt the best one”. Forget it. Its possible YOUR idea is THE BEST!

    Everyone of us has a big wish, a dream about AChat… which is yours?


    Really would like to hear some different climax sounds. Also, more slow motion or stop movement options–like if you were stopping movement in the middle of sex to hold an orgasm off…
    more groaning sounds.
    See who is trying to contact you in real time while you are in the room with another person 



    I'm sorry if it was already sayed, but it would be great it there was a better open world, bigger, and otherthings to do. Otherwise, it would be really really great if all pose can be switch in SF and SM play. Waiting for a long time that a shemale can spank a female… And it can be great if we can move into private rooms…


      Why not  have  T-Boy avatars. (Boys with a vagina)?


    I think that the most important thing in the first place is to make normal cum. Not cliping or disapearing. Something acceptable. At least like in SexWilla.


    How about a Gangbang room or poses for gangbangs? like 3 male 1 female?

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