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Game Upgrade. New figure for women

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The forums Upgrades and newly added features Game Upgrade. New figure for women

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      There already is a discussion topic about it.
      Here we just want to see, how many like and dislike the new body style.


        How to gain 30 pounds and two shoe sizes in one update.

        Some of you may have already noticed that there has been a new update for the female body model (figure).
        Well, the “petite” body figure was remodeled.
        It got a higher resolution, which is very good and seemingly is customer of the month at McDonalds, which is probably not to everyone’s taste.

        I made some comparison images for everyone to see the differences. (Old busty in contrast with new petite)

        Where is that pointy ass pointing? and why?
        And why don’t I fit into my old shoes?

        1st old busty / 2nd new petite

        Fatty Mc Fattass from behind

        But not just the broader hips are new.. someone also mixed Popeyes DNA in the mix

        Why does it look like a 60yr old prostitute?

        Hands are apparently forks now.

        1st old / 2nd new


        A Hunchback? really? someone is really into old ladies here.

        1st old busty / 2nd new petite

        Now.. this is the model for the PETITE girl now in comparison with the busty old one.
        I wonder how the next update for the busty Avi will look like. :'(

        And I really, really hope that there was a bug with the update, Because it would be too bad if we couldn’t choose between the old models and new ones. And no alter the boob and hips size independently anymore.


          Practise makes perfect I am sure they will get it,
          no one is perfect on their 1st try

          for me personally looks nice but they still need more work on it
          bigger breast and hips the tits are still to small for my liking
          I want mine to be full  ,,

          this are so small  ..I can still  hope

          Like this 
          but with a little more ass.



            Actually I like new model more than previous. It's more life-like, not that idealized doll we used to have before :)


              Belated April Fool's joke from the developers of the game  ;D
              Yes, the new model is clearly not the standard of modern sexual attraction. It looks like we are approaching ever closer to the realistic graphics in the game.


                  What the hell is going on  ?   

                  I liked my figure the way it was.  Small bust and the wider hips.  I look like a bloody Female weight lifter.

                  Change it back for Christ Sake.  Or give the option too.

                  What a load of bloody rubbish. 

                  Oh and another thing my cock is a different shade on the Weight Lifter body shape. (The left one)  My skin is darkish but my cock isn't.

                  CHANGE IT BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I've noticed something else too.  When in Customize yourself using the right mouse button and then moving up and down changes your height.  What  the hell.


                  I don't think that it looks more realistic or life-like. I mean look at those hands.. Who in the world has such fingers? And what's with that hunchback?

                  I mean sure, the models we had so far were pretty much super-model figures. And that the majority of women and men don't look like super models out of the question. But be honest, no one is playing here because this is a “realistic” game, but because it is hot. And even if you think that it is hollow, but I choose hot over realistic.. in a GAME that is supposed to make people *xxxx*.

                  It's of course no news to anyone, that “Sex sells!”
                  And there is a reason why the sexy bikini girls in the beer commercials don't look mediocre. ;-)


                    I do understand all your arguments. And I also don' understand, why you can't choose which style you want to have (or can you change back?). Though I also know, many have asked for this and it's just the beginning. Give them time, they still might be working on it and from past we know, they changed things again if nobody didn't want it.

                    Elena, thanks for all the before-after pics :)


                      You are welcome Lover, and I would totally appreciate that model / figure as a third option. I am sure that there are some people who like that new figure and I am all for having it as an option.

                      But they have exchanged the petite body figure for the new one. And this new figure is anything BUT petite.
                      I mean the breast size is even bigger than the one of the busty model. Just the cup size is a tiny bit smaller.


                          You can't even change hip size anymore.

                          I cannot believe they've changed it.  Or why they have.

                          It didn't need fixing.  If they wanted another option why can't they add it as another option ? And leave the other options available.

                          I paid all year and this has happened.  I just hope they see reason and change it.



                          I think it’s the April Fool from AChat because it’s really horrible


                            NO because:

                            – It's FAT, changes the young-looking girls into chicken-legged, wide-waisted women
                            – There is no option now for girls to have a young and slim figure without giant boobs after this change has been forced on everybody
                            – Most clothes look bad on it as they fit the previous slim-wiasted model
                            – The head is too small in comparision to this body shapes
                            – Have I mentioned chicken-legs? Well I do again
                            – It screwed up not only clothes looks but animations, even on the profile screen it's enough for the girl to put her hands on her hips (not mentioning moving her arms!) for her arms to bend in the elbows like made of some flattening rubber or not fully inflated balloons!
                            – Some hairstyles “sink” into fat back of the girl sporting this bodyshape when she tries and moves
                            – Gloves look ridiculous on it – even those! Arms are flattened in their middle-lengths
                            – Wherever I see it on somebody's profile screen (rarely, probably only the ones who didn't have time to notice it and change it), it looks bad
                            – There are no options of breast-size and butt-shape to choose now at all, only older-fat or pornstar bodyshape
                            – It would be good as an additional option for MILFS that want it, but is awful as a replacement of the only small-breasted body model

                            I think half of those reasons would be enough, this shows no respect to people paying for their accounts and stuff on here which suddenly started to look bad with no good reason, as if new body type couldn't be added along with leaving the older ones for users to choose. The big-breasted type still can have the normal shape and the other one had to disappear because of some ridiculous reason? It's like a kid got his hands at the driving wheel.


                              I WANT MY BODY BACK!!!!!!     


                                One word for it: Dislike!


                                  OMG! What the FUCK happened to me!?

                                  CHANGE IT BACK! CHANGE IT BACK! CHANGE IT BACK! CHANGE IT BACK!!

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                                The forums Upgrades and newly added features Game Upgrade. New figure for women