The forums › Upgrades and newly added features › New Forum is a Joke
- This topic has 108 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by Vaughan.
June 4, 2021 at 4:22 pm #170538
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June 11, 2021 at 8:21 am #170813What I miss are the little things
the mass of different colours and font sizes
posting a photo with a black background so it
blends in with the black background of the pageEffortless posting of second photos
If I made a space between lines of verse
it did not close them up when postedI Miss the very simple flexibility of the forum
which I took for granted
Like messagingThe number of views a thread had .. that always
had my interest
The ability to modify even after months
My little profile picture
The number of posts I had made … I recall once
one member commenting on another’s apparent
need to increase their tally .. so funny .. they soon
mount up the numbers .. and soon mean less
I MISS my banner not being automatic
I Miss the little words under my photo
which read flecti non frangi
which means bent not broken in Latin
The new forum is badly bent
emasculated even
Without warning
And without advice of when it might be fixed
to resemble the old forum in ease of use.
So much effort and passion gone
Just like that
I am not averse to change so long as it is good
I am prone to criticise those faults I see
and shout “what is the point?”
but know I shall be ignored which is why
I have left this mourning of the forum til now
since there is no indication that the forum
will be any better than the feeble state it is now
that I no longer want a part of it while
it remains in it’s current state
It was fun – even the fighting – while it lasted
I write in columns as long lines of text are
so hard on the eye … a foible of mine
I assume there is an ulterior motive to this
backward step .. the tyrant stops all dissention
with one swift movement.
And that’s that !June 13, 2021 at 11:04 am #170895I have had a reply from Achat in regard to the requests for a return of some of the forum facilities…
we had to switch to bbPress, which is the forum engine of WordPress. We can activate services only offered by bbPress, and only with limited capacity, as we are working on other improvements too.
Please have a little patience.
AChat supportJune 18, 2021 at 6:21 pm #171117Yes the old forum is missed by all
The perks we had with all the bells and whistles
are a major painful loss to us all
Some having been there from the start
having taken part in the creation of how it was
Others with private notes from loved ones
now gone and passed to other side of the veil.
The number of posts made is just a fast and sure
indicator of how much skin you had in the game.
They may not have posted what you wanted to see
and you may not have posted what they wished to see
but the effort was there and an individual choice.
The amount of time or how much space taken
is no one’s concern but the posters.
The forum was never meant to be a place
for others to take their shots at another’s tastes.
You enjoy this and I enjoy that.
I don’t bash you for your taste why bash me for mine?
It reminds me of those who carry lots of weight protesting those who call them fat
while not hesitating to tell someone they are too thin.
You moan and groan and make accusations
Believing your loss is greater than others
Thinking this was a creative manipulation
Another accusation with no proof
A twisted version of the truth
For how could someone who has posted hours and hours
of creativity benefit in any way?
You do not hesitate to ask “What is the point?”
So I ask you what is the point?
What is the point of telling others they are boring
When their posts were not posted to entertain you?
What is the point of taunting a member
for their choice of name or sexual persuasion or kink?
When none of it has/had anything to do with you?
What is the point of making assumptions and accusations
with no facts to back them up?
Then you take offense when they retaliate in defense.
The fact of the matter remains that you and yours
had many a complaint about the old Forum
And demanded it be updated.
We made no such demands.
We enjoyed the Forum as it was
and had concerns that the posts of past valued others
would be removed and disregarded as trash.
Yet now you point fingers at those
who’s opinions were opposed.
We were asked by elders and mods
to update the reviews of poses.
For him we undertook that project.
You could have done the same. Still could.
But instead you make assumptions and attacks.
Situation Normal. All Fucked Up.June 18, 2021 at 7:56 pm #171119Words are like leaves and where they most abound
Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely foundJune 18, 2021 at 9:37 pm #171122Quote from Soniaslut to me on January 27, 2021. Reply #163835
“What and where you post is of absolutely no interest to me.
If you’re happy with the forum remaining as it is that’s your opinion to have. My only interest has ever been trying to respond to the many comments made by very many people that I’ve encouraged to use the forum that it’s an out of date and cumbersome dinosaur and to attempt to do something to attract new participants.
Lots read…few post because of the jumbled nature of the place.”Requests to change the cumbersome dinosaur did not come from this camp.
June 22, 2021 at 6:20 pm #171356Yayyy look we have new forum things
Thank you Achat
<color=red> Still need colours and fonts though </color>
June 25, 2021 at 7:53 pm #171478Another strange happening.
Today I logged into forum and found a new heading “Topics” It looks something like “New replies /topics” in date order – newest first.
Then I lost it and I’ll be damned if I can find it again…It existed though, here’s the proof
I’m fed up of keep looking up the codes to insert pics and bolding up and being denied the other forum tools…
And why does this message keep coming up every time I post?
Surely enough time has passed for our forum to be to a reasonable and usable standard now !
July 16, 2021 at 7:27 am #172008For the topics thingy you have to be in a thread to see the link at the top of the screen. Click topics and there they are……….. Hopefully.
July 16, 2021 at 7:29 am #172009And talking of the problem posting a new post. All I get is a redirecting message at the bottom of the screen and it just stays there.
So, just press refresh on your browser. Everything is ok then.
July 16, 2021 at 7:11 pm #172014Thanks Zuz, yeah I get the redirect and I click again and get the green pop up.
It needs to be fixed now, come on Achat & please can we have PM back.
July 20, 2021 at 10:47 am #172043It has become quite clear that the problem of the old forum was solved in a simple and cynical way. That is to “redesign” it so that it is made unusable and instantly does away with all the old problems which were without apparent solution and taking up resources so that now, with the new forum barely used, achat can get on with their main business of making money.
It’s nothing new.
(Oh and don’t accuse me of cynicism please,
I am only saying how things appear .. I respect
those with faith in seeing the old forum powers
restored although I am of a more practical and
pragmatic view and speak my mind accordingly)August 11, 2021 at 1:44 am #172298Optimizing new Forum… Try it, and report bugs to support.
Are you done? Really is this it? it has been months. Is this all we are getting?
August 12, 2021 at 8:31 pm #172300Come on Achat, even your most faithful forum goers are getting fed up with this never ending wait..
We have been patient but its hard to get inspired to post when we have no tools, we have to look up codes and everything is bloody hard work. And please give us our PM back.
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Optimizing new Forum... Try it, and report bugs to support.
The forums › Upgrades and newly added features › New Forum is a Joke