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Room Ideas.

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      QUOTE “oh really Adera? 😛
      Oh yes, it gives me some really fun opportunities to tease and play. 😛
      It could of course be fun to harass a secretary some as well : :), but there hasn’t been a situation like that yet.

      Secretaries (and College Girls) as far as I remember, wear WHITE BUTTON-THRO BLOUSES and there are none in the current wardrobe!
      Yes, a blouse like that would be great, something that is more for college girls would be nice. But I have to say, the office outfit they made for us is very nice. 😛

      A fun room would be a changing room with an adjacent shower are and rest room with a bed. Then all of the poses requiring a bed could be in the rest room while the other pose could be in any of the locations… a “Change Location” button would be great then. Like that the room would full fill the needed requirements for a room.


        hmmm before make blouses , it need to choose from witch land . I mean Japan , Scotland , French etc… students have not all the same kind of uniforms.


          well, one from Japan must be done, so we can have a pair whit the girl school uniform. Then, i think the best one is a sort of college uniform


            yes , but maybe not everyone like Japan students uniforms

            🙂 . And to make a good japan one , the dresses need to dont be stuck on the skin .

            Exemple : the Lolita dresses that keiko did . They are nice , but looks little strange with the dress against the skin like this . i’m sure keiko would rather to do them on flexy skirts .


              Rukya, we have right now a girl japanize school uniform….i'm talking about one for da boyz!


                Still would like to see tiki bar >w that high enough bar stool, and there the bar it`s self

                and the shower room with all different levels shower heads with bench there and sound of water running off bodies wet hair look

                and candle lights option in rooms

                Artst loaft w big canvas and body paints

                maybe skip wood working shop some one could get a silver some how hehehehhehhee > don`t ask : 🙂


                  Ok, so Im gonna have a few ideas and this might get long. If these ideas have already been put out there, please forgive me. Am still newish to the achat world, and very new to the forum you just never know what your gonna repeat.

                  Ok So here goes the crazy mind of JemStar when she is bored or thank some very interesting RP sessions for this….

                  1: Cornfield – No so much the corn field but like in the middle of a crop circle The chair for the riding pose could be a lawn chair, the bed could look like sleeping bags. The couch would be like 2 coolers.. VERY Redneck, hillbilly.. But we do have some outfits that could role-play in to this well.

                  2: Classroom: The teachers desk, the student desk as the chair, up against the chalkboard… (Im sure this one has been said)

                  3: SHOWER!! Ok yes, this would actually open a new line of poses that would only work in this room. Big sexy dark shower.. On floor, under the shower head… Could have one with the other using the shower head instead of the dildo to get them off.. A lot of the current poses could be tweaked in to this.. The bed is the ONLY part that’s iffy, but the shower floor would basically be the non bed spot for this room.

                  4: An Island.. We have the Mediterranean Garden and the boat, so water is possible.. But why not on a beach ? I mean the idea of a beach to do it on and no sand up your butt crack.. HELLO!! Sounds like fun.

                  5: Medieval Chamber.. Someone posted the idea of like renisance clothes.. And let me tell you.. I would love me a freaking crown or tiara… Dungon would be great for those who like the cross type poses (again opens up to some new poses), but tweak the med. Room a bit, canopy bed… candles on the walls..

                  ok this is what I have so far.. But being Lover is such a brat and can be very distracting when he wants to be.. Im gonna post this and try and come up with more later.. (and Lover is the freaking spelling/grammer police on here.. someone get a paddle to his butt please)


                    More or less, this are all suggestion we had made eccept the cornfield, that i think it's an interessing one!

                    Aaaanyway, JemStar… suggestion for you is to take a look at theis discussion:

          ,2107.0.html for bathroom scene

          ,425.975.html for room in general, specially on page 65 for a summary of all we had talk concerning room idea.

                    About the shower, i don't think the Dev-team gonna release poses only for a certain room, it's not a good merchandaising idea, IMO.


                      As I mentioned in another thread, the shower/bathroom is possible with each pose we have. Instead of bed you can use a bath towel or a little carpet runner and for some poses the washing basin.
                      The cross and glory hole might look strange but this they do in all existing rooms 😉


                        As had stated Im sure some of these ideas were already suggested.. Thou might be good if a mod did a thread thats pinned a list all the room suggestions so people dont keep giving the same ones.

                        Glory hole would actually be cool if you could some how make it in the actual wall not puttig up a new wall. So like your standing in the shower and then it pops out of the wall lol

                        We could get easily demented and say make something like Its a Small World and the bed is the boat. If I keep going with more ideas I may be opening the box of house twisted my list of oooo I would do it there places is.. Not sure Lover could handle it 🙂


                          Wow… weeeeeee….

                          Small World is my favorite Disney World ride!!  I don't know what it is about it, but I just love it!! 

                          Come on… sing along… you all know the tune.

                          It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
                          It's a world of hopes, its a world of fear
                          Theres so much that we share
                          That its time we're aware
                          It's a small world after all

                          It's a small world after all
                          It's a small world after all
                          It's a small world after all
                          It's a small, small world

                          There is just one moon and one golden sun
                          And a smile means friendship to everyone.
                          Though the mountains divide
                          And the oceans are wide
                          It's a small small world

                          It's a small world after all
                          It's a small world after all
                          It's a small world after all
                          It's a small, small world.


                          I never thought about “hiding the salami” while on the ride, but it is an interesting idea.  JemStar… you're a vixen!


                            Lets paint the small world picture shal we

                            You are standing inside one of the boats with the couch which is like orange.. but kind like 1 of the rows of seats in the boats on the ride.

                            You dance in the boat while you see the cute lil audience you have that is not really gauking at you..


                              Man… with that tune running in the sounds of the room… little dolls twirling and bouncing before us…. my imagination is running amuck!  I can picture it.  The soft movement of the little boat.  Would need safety rails though… so one doesn't roll off.

                              Vixen JemStar… definitely a vixen.


                                Well safety rails could come in handy.. When taking someone from behind instead of the hands on the table, she could hold on the safety rail.


                                  sometime drunk sex is better.. so the option to buy a ferw drinks is cool. and to meet in new places like school, club, coffee shop .. different things to help the role play fantasy..

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