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Olympic Games 2012 – bet

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    Let's start a new funny bet

    The 2012 Summer Olympic Games, officially the Games of the XXX Olympiad, also known informally as London 2012 (for example on the official logo), are scheduled to take place in London, United Kingdom, from 27 July to 12 August 2012.[1]
    The 2012 Summer Olympic programme features 26 sports and a total of 39 disciplines:
    For further informations read this:
    (Also availabe in many different languages)

    The rules:
    – Every member bets for his own country
    – The bet is just for 7 competitions, which the member may choose and posts the team or the name
    – Winner is the member with most points

    How to register:
    – Post your name, your (own) country and the 7 competitions

    Like this:
    Lover, Germany
    – high jump women: Ariane Friedrich
    – Running, 4x400m men: Team Germany
    – Boxing, heavey weight…. NAME

    It has to be unique what you’re betting for.

    The points:

    For each medial your team/sportsman gets you get points:
    Gold = 5, Silver = 3, Bronze = 1

    Winner is the one with most points.

    The winner gives us our new banner for one week!


    uhhmmmm……no doubt someone will propose this bet, ut this game is really hard…i had to think about it a little


    Ok,  I'm in …   Brandybee –   Great Britain .. (  We dont compete as individual nations in the olympics )
                          1)  Diving – Tom Daly
                          2)  Cycling  Time trial  –  Bradley Wiggins
                          3)  Triple jump – Philip Udowa
                          4)   Cycling – roadrace – Mark Cavendish
                          5)   Cycling – track persuit – Chris Hoy
                          6)  400m Hurdles – Dai Greene
                           7)  Heptathlon – Jessica Ennis
    We do well in the rowing and sailing too but my knowledge of names is limited on that lol.
    (  I'll have to get back to you on the others   …   Like HB .. needs a bit of study and thought …   I'll edit in later.       )              

    Ok, edited.   Come on Team GB         And Good luck to the Great Britain football team of course.   


    (  I'll have to get back to you on the others   …   Like HB .. needs a bit of study and thought …   I'll edit in later.       )              

    That's not i had to study it….honestly, i think Olympic Games don't suit so much for a game like this, so probably i'll gonna call me out, this time


    I am not going to enter this one, with our little country (the netherlands) we never stand a chance to win, because of the little number of athletes we send.

    So no bet from me this time


    The point is this: in Olympic Games, every nation have strong and worst discipline. Of course, if i have to bet for Italy, i'll gonna choose the discipline i know we are good and this mean everyone can do the same.

    So, i'm thinking on a different way to make this bet, but honestly…..i can't find one i like. too many variables and frankly, i do not know what to choose to not benefit a team or another


    I'm in.. the Netherlands have plenty of chances in winning a medal. We are at the top of the world in some sports and disciplines. These are my entries:

    Tight, Holland
    1. Field hockey, women, Team Holland
    2. Windsuring (sailing, laser class), Dorian van Rijsselberghe
    3. Track, 4×100 mtr dash, Team Holland
    4. 4×100 mtr dash, swimming, women, Team Holland
    5. 100 mtr dash, swimming, women, Ranomi Kromowidjojo
    6. Cycling, stage trial women, Marianne Vos
    7. Gymnastics, horizontal bar, men, Epke Zonderland


    I think this one need to be moved in the contests section , its a little “competition too .


    You're right Rukya. I didn't move it because I thought it's more Off-topic. And if we don't get more gamblers until Friday I close it.


    I'm taking a look at old Olympics score……i can't make any promise on subcription, anyway!


    I lock the topic because there is not enough interest.

    May the games begin…

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