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OOC: ELVES JOURNEY – An interactive story

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    lol…….i will do it when it's ready……so, shut up and wait!  :


    Yeah …   you tell him my sweet  :-*


    Tango……! of course i'm kidding, guys…..i will never ask to shut up to a nice friend as Lover is!

    BTW……the wait will be short, cause i have the story ready, just need to re-read it and make some correction if needed, then before the weekend ends, it will be posted here!

    I ask again….it's possible to reset a poll and restart it!?


    'k….i find the answer my self….soon the first part, the prologue!

    Just need a little favour……would someone of our friendly english speaker try to write a good description of the two elves, please!? some short but who can identify them well!
    Take a look at what i had add under the pics of them!

    Whoever do it, will have my gratitude!   :-*


    I'll gladly do the descriptions & PM it to you this weekend.  Sorry, work has kept me busy lately but will get on it as soon as I can 


    And i'll thank you for your help till now! I own you a drink at the B&G!


    And here we go with the first part!

    The poll: Where are the two girls now!?

    • In the hold of a ship
    • In a cell of a slave market
    • [/list]

      I'm trying to figured out both the situation at great line, but now all depends on you, my friends! are they in a ship traveling on see or at an harbor ready to sail, or a are they in a market where they gonna be selled as slave!?

      Make your choise in the story thread and post yopur comment here!


    Ladies and gentlemen, i had seen votes coming….but don't forget to post comment! they are appreciated too!


    I was the one voting for “In the hold of a ship”. I'm sure they don't wanna sell them as simple slaves – and I also don't want it In my opinion, being in the hold can give us some great adventures.


    @ Lover    When they go to Market who or what will bye them.

    And I can't see Phylia not escaping to find her sister and now she has a new friend to look after to.

    It could always be a nice ship owner looking for a new cabin mate????


    @ Tango: I'm sure there would be anybody buying them or just one of them.
    The ship still can be in harbour and she is able to escape or they will meet after having experienced several adventures. Indeed the captain can be a nice owner – somebody supporting elves…


    Well, both the option can lead to several adventures…..but it don't mean they had to start immediatily! don't forget Phylia was stabbed by a sword!

    All can start from the market or maybe on the big ocean…..who know!? i can lead her in the journey, but in some crucial events, all here can choose their destiny!


    Come on! you have till sunday to vote and post your comment on the next line! hurry up!


    I like the slave option best, I dont want her to far away she cant find her sister and be reunited …  they must band together , rebuild their village and take on the might of the nasty humans … 

    Loved It  HB ….  really fires the imagination…  cant wait for the next episode


    Ok…poll is now closed and here is waht you have choose!

    The poll: Where are the two girls now!?

    • In the hold of a ship                          1
    • In a cell of a slave market                  6
    • [/list]

      now it's my turn to write……and to realize something good to show you!


    Sorry guys…….i need more time then i expected for the second part! i have to think and complete the story for the contest first and i hope i can do it really faster (most of the idea are settled in my mind!) and then i can move back on Phylia's adventure!

    Just a thing…..if someone is interessed, i'm open for collaboration in this project, don't forget it!

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