Hello, after sometime playing Age Conan , Tryed other games too. One these games is APB Reloaded. Is a game style GTA, one sandbox where you can be a criminal or a law enforcer. The game is PVP, group of players x other player and is very funny. If you you know GTA , you can understand, firefights, stolen cars, guns, more cars, a thug life.
So, to start the adventures in the City of San Paro (the name of the city in game), you must create a avatar. The custom avatar system is very good, excelent and with many details. Its can difficult because the high number of details you must adjust and select. But always have the option to use a random avatar.
But i wanted Cassianna again, and used some time to custom the avatar in a Cassianna style. I think I did a good work. Lets check:
The second stage is the action in game, so I will post some images. Kisses All and have fun.