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Poems, where everyone can leave their scribbles, haiku’s, poetry, etc.

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Home Forums Erotic Stories Poems, where everyone can leave their scribbles, haiku’s, poetry, etc.

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    There's a girl I love
    and it's more than just a game
    She has touched my soul
    and i'll never be the same

    She LOVES in Big Letters
    the kind that makes you feel
    She tears down your walls
    and makes you question what's real

    She skips through my mind
    and lives there through the day
    Her presence is sunshine
    That shoves my darkness away

    Have you been in love?
    Have you had a muse?
    She answers those questions
    but doesn't make you choose

    She's amazed that I love her
    I'm amazed that she loves me
    She's the glorious white dove
    I'm just her nesting tree

    *Me  for YOU


    Why do people keep pushin’
    Even after you’ve said no
    Why do people keep pushin’
    Come on, pick up your shit and go

    No, I don’t wanna Domme you
    Or be your new girlfriend
    I got my little bit of lovin’
    So why are you asking again

    Why do people keep pushin’
    Oh, maybe i’ve changed my mind
    Not since the last five seconds
    So stop asking all the time

    Your profile says you’re married
    And I even said I’m GAY
    But you gotta keep on pushin’
    Till I got nothin’ left to say…

    (OK, not my best, but it's how I felt  )


    I found the love but it didn't last
    Wonderfull Days belong to the past

    I don't know where I stand, what I'm to do
    tried to forget and to find someone new

    so I praid on my knees to heaven above
    send me somebody please, someone to love

    to continue my story give me your hand
    don't let me down with a heart to be damned.


    Not mine but I like



    A Thousand Miles

    A journey starts with a single step
    At least that’s what they say
    But ours has gone at double time
    To keep the troubles away

    By the hand, you’ve walked with me
    And never left my side
    I asked you why and you turned to me
    And this is what you said

    A thousand miles I’ll walk with you
    A thousand miles till home
    A thousand miles I’ll carry you
    You’ll never be alone

    A thousand miles just a thousand miles
    Isn’t quite enough
    Cause a thousand miles isn’t very far
    When you’re with the one you love

    If times got tough and things got hard
    And we had to start again
    Would you walk away from me
    And take my only friend

    If I fell and couldn’t get up
    Or maybe I just lost my way
    Would you come back for me
    I hope this is what you’d say

    A thousand miles I’ll walk with you
    A thousand miles till home
    A thousand miles I’ll carry you
    You’ll never be alone

    A thousand miles just a thousand miles
    Isn’t quite enough
    Cause a thousand miles isn’t very far
    Because you’re the one I love



    An Angel walks among us
    She comes here every day
    She shines with love and laughter
    She chases my blues away

    But now my angel has fallen
    I think her wing is bent
    She stays earthbound with sorrow
    Not good for one heaven sent

    I kneel down and pull her close
    Protected in my arms
    “My angel, I’ll carry you”
    “And keep you safe from harm”

    She protests for a moment
    But we’ll have none of that
    You were sent to love me
    So let me love you back



    You say I’m your home
    I’m where you belong
    Well you are my joy
    You are my song

    My heart beats faster
    Just from seeing you
    You are the center
    In a crowded room

    My eyes on you
    I can find my way
    To pull you in my arms
    For our wedding day

    To have and to hold
    I will cherish you
    My forever bride
    That much is true

    You in your white
    Me in black and red
    We’ll say the words
    Already in our heads

    You are the one
    There is no other
    What fate put together
    Let no one asunder

    Kiss me softly
    Our hearts be true
    Now and forever,
    I DO



    I sing of love and laughter
    Of passion so complete
    I scream of joy and longing
    A fire that runs so deep

    She brings to me this calling
    This need I never knew
    This feeling that I’m falling
    Deeper in love, it’s true

    Every day I hold her
    And it never is enough
    Every word I give her
    Only speaks of love

    I’ll take her hand forever
    Because she stole my heart
    I’ll know that she’s beside me
    Even when we’re apart

    She showers me with treasures each n every day,
    putting off RL chores, instead spending time on me.
    She shares her feelings freely, trusting in our LOVE,
    hiding nothing from each other, a fearless devotee.

    This devoted friend I could not ask for more,
    she loves me, not just the “good time” girl.
    She longs to hear my words, more than in-room play,
    making love in our hearts, our petals soon unfurl

    She stimulates me everywhere, not just in my loins,
    teasing n taunting, tickling dormant erogenous zones.
    She makes me laugh, then cry, then scream her name aloud,
    I am filled with her spirit, In my head, my flesh, my bones.

    While physical pleasures have limitations, imagination does not, 
    capable of illuminating any desire, any thought that is lusted.
    And when two souls are comfortable n familiar with the other,
    their imperfections fitting perfectly, their words absolutely trusted.

    This world we have created, neither purely real or fantasy,
    but lying somewhere in between the two, in a place we can not see.
    Sharing the best of both these worlds, leaving the rest behind,
    It is WE who write our story, our imagination sets US free.

    No longer bound by physical bodies, free to enjoy our minds fantasies,
    where we touch with words, not by hands which lack this ability.
    To excite our deepest pleasures hiding in our hearts,
    provoking feelings everywhere, not just in outer body parts.

    Who’s to say which world is better, which world is really right?
    Is it the REAL or FANTASY? Or somewhere in between twilight?
    In the end they are ALL the same, for in each we live in our head,
    A moment experienced, real or not, once gone remains a memory instead.

    When I think of this hard and long, I begin to realize something amazing,
    how incredibly special n rare this all is, an experience well worth tasting.   


    So beautiful words in here and so inspirational
    I want to share something with you.
    I haven't wrote in a long time, but I have found new inspiration to do it again.
    So here it is my first one.
    I'm posting it in english and a translation to my main language (spanish)

    I walked between worlds – Caminé entre mundos
    I wandered in dreams – Vagué en sueños
    I never thought I would do it again – Nunca pensé hacerlo nuevamente
    Never thought I could come back – Nunca pensé que volvería
    That I would walk again between the worlds – Que caminaría entre mundos nuevamente
    That I would live once more – Que estaría viva nuevamente

    But then you came one day – Pero entonces llegaste un día
    Gave me life once more – Me diste vida nuevamente
    Brought me again to this world – Me trajiste de vuelta a este mundo
    You looked into my eyes – Miraste en mis ojos
    You reached out my soul – Alcanzaste mi alma
    You saw who I am – Viste quién soy

    Now I can never leave again – Ahora ya no puedo irme
    Now I will always be here – Ahora siempre estaré aquí
    Now I walk between worlds – Ahora camino entre mundos
    Now I wander in dreams – Ahora vago entre sueños
    And I won't never stop again – Y nunca más dejaré de hacerlo


    Wedding Day Jitters

    Leaving you quietly. tip toeing out. I must go and get ready for my love, My Ever After.

    Seeing the snow littered streets, the lights and friends

    But I'm nervous, just a little

    My fingers rebel, my mouth is dry

    Why? I asked her. She said yes

    What's so hard now?

    I want it to be perfect.

    We didn't rehearse, we barely planned

    and now I need smooth spontaneity

    just to take your hand…

    HA! JUST! ha

    She is never “Just” anything

    She is just EVERY THING

    My heart reachs out to you
    My soul is always with you
    My body longs for your touch
    To have you in my arms
    To feel the warmth of your skin
    In a tight embrace
    Our bodies pressed against each other
    Crossing the borders of worlds
    My lips longing for your lips
    To feel once again the sweet touch
    You are within me forever
    So close, no matter how far
    You make me happy
    You inspire me


    Hi Brandybee, thank you for your kind words and encouragement. We must not exclude Anatasia.
    She too is a beautiful writer, posting her poems and stories in her own thread “Worlds of Wonders”.

    I know Andrea has already submitted her story, what seems like ages ago, no procrastinating for that woman. Me on the other hand, it's not I “like” to procrastinate, just seems to work out that way. I always seem to meet all my deadlines, I just don't meet them “early”. *giggles* I guess part of me needs the “pressure”, tends to “motivate” me. Yes, I am writing, it is a “work-in-process”, as I struggle with every word. Story writing, for me, is a form of masochistic torture,  a blend of frustration and anxiety with the promise of self realization and inner release. I promised you a story, I keep my word…… just don't expect it too early. I will slide in just beating the buzzer. Woody would be proud *giggles*

    I think Anatasia is working on a contest story. Hopes she is. If not, hope this is a little “nudge”, a little “hint”. As if I haven't already planted the “seed”, hehe

    After reading Zoe's last two poems, I will have to go to work on her as well. She has a beautiful fluid style, unlike my unsophisticated school girl rhymes. I am sure Zoe will keep “someone's” attention. *giggles*

    I do agree there should be a place to keep “ALL” writings. Stories, prose or poems. Erotic or not. An easy location to find and catalog all these very personal expressions for all to enjoy, now or in the future. I will share a secret, a confession of sorts, I find the forum fascinating, I have traveled through this worlds history, the relationships, the incredible love and feelings expressed by beautiful souls. All through the writings posted throughout the forum. Reading these stories has revealed an understanding of this world which would otherwise only have been possible by living in it. I sometimes feel I am “invading” privacy, some writings so very personal, but I find I can not pull myself away so instead I promise myself to honor and protect their words, their feelings.

    I will share these thoughts with others interested in writing. Thank you Brandybee for suggesting the idea. *hugs*  Kaitlyn


    No Kaitlyn, Brandy I will not be entering any contests.

    Should be sleeping by now.
    Should be in bed, alone.
    Should be wandering in the world of dreams.
    But I can't.
    Someone is keeping me awake.
    Someone is in my thoughts and don't let me go.
    I'm yours, I'm here.
    Take my hand and let me take you to Dreamland,
    Let me show you Storytime, the world of wonders.
    The place where all worlds are born, as dreams.

    A little poem wrote in a night of insomnia. I have to point out that Storytime, Dreamland and the concept that worlds are born as dream is not mine, it comes from a story that I love.
    That said, I'll try to get some sleep.
    Oh, and I am thinking about opening my own topic, but want to have a little more to share before start.

    Kiss and hugs to all visitors.

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