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Poems, where everyone can leave their scribbles, haiku’s, poetry, etc.

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Home Forums Erotic Stories Poems, where everyone can leave their scribbles, haiku’s, poetry, etc.

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    Super, Sunny and all! nice to find this place. Here is an oldie. I'll bet Sunny's been here…

    Black Sands

    Hair splayed softly against her pillow,
    She sleeps.
    A smile plays at her sweet lips,
    Passion in her heart,
    Resting peacefully,
    She sleeps.

    Her essence Rises from the slumbering body,
    Mounts her mighty steed, Eros,
    And thunders away into the black night sky,
    Glittering with stars of diamond
    And draped with silver lace of cloud and moonbeeam.
    Eros leads the way, red eyes seeking. The sinewy flexion of the massive muscles between her thighs
    Sends passion flashing in her eyes
    Which search the dream-filled blue-black skies
    For the one she seeks,
    Her dream lover…

    In another state, another town, he sleeps,
    Gently, restlessly, he sleeps,
    Murmering to his pillow, he sleeps,
    Hoping in his dreams, once more
    To find her, who in dreams of yore, Came to him upon the shore,
    By the sea…
    Upon the Black Sands, by the sea,
    In the moonlight, by the sea…

    His dream essence mounts his charger,
    Rampant steed growing larger.
    Reins in hand, he bolts away,
    Coursing through the black night sky,
    Glittering with stars of diamond
    And draped with silver lace of cloud and moonbeam.

    Remembrance flowed into her mind
    Of the wondrous place she'd left behind, When last she woke…
    Black Sands, waves lapping, moonlight streaming…
    Black Sands, tendrils of the bonfire's smoke…
    Black Sands, by the sea.
    I'm coming love. Please wait for me…

    At last alighting on the shore,
    Singing Eros meets her brother-twin. The nuzzle cheek to flank, and more,
    Delighted as they merge to one, again,
    And bound off into the night sky,
    Leaving lovers within sight.

    He sees her, raises his hand,
    Waving, calling, running to her.
    She stands, eyes downcast shyly,
    Toe tracing circles in the sand,
    And then decides;
    She, too, is running,
    Racing swiftly 'cross the sand.

    Sand-warmed air caresses naked bodies.
    Racing swiftly 'cross the sand, they meet,
    And taking outstretched hands,
    Clasped together, bodies meet.
    The heady fragrance of her hair
    Sends waves of pleasure coursing through him.
    The tangy scent of him is sweet,
    The scent of musk and sweat co-mingled,
    Twining through her body 'til
    Her every nerve end tingled.

    Sweet kisses banking fires of passion,
    Throes of ecstasy consume,
    In writhing, frenzied fashion,
    Lust spent, now love can bloom
    Between the stranger-lovers, never met,
    Alone at home, in seperate beds,
    Seperate cities, states, and yet
    Together in their sleep we find them,
    Where in their dreams, wise Eros binds them

    On the shore, by the sea,
    Upon the Black Sands by the sea,
    In the moonlight, by the sea,
    Magic land of dreams and love,
    Black Sands by the sea.

    Eros returns them oft at night
    Their passion's thirst to slake,
    And to each of them, their fondest dream
    Would be someday to wake

    Upon the shore, by the sea…
    Upon the Black Sands, by the sea…
    In the magic land of love, on
    Black Sands by the sea…

    by Chasxxx, 1992


    @chasxxx  Fantastic !    Very romantic and passionate , For one can only dream , but to dream we must !

    Keep writing and smiling !  I  enjoyed it very much !   


    I Love You

    Hello there…
    You seem a nice enough person.
    I have enjoyed the laughs with you.
    These brief times have been good,
    But I have been involved in relationships
    With people who weren't there
    To the extent that
    I seem to disappear, myself.
    I'd look in the mirror in the morning,
    And wonder who I am.
    Don't fall in love with me,
    I'm no good for you…

    But, I love you…

    So many feelings…
    I thought I had them all filed neatly away.
    Ok, not so neatly,
    But out of sight,
    Out of mind.
    The organized chaos of my mind, my life
    Built up to hide the bare spots
    On the walls of my soul Where pictures of love had hung,
    Or were meant to.
    I am too complicated.
    Don't fall in love with me,
    I'm not good for you…

    But, I LOVE you…

    I am empty.
    I function,
    But there are so many parts of me missing.
    For years, I poured my love and my feelings
    Into an empty and bottomless hole,
    Awaiting its filling,
    So that, one day, I might drink back from it…
    I am empty
    With no love to give.
    I am empty.
    Don't fall in love with me,
    I'm no good for you.

    But I love YOU!

    Well, I am empty and battered,
    A dried weed blowing on the vagaries of life's wind.
    If you can survive on husks,
    For awhile,
    Then new love may take root
    And bloom once again.
    I still think I'm no good for you,
    But then,
    That's your decision, isn't it?
    Maybe it's good for ME!

    I love you

    I know

    Years ago, I read a poem and loved it. I have no idea what I read it in, but I wanted it framed to give someone. I could never find it, so I wrote this. It contains the seed and the concept of the original, but that's all as far I as I remember. If it strikes a chord with you as something you've read, please let me know. I'd love the original.

    by Chasxxx, 1998


    The exhilaration of your strong embrace puts a smile on my face
    May the sun shine down on the serenity of your smile
    I`d leave the world behind , to spend a life time in your arms
    But at last all hopes and dreams locked away
    To the bottom of my soul
    That`s where they`re safely stay
    The original poem he wrote
    Was meant for me in mind
    Empty and battered feelings
    Was up pond me from last past of time

        Some times just a smile is all what `s needed !   

    @ chasxxx    Bravo Great work !  Takes cowboy hat off to you !


    @ Sunny  PHEW!!!!  You even nail it in your replies!!!!!  Ok, enough oldies. I need to do something fresh for here…


    In his smithy toils he,
    Worker of words,
    Forming tender links
    To make a fabric of love,
    Which, when worn,
    Stirs passions in the mind
    And soul, until
    The tickling flames
    Enfold the body
    In a torrential updraft of ecstasy!


    The smithy, the girl
    Story truth be told with tears in his eyes
    Of a past time ,that had unfold
    He toils endlessly, absorbed
    Creator ,delicate links
    Of a fine chain of gold
    Dreams  about the girl
    Across the waters ,in a far away land
    She stands alone by shore
    Fondles the fine links of gold at hand
    Wind breezes through her long hair
    Memory of a man ,she worshiped and deeply cared
    As tears stream down her cheeks
    Reminiscences the smithy, her friend ,she so dearly had miss
    The touch the taste of that last kiss
    All these feelings,cause of a man
    In a so far far away land


    Remember smiling can start a chain reaction , and thats a positive thing !



    I Dreamed A Little Dream Of Her :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

    Last night I had this dream bout you. Its really long but gonna try to give you the short version.
    It started out with you standing nude before me, standing tall and proud.
    I watch as honey powder is being slowly dusted on your body with feathers by the female servants. Another is adding khol to your eyes, color to your
    lips. All of this is being done in such a way its sensual, has my hands
    clenching to stroke your flesh, biting my lips, but I control myself as I
    watch them began to dress you in traditional japanese clothing. Layer
    after layer hiding your body from my site, makes me want to cum so bad. When they are done, I order them to design your hair in a very intrique design, imagining me taking it out, feeling your hair fall between my fingers,
    hmmm. You kneel in front of the mirror, eyes down as you let them comb
    your hair to such soft shiny splender. Seems like forever when they are
    finally done with your hair. I rise and walk over to you, hold out my hands and
    wait for you to take mines.
    You still have not raisedyour eyes, and I'm thinking, "Look at me" but you don't. Teases me, challenges me, cause I want to see your eyes. But Isay nothing as your hands touch mines and you rise. We walk down this
    long hall(you know those halls that go on forever and a day, lol), til we get
    to this door that slides open silently and we enter. Smell of food doesnt'
    make me hunger, all I can think of is licking the powder off your skin. I
    take you to your seat, and I go to mines. I don't eat, I'm to busy
    watching you. Your every move is like a dance that ensnares me. When you
    lower your hands to pick up your chopsticks, the way you hold them, then
    began to eat. Do you know every time your move to eat your arm pulls
    on your collar, teasing me, barely giving me a glance and then you raise your
    arms, causing your collar to close. Watching as your lips wrap round the
    chops, your tongue comes out to lick off this one rice that got stuck, you swallow, your throat moving and I WANT to kiss it.
    And you still do not look up at me. I think, I KNOW you know what you are doing to me.
    I ask how does the food taste, watch you pause, your hand slightly trembling
    and you whisper, “Its very good, thank you”;. The sound of your voice has me close to cumming and find myself across the room, holding your face in my hand, tilted up, my lips almost on yours. Your breath caressing my lips and your eyes still are down. So close to kissing you and I stop myself, release you, stand, bow and say excuse me for my lapse and walk back to my seat.
    And the torture starts all over again. You torturing me and I love every second of it.

    Janine Dee

    Sitting, reading your words with my left index finger lightly tracing my lips, lips lightly spread as I breathe harder, my finger then tracing down the length of my neck before it finds the top of my valley of my breasts, before I will myself to pull it away.


    I`d leave the world behind
    To spend a life time in your arms
    Trailing tender kisses upon your face
    feeling your strong arms
    your warm embrace
    My mind my mouth
    Your scent masculine taste
    Down on my knees for you
    You choose to walk away
    Clearly showing it once again
    You`re enjoying seeing my pain
    Keeping back are tears at bay
    You know all to well , my pride
    I wont beg you to stay
    Silent tears cascading down my face to the floor
    Seeing your back going quietly out the door

    xxx Sunny    is it a bird ! … it a plane !…. no ………. it`s super Sunny stikes again !  hehehehe feel free to smile !


    Wild meadows
    Bedding down in wild meadows pastures of night
    Memorized twinkling stars casting so bright
    Feeling so safe and gloriouse warm
    knowing it`ll guide him through the storms
    where once again , he`ll lay entangled within my arms
    Peaceful , secure , out of way`s harm
    Sending  sweet ,shivers from his touch
    Scents of our mingled lustful desire
    He only holds the key to the sanction of my fire
    A tear escapes me , feeding the wildflowers, sweet grasses
    That lay beneath me , lying down so flat
    I turn my head , dreamily eyes fluttering open
    Lying beside me …… His Cowboy Hat !

    XXX Sunny    hehehe Next life I`m thinking dude ranch !

    lol      Nov28th,2011     


    It is a mans obligation
    to stick his boneration
    in a woman's separation
    to increase the population
    of a greater generation
    for more information
    and a free demonstration
    call 1-800-SUPERSEXSTATION


    @ Unhealer  hehehehe ! > boneration


    @ unhealer
    funniest thing ive read in ages, lmaooooooooooo


    Coupling of the souls

    As I listen to the old wise man
    Of an ancient lengend of long time ago
    The coupling of a man and a woman`s soul
    Bonded spiritually minds, bodies and heart
    Alliance strong together , never do they part
    I`ve been told, extraordinaery, preciouse rare fine
    It can happen any minute, any point in time
    Elation in the story of life to unfold

    The coupling of a man and a woman`s soul


    Lisa smiled.
    The joke really was great.
    “Stay!” Da Vinci said.
    Satisfied he continued to paint…

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