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Poems, where everyone can leave their scribbles, haiku’s, poetry, etc.

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Home Forums Erotic Stories Poems, where everyone can leave their scribbles, haiku’s, poetry, etc.

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  • #43673

    Here is my First public tell of my work, I truly hope you all enjoy it.

    We see the light
    We flee before the light

    For our world is made of Darkness
    Here we live, here we thrive
    The Darkness is our Home

    We see the dark and dark see us
    We move in the cold embrace of the Night
    We seek,we hide,we survive
    In the Everlasting darkness

    The light shines, the light fades
    Darkness obscure
    Darkness cannot be created
    Darkness never fades
    Darkness lives even in the brightest of light
    Darkness cannot be put out,it can only hide

    For we are the Darkness and we are here to stay
    Even when the light burns it brightest
    It will all ways fade
    But the Darkness will all ways remain

    For our world is made of Darkness
    Here we live, here we thrive
               Our home

          Eternal Darkness
          By Dustin Watkins

    This is part one of three. part two will be out soon I'm make a final look over it.
    please let me know what you guys really think. honesty please, if you think is crap, say it and please tell me why. If you think is Good also please tell my why.

    I have finish Part 2 and 3. I will post them both If there is any more who are interested in seeing  my work.


    King, do it, please! i'm sure lot of us want to read them!


    Count me in. I like reading people's creative writings

    Enjoyed what you have done so far


    thanks Brandy , hentaiboy. here is part two

    Lonely Light

    Born from the ashes
    I Burn with Light

    My light is Bright
    My light is Warm

    I shine deep into the night
    Illuminating all what I see
    I see them but they are hiding

    So I burn Brighter
    As to show my light and warmth
    But they hide even more
    Grip with sadness

    I burn even Brighter and longer
    To show them I am here
    But for all my effort
    They still hide

    Over the many years
    My Light has burned Long and Bright
    But never once did they say hi
    But now I feel weak

    My light is dimming
    My Warmth is cooling

    They are moving in as I grow weaker

    Why do they show themselves now

    Maybe I should try to say hi
    One more time before the end

    I dig deep with all my Strength
    Burn the brightest I ever could

    But they flee before me
    Why tease me so
    why do you not answer me

    As my light begins to fading
    I wonder why I was here
    Why was I born
    Why did you run why did you hide

    I just wish you could have said hi to me at least once
    for I am a  Lonely Light here in

         Eternal Darkness

    by Dustin Watkins


    Veryy nice Dustin


    hmmm…the lack of comments to my poem is little sad … jk  for those who have read it, if you don't mind could let me know what you think. be good or bad. If your find you can't post in for any reason Pm me your thoughts.

    Ps. thanks lover..did you like part 2 better then part 1?


    I also liked the way you wrote part 1, it's just personal taste about the content, the dark mood of it.


    Don't be sad,  sometimes, people cant read it right away or you provoke thoughts they need to put into words.

    It is a lovely poem and like Lover, I do find it dark and a little sad but I think that is what you meant to do and it worked.

    I like it, I like things where each reader can interpret it in their own way and not necessarily the same way as other readers or even the author himself.

    Please, I would like to read more of  your work.  And, maybe presumptious of me, but also an entry for the next erotic story contest  :


    Brandy I'm not sad it was joke. JK mean joking lol but thank you for your concern

    anyway thank you for your thoughts Brandy lover.
    If you can please pass the word around to others. I have them posted here and in the off topic section.
    Thanks you very much.

    as to the erotic stories I don't think i will partake in them. as writing erotic story in not style. but I will give few tries and see if i can make something I feel all right submitting. No promises ok

    thamks again. please anyone who read my poem please leave a comment thank you.


    @ Dustin keep going great , I `ve no sense in spelling me does`t stop me ! And welcome , will myself be posting soon.
    > Smile good work  ty xxx Sunny


    Thank you sunny. glad you like it.


    Well here is part 3, thanks for wait I hope you enjoy my poems.

    Heart of darkness

    Cold, Alone, afraid

    I am scared, my light is gone
    I have no voice

    What will be come of me
    Will I suffer for I could not reach them
    Will I sit in this cold Darkness alone

    What is this, they are all around me
    Why now, why are they so close to me
    When I have no voice to call out

    They're everywhere, so many
    I wish I could let them Know I am here
    With out my light,I have nothing

    I am but an empty shell In the Night

    Please hear me, I beg of thee
    Hear my heart, for my heart still shines
    Please hear me

    We hear you
    We see you

    What is this feeling
    Its warm and enlightening
    Who are you

    We are the Darkness

    Why are you here now
    I burned bright for you
    But all you did was Hide
    Why did you wait till now
    When my light is gone

    Your light is not gone
    Light never goes away
    Light merely fades but will always remain
    In The Heart of darkness

    For we the darkness are born from light

    You are not alone, we are the darkness

    For our world is made of Darkness
    Here we live, here we thrive
            Our home

        Eternal Darkness
            The End

    You Make It

    If there is something I can do for you,
    I make it.

    If there are dark hours to walk through,
    We make it.

    Is it the new day that makes me smile?
    No, you make it.

    Are the stars building a bridge?
    No, you make it.

    Does the sun shine brighter for me?
    No, you make it.

    If the walls have to be torn down,
    We make it.

    If a new wall must be built,
    We make it.

    If you have a bad day –  at the end of the day
    You make it.

    If we need hope and faith and love,
    We make it.

    If you need to face a fear,
    You make it.

    If there is a next step to do and go on,
    You make it.

    Just close your eyes and I will be there
    Just make it


    “Time and Time”

    Time and time
    my dreams fly by
    intentions fall to the floor
    Goals unreached
    the courage has gone
    Flown straight out the door

    Time and time
    I'm back again
    standing at the drawing board
    plans anew
    the fight has returned
    strength in me reborn

    Time and time
    I try again
    me pushing against the gale
    don't let go
    my spirit shouts and
    I will never fail

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