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Poems, where everyone can leave their scribbles, haiku’s, poetry, etc.

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    ooooo.. I like this poem very much.
    very nice Momma_andrea.


    (I am no poet, but I did my best. It captures my feelings and my lust)
    (and someone knows who it is for.  )
    My Lion

    I am his kitty
    He strokes my soft fur
    He is my Lion
    His hands make me purr
    His lips press to mine
    His arms hold me close
    My hands in his Mane
    I’ll never let go

    He whips me 'round
    He presses my rear
    His hand at my throat
    His growl fills my ear
    Open, my Kitty
    His command rings out loud
    My Lion, my Master
    I obey without sound

    The Lion takes kitty
    Fills her so full
    I cry as he pounds me
    With his ravaging tool
    He growls and he grunts
    My beast of a man
    I am his kitty
    A pet in his hands

    He brings me to squeals
    and shivers of delight
    My Lion devours all in sight
    His tongue, His cock
    His fingers and lips
    He owns me
    He uses me
    He drives with his hips

    He growls from his belly
    His lips make a curl
    He pulls me tighter
    Holding his girl
    I feel it swell
    My Lion gives a ROAR
    His cock is cumming
    And filling me more

    His breath at my ear
    I yell in delight
    My Lion is Roaring
    Pulling me tight
    My Lion, My Master
    Fills me with seed
    I reach back for him
    My Lion, indeed


    I am no poet, but I did my best. It captures my feelings and my lust

    Sorry Andrea, I totally disagree! I don't know if you did your best but this IS poetry, so you are a poet!


    Well thanks Lover. poetry is something I have never studied. There are rules there that I don't know.
    I love song lyrics and that is how my poetry is.
    I wrote this just lounging around in ACHAT waiting for someone I haven't seen in weeks, thus the mood of the poem.

    In my heart my dreams remain.
    My hopes and loves are still the same
    I carry for you a torch that's bright
    It burns for you, this guiding light

    I keep it lit, it never dies
    I hold it high when troubles rise
    come home my love by this beacon's light
    I will wait for you all through the night

    My heart you took when you left home
    Bring it back when you no longer roam
    Keep it safe my love as I do yours
    I will wait for you till evermore

    p.s. STEVE, where the fuck are you?


    I, m so up again  ashes so burn
    your lips upond me so so hot and torn
    if I must give my heart, soul to meet
    oh loving , touching can be ever so sweet


    p.s think almost back > just had stuff happen w me ilast couple months


    Momma_andrea your poems are very beautiful I like your second one best. very touching.


    Oh Dustin, thank you.  Finally found Steve by the way…well, he came back. 


    Oh, the comfort.
    The inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person.
    Having neither to weigh thought nor measure words.
    But pouring them all right out,
    Just as they are.
    Chaff and grain together.
    Certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them.
    Keep what is worth keeping,
    And with a breath of kindess,
    Blow the rest away.


    i find strange everybody writting poems, and not talk bout THE GREATEST POET OF ALL !!!

                                                James Douglas Morrison

    A.K.A : Jim Morrison – The Lizard King


    i find strange everybody writting poems, and not talk bout THE GREATEST POET OF ALL !!!

                                                James Douglas Morrison

    A.K.A : Jim Morrison – The Lizard King

    Well…People are strange, when you're a stranger.
    Faces look ugly when you're alone.


    i find strange everybody writting poems, and not talk bout THE GREATEST POET OF ALL !!!

                                                James Douglas Morrison

    A.K.A : Jim Morrison – The Lizard King

    Well…People are strange, when you're a stranger.
    Faces look ugly when you're alone.

                                                              ONE OF MY FAVOURITES !! 
                                                                  Honestly i love them all   


    Me  not dead still around


    it's allways nice to see you around, Sunny!  :-*


    @ hentailboy69 > Thanks same with you  ,been  doctoring for 3 years , last fall and last month , they came back w ,diagnose I didn`t want to hear.

    Such is life .

    I regret little while back , yes learned pain killers and cocktails don't` mix >Yes Bear feeling sorry for my self again > I remember your words .

    I cancelled all my friends cuz , drunken childish move > most came back , I`m thankful .

    Hey at the end of a day , meet your best friend with a smile . xxx Sunny


    @ Sunny: That's what friends are for… 

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