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- This topic has 131 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 4 months ago by AnniSilver.
August 18, 2015 at 10:33 pm #150355
Thank You ! :-*
If you get a reply will you tell us please. That's if you are allowed too that is.
August 19, 2015 at 9:35 am #150356Poker list.
1. Create own poker room for invited guests only.
I have been thinking hard about this one and am not sure it is good for the game.
This will create groups and strengthen the ability to ignore or not mix with outsiders.
We want to encourage people to mix, teach players perhaps how they should behave in public by our own actions and make new friends.
How easy it would be to just keep to your own poker rooms constantly and ignore the potential of new friends or breaking the ice to clear up any misunderstandings.
I am therefore against creating our own poker room for invited guests and definitely against segregation for hetero ; bisexual ; transgender and lesbian. We want to expand the game and membership not stall it.2. I do think you should be able to choose which room you play in though.
In this regard, I mean reserve a seat in a room so you have the option of being pinged / notified when the next seat becomes available – first come, first served basis. I also think you should have a 20 second option on taking it up or not before it goes on to the next reservist.3. Please let us have the option to wear what we want in poker – street clothes or sex clothes.
A) it actually gives us the opportunity to see it on others before we buy… that’s definitely a good thing.The guys and transsexuals should not have hard-ons playing cards. Let us all wear undergarments if we want.
4. Although personally, I do not like some of the cruder actions in poker, like “fingering your own arse” as mentioned, some players do.
You can choose whether you use it or not and that’s the thing here in achat. It’s about choice.
So leave the actions that are there for you to choose if you use them.
However, I would like other actions added to enhance the mood of the poker room, as listed by Skydance, and aid communication for our free user friends who rely on sign language to acknowledge being spoken to.All of the below actions to last at least 5 seconds.
1. An applause / clapping action
2. A one hand wave action to say “Hi”
3. Blow a kiss action to say “Thank you.”
4. A nodding action for “Yes”
5. Shaking the head for “No”
6. A two hand wave action to say “bye” when a player leaves the room.7. Slow the “Thumbs Up” action to last longer so other players get a chance to see it. Make it last 5 seconds too. It’s far too quick at the moment and its relevance gets missed.
August 19, 2015 at 10:33 am #150357Hi BB.
Regarding point 2.
What happens when you max out or lose all your money ? Sometimes you'll want to get back to the same table quickly. If someone else is waiting then they will take your seat! and you'll be waiting again for how long to get back into it again. Unless you are put at the front of the queue of reservists if you choose to go back in.
As for creating your own poker room, it would be only used for blocking certain people (Almost like the Ignore option).
August 19, 2015 at 9:59 pm #150358Regarding point 1, I think it would be good to start own poker rooms. They could set it open for everyone but people on your ignore list.
To meet and greet they can add a bar… let me think about a name…maybe AChat Bar & Grill?
August 19, 2015 at 10:24 pm #150359Great name AChat Bar & Grill
that should be the 1st social meeting publick room
August 21, 2015 at 2:20 am #150360It would be too long to like every proposals so it will be a big
for all of them
August 21, 2015 at 11:48 am #150361I would like to make another suggestion. ( moans, boos and hisses from the crowd) hehehe
After 10-15 Auto-Folds in a Row that person is automatically removed from the room. It slows the game down a bit on the first Round and it takes up a seat which could be used by someone else who actually plays.
August 21, 2015 at 6:14 pm #150362I have to say i do not support the concept of private poker rooms, poker should be avalable to all achat members. Private rooms smack too much of elitisim and segregation for this reason i oppose them.
However i DO support the majority of suggestons promulgated in this thread, in particular being able to see who is in a particular poker room and being able to choose a room. I also support the introduction of an ignore button and the ability for free users to chat.
There are SO MANY good suggestions it is not possible for me to itemise them all. In conclusion let me say that i support the majority of suggestions with the strong exception of private poker rooms.
K JAugust 21, 2015 at 7:48 pm #150364Private poker rooms
Lets us enjoy poker for some of us that do enjoy playing Poker ..
When Poker first came out it was nice we had some real poker players
as all the drama started to happen and there is many in different ways and forms
many stoped playing it ..there is so much disorderly conduct disturbing a lot of us that do enjoy playing poker
It has changed the mood of playing poker …
I still enjoy poker some actions are silly ..silly can be fun they need to add more and dances for the women ..only action I dont like is the ass poking have you all seen how she pokes the ass then seats down and licks the finger 😮 Omg that is so nasty ! please take that away
the others dont bother me they are funny
It dose get annoying with some players misuse playing some are just parked there afk they are not playing it just slowing down the game
some just want to be top players ..there is so much that go's on in a Poker room you have to be in there to see it all…
I do not see it as segregation
I see it as it gives real poker players the choices to really enjoy a poker game in privet
with out the disorderly conduct ….Quote Zu : I would like to make another suggestion. ( moans, boos and hisses from the crowd)
thums up I like this idea
August 21, 2015 at 8:20 pm #150363AnonymousA lot of the ideas regarding the poker room are really about giving players a choice.
Some people enjoy the game differently to me. Neither of us are right or wrong; simply different.
Given the choice, I will always prefer to play with people who enjoy playing the same way I do. Whether this is achieved through private rooms or being able to see who is playing in a room and choosing which room to join, it is about having the choice.
At the moment, we have no choice but keep trying until we join a room we like.
August 22, 2015 at 12:02 pm #150365Okay, here's my 2 cents worth on the poker…
I will qualify what i'm about to say by first saying that I understand there's the social element to being in the poker rooms, and people play for fun and for that social element.
Having said that, for anyone who enjoys an actual genuine good game of poker, the achat poker is, frankly, a bit pointless. This is because in 'play money' poker, there is no incentive to play 'sensibly', as it were. Which means that some players will just shove all their chips in with any two crappy cards, what the hell, it's not real money, so who cares. Which is fine as far as it goes. Except that it makes for a crap poker game, it ain't real poker, folks.
So I could see a couple of alternatives. The first would be to have some actual 'real money' tables. By this I don't mean actual hard cash, but A$. The stakes could be low and there would be a limit on the amount you could start at the table with, so it would still be more or less a 'fun' game rather than you're going to lose your house if the cards don't go your way – but nevertheless, you would still be losing 'real' A$ if you lost, and therefore, there is an incentive to play accordingly.
A second alternative would be for it still to just be 'play' money, but there would be a limit of some kind to how many chips you got to play with in a given time period, e.g. no more than 5 x 1000 chips in any 24 hour period… or once you lose all your chips, you can't get back on the table for an hour… or something.
Either or both of these could run in parallel with the purely 'fun' tables, so that those people who want to play just entirely for fun can also still do so, but those who enjoy a slightly more serious game could also do so.
I spent a bit of time in the poker rooms when the new achat was released, but I got kinda bored of it pretty quickly for the reasons stated, and haven't really been back since. So my only suggestion to add to the list would be, keep the purely for fun tables by all means, but give us some 'incentivised' tables too, for those of us who like a good game of poker!
August 22, 2015 at 1:13 pm #150366AnonymousI enjoy the poker room for the social aspect. If there was an alternative social space, such as a players lounge I would probably go there instead. The poker is, to me a distraction, to the social side of the room.
August 22, 2015 at 4:01 pm #150367I think that every one enjoys Poker there way they play it being in here or a real Poker
every one has there own idea of A poker game .If Achat gave us this Poker game it is A Achat poker game
I hear a lot of this is not a real Poker game …Well to a lot we enjoy is every one has there conceived of .. As it is ( with a few changes :
of course this is not a real Poker Game but its fun as it isWhat we really need is A social room Or Bar Club maybe add some sitting poses around a table or a dance floor Have our AVI dance alone or as
CoupleI would like a dance on top of the bar or table just to be silly after a few drinks A pole to add some music but
I prefer a radio station a on off or mute for it forI feel having this room will eliminate a lot of the negative about poker and will let others enjoy poker as IS ,
I do Agree a lot just go in for the social part of it …I myself like poker I don't go all the time but when I do I like it and enjoy is :
And enjoy playing with my POKER BUDDYS!
August 22, 2015 at 4:10 pm #150368I'm not suggesting to get rid of the poker game as it is now, Roxxy, just that there could also be tables where there is some incentive not to lose all your chips in 3 hands, or whatever… It doesn't have to be either/or.
The social aspect is a separate issue, i'm just talking about the poker game itself.
August 22, 2015 at 4:23 pm #150369Did not think that Tommy ..I dont think they will get ride of it.. there is just different points of view
they are all ideas and suggestions and all are goodYes I agree with you on losing and getting kicked out at 5K wish they take that away and make it as it was in the start no limited .
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The forums › Share your creative ideas › Game Idea. Poker Room choice for players