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[Poll F ] For your favourite FM pose

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Home Forums Polls [Poll F ] For your favourite FM pose

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    We do,  unless Bear's contains a better upgrade option.

    Lover  could you add the Missionary upgrade too,  its mentioned here but outlined in its own topic   

    I forgot, I could do it 


    been out awhilee now back > slip the chip some one whats going on> yooohhh YES SMILE


    The vote will be closed soon


    I'm kind of confused here… not that it is too difficult to get me mixed up…  I made a suggestion for a pose way back in November, yet it's not listed in the poll.  There's two things I'm confused about…

    One:  Exactly how long do these polls run?

    Two:  Exactly WHERE should I put any future ideas for pose suggestions.  Actually any suggestions.  Since the Forum was re-organized, it's left me confused on where we are supposed to make suggestions.  There's the category for ideas for improving AChat, yet there are polls in the different orientation areas.

    Perhaps maybe we could get a post pinned to the top of each section explaining where to post our suggestions for anything…. poses… clothing… etc.  I would write the posts if I only knew where how it works.

    I have an idea for another pose, but I don't want to put it up and again be told that it's in the wrong place.


    Here is my suggestion for a new pose.  I'm putting this in MF poses, but I believe it can be easily adapted to all orientations.

    It was suggested to call it “Making Out”, but I'm sure AChat will title it the way they see fit.  Anyway, without further ado…

    “Making Out”

    Both characters are standing and dressed in street clothes.  They are in a soft embrace.  This is the default action, since AChat likes to have a starting point for all the actions.

    Female actions:

    1. Kiss:  She leans her head to the right slightly as does the male and they kiss.  Just like the kiss in the dance pose only while standing still.

    2. Kiss and stroke:  Again she leans in and kisses him.  Her hands move up and down his back

    3. Kiss and grab:  Again they kiss and her hands go to his butt and grabs him.

    4. Kiss and grind:  While kissing she grinds her pelvis on him.

    5. Kiss the neck:  She sensually kisses along his neck, perhaps leaving a hickey.

    6. Nibble the ear:  She nibbles his ear lobe while whispering hotly into his ear.

    7. Kiss and grope:  While kissing her hand moves to his genitals and rubs.

    8. Tongue play:  Their tongues playfully touch together.

    Male actions:

    1. Kiss:  He leans his head to the left slightly as does the female and they kiss.  Again, like in the dance pose only not moving.

    2. Nibble the neck:  He leans his head down and kisses along her neck, nibbling slightly.

    3. Kiss and grab:  Leans in to kiss again and his hands go to her butt cheeks.

    4. Kiss and touch:  Again they kiss and his hand trails up her spine to her neck, then down again.

    5. Kiss and play:  Kiss again and his hands play in her hair.

    6. Kiss the ear:  Kiss and sucks on her ear lobe.

    7. Spin and kiss:  He spins her around, like in the hug action of the “Show me what you feel” pose.  Then he kisses the back of her neck while she grinds against him.

    8. Kiss and fondle:  Kissing again and he fondles a breast.

    Kiss and Grab

    Nibble the Neck

    Kiss and Grope

    I've only come up with 8 actions for each side of this pose.  Any suggestions will be welcomed, so please feel free to add something you would like.  And all critiques are also welcomed.

    I wish to thank everyone who helped me in getting this pose suggestion into a post.  Thank you.

    Edit:  I added some images per a suggestion.  Thank you.


    @ covems: Love your new pose, was thinking about something similar

    To your questions:
    1. Usually one month. But as some polls had almost no ideas and the a-team was slow I sometimes wait longer,
    2. All new ideas shall be added here. If you''re missing one of your suggestions there can be two reasons. Either your pose has won and is already sent to a-team or I made a mistake forgot yours (or it was almost equal with another one which has been added). I will check it when I'm home.

    We know we don't have the best solutions with polls. But if we all keep them in “share your creative ideas” we have one page just with polls. I have send a request to a-team, reorganizing “Announcements” and having an own category just with polls, but still am waiting for the answer.


    Don't fret none about adding it in.  I re-posted it and it can simmer on the back burner 'til next time.  I was just needed some guidance.  Thanks for your quick response…

    Now I can set to work on some new ones.  Got a bunch of ideas swimmin around inside this head of mine.


    My ideas to your suggestions.

    Female actions
    9.  Playful: Kissing his cheek
    10. Tease: Rubbing noses
    11. Nibble: She niblles his lower lips

    Male actions
    9. Lovely:  Holding her face in his hands during kissing
    10. Explore: Fondle inner thighs
    11. Lift:  Lifting her, she wraps her legs around him


    Maybe some nice add ons for this pose  :-*

    Male :-

    9    He holds her head and kisses her forehead & eyebrows
    10  He feather kisses her cheeks & nose
    11  He stares her in the eyes & run fingers slowly through her hair
    12  Rub noses, hold each other,  foreheads touching
    13  Girl turns round in guys arms and he pushes clothing aside to kiss shoulders  ( Stone's idea )
    14  He kisses her inner palm, and then circles his tongue there.
    15  He kisses the back of her hand, then turns it over, kissing up her arm to her lips
    16. He picks her up, cradling her in his arms and walks to the bed.


    9   She holds his head &  kisses his forehead & eyebrows
    10  She feather kisses his cheeks and nose
    11  She stares into his eyes and runs her fingers through his hair
    12  She rubs his nose with hers and hold each other, foreheads touching
    13 She strokes his chest and biceps
    14 She kisses his jawline
    15 She wraps her arms round his neck and her legs round his waist
    16 She nibbles his lower lip   ( looks like we think the same on some Lover     )


    13  Girl turns round in guys arms and he pushes clothing aside to kiss shoulders  ( Stone's idea )

    Problem here , he will not be able to push clothing aside , remember , we cant change the clothes in room  . Unless dev team decide to totally rework the game .


    Ok, let's leave the clothes were it is……lol!

    I think brandy was caught a little too much by the description of the action!  :


    The winner of the poll is Bear – Missionary upgrade

    Congrats bear!

    The result is send to Susy.
    You can add new ideas. The old ones willl be added to the poll automatically.


    mmm a very good choice,…some fabuklous ideas were floated out there by tohers though too!


    Seems the reverse 69 is not attractive

    Anyway, I would like to see a new thread for new suggestions


    I would like to see a version of Hot Legs & Feet where the  girl massages the feet and legs of a man.

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