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Poll: Like/Dislike system

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Home Forums Upgrades and newly added features Poll: Like/Dislike system

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  • #8122


    The new system of “Level, Like/Dislike” creates a lot of reactions !
    Here is a poll where you able to express yourself about it.
    You can vote for 2 choices.
    Feel free to post and tell your friends.




    Personally I find this unnecessary and ridiculous.
    We are not in a game “classic”, I did not need to know my rank or my level … My level of what?
    I would have preferred a smaller profile listed on one of the game.

    The current game is to not like some people you don't know for plenty reasons!
    Strange for a game that wants to be social!
    All that to say that I hate this system.


      I can sort of understand wanting this place to be social as the Meeting Places have now being added.  But I do think that it's a little unnecessary too.

      A profile would be nice actually.  A separate one from your banner in the lobby would be even better, awesome actually.

      So, yes I guess I'm saying I don't like it either. 


    Hey my friends
    Thanks Nat, good topic

    Owned poses,places
    Member since

    Are good short informations and useful…..

    I think no need to be level beside the avatars names if it is already in the avatar short info..

    Good idea if achat team add more useful info , like as age, country, orientation better thn likes/dislikes and levels

    kisses all


    Personally, NOT a FAN. I prefer the “OLD” fashion method of “CHATTING” to get to know someone.
    As part of the “get-to-know” phase it would be nice to have the ability to display or profile certain details upon request with a button of some sort.

    As far as the dislikes and likes, totally USELESS, I have not used it ONCE, I refuse.
    Same goes for the RATING number. I really have no idea what's being RATED.


    A level?? lol what does that level show actually?

    Likes and dislikes? They can be bought and reflect a totally false opinion of one : some sure beg for likes, some maybe create tons of avis just to dislike someone…
    I cold you, you refuse… so boom! dislike!! eeer lol

    Would one that never goes to the MPs ( it is a cool feature! but not especially needed to enjoy the game) also get likes and dislikes? Have his level go up?

    No offense, but does the fact that I'm not much on the game (and so have low level-likes-dislikes) show that I'm less sexy-fun-mean than Nat??

    NO WAY!!!

    Mwah Nat!! You know I “like” you!
    Just saying those two features are totally unnecessary and could not show the reality about someone at all.  

    A second little profile as Zu or Raka suggest sure would be more fun to start a convo with someone…or not.


    Other informations are better

    Member since
    Relations maby
    Looking for —
    No need to show how much I own 

    If a final prove of AGE button woudl be there THAT woudl be cool

    LOL lets see how many ALTS that IP has too


    LOL lets see how many ALTS that IP has too 

    Well that would be funny for many and a big surpise for some hahahahaha

    A final prove of age would be good, but never may be shown in public. I don't mind showing my age (and do in my profile), but I understand everyone who doesn't want.

    My opinion about the new system: Absolutely silly. If you could add your own messages/infos, it would be good. But a rating system and the infos about rooms,poses, relationships…not needed


    ADD to Lovers post

    A final prove of age would be good, but never may be shown in public. I don't mind showing my age (and do in my profile), but I understand everyone who doesn't want.

    I mean a button of AGE prove like that

    AP could be Premium  Age v just prove of ADULT Married lets see if spoused
    And Country  OR language  so Players know if a communication can be


    Sarah, I got it

    We already talked about languages in past. It would be good to have a menu to add the languages you're able to speak




    *Premium certified is a member paying by bank card, not gifts!
    Exit the level and the like/dislike who are an Dramas Factory ! 

    Premium certified is


    Yes,  Good idea Nat   :-*

     But, I would go a little further and remove number of poses and places as well.

     Make more room for Info.

     Particularly like the Certified Premium member.

     I haven't been Certified for ages.   OMG !!!  LOL   😮 😮


    Yes ZuZ, I'm ok for that to remove number of poses and rooms but I had a discution in game and some like to know !
    Maybe they are too shy to ask ?  :

    :-* all


    Poses and Places could be placed side by side, occupying only one line, making room for other useful info.

    Premium Certified is great idea and works as an Age verification system.

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