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FF Pose Review Request. 79. Hot Legs and Feet.

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The forums Woman with woman in AChat FF Pose Review Request. 79. Hot Legs and Feet.

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  • #6121

      It’s added for 249A$

      Can it be secret santa had some influence?

      This pose can be found in “Scenes” of the in-game Achat shopping Mall, FF Section. Box 9. SM & FETISH.

      This is a general request for someone in the FF community to review this pose please when they get a suitable opportunity and post it in this topic.
      It’s fairly simple to do.

      1. As you “Play” the game and find a willing partner, please list the actions on the both sides.
      2. Please identify if there is a “Change Role” button or do both partners have to own the pose to swap positions?
      3. Then write a short paragraph of 1 to 6 sentences about what you like about the pose, what you don’t and if it can be improved.
      4. Let your (un/identified) partner do the same kind of review that you have and post with yours.
      5. Both give it a star rating. If it differs with your partner, rate it the lowest star.
      6. Identify if a good buy for a new join in the initial A$1,000 gift they receive and what section it can be bought in the Achat Mall if not identified already.

      There are examples of MF pose reviews in the Woman with man in AChat section of Forum by Vaughan & JessiCapri to give you an idea of what to do.

      1 Star. – No. Hate it. Don’t bother – its rubbish.
      2 Stars. – Yes. Didn’t like it much. Will buy it if I have A$ to waste.
      3 Stars. – Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.
      4 Stars. – Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection.
      5 Stars. – Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often.


        Thank you Achat Gods


        Can we have MM too ?


        Ok girls … could someone list the actions and their review ….. If its like the MF its sooooooooooooooooooo worth it



          i voted the 2nd choice , but i am little sad that there is so much actions with the strappy .

          I mean what is the interest to rub a piece of latex with the foot or to fuck legs with it or to masturbate it ( again ) etc ….

          But this stay a good pose  :)


            Ok, Rukya.. noted.    I am not  familiar with FF poses, it maybe the Achat God's are in the same position & working the best they can with their limited information or knowledge too.

              Maybe,  if all the actions on both sides are listed as we do in the MF poses ..  the actions you speak of can be hi lighted and then suggested  better options  for actions outlined for replacement …  then in time, they may be able to work on it , in an upgrade…  and the ideas could then also be used in future FF poses..

            If we all work together, little annoyances like this in the different orientations can be eradicated in time… 

            It can only be done with your help and suggested ideas.  We all need to be creative in our criticism for it to work  ;D    So come on girls  lets hear the actions and ideas and all work together here.  :-* 


                Maybe,  if all the actions on both sides are listed as we do in the MF poses ..

              I'll do this as soon as possible as always  ;D

              then in time, they may be able to work on it , in an upgrade…

              You know , FF have less than 1 upgrade a year , the last upgrade we had was the erotic spanking in november 2011 . And i suppose that if we have an upgrade , it will be one that MF had before and we will have the moves they have ( including blowjob and all the ones made for men )  :)

              But as i said , the pose is good its just sad to have these moves  ;D


                Pssst Rukya, last update was March 2012.. erotic spanking ;)


                  I verified  , and youre right . I dont remember what we had in november then but it was surely important to get this date in memory  ;D

                  Anyway , i started Achat around july or august 2011 , and saw only one FF upgrade  ;D

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                The forums Woman with woman in AChat FF Pose Review Request. 79. Hot Legs and Feet.