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  • #7662

    For a few days know  when I log on it  gives me a erro
    it will not let me in till I refresh ..

    then I open a topic and this is what I  get

    its  like two pages are layered  on top of the other..

    I refresh and it  go's to normal  …

    this  has happen all week . I am sure they will fix this  bug  ..
    I am  just wondering why and if more are getting this



    Hi Foxy,

    Just to say you I don't have any problems on the forum.
    Trying to empty your cache and cookies, I don't know ! need a technician here 


    hey Foxy!

    Maybe you bookmarked the page where this gif is on, so it keeps on loading it when you log in.
    So as Nat said, empty cache and cookies, then bookmark another page of the forum.

    I hope it helps.


    Me I bookmark the home page and I clic every times on “Forum” or what I want 


    try updating your graphic card driver foxy


    thanks  Nat  I will try the cookies    how  do  you  do this lol.

    Woody  I think a good kick and maybe  New PC will Help 

    Thank you


    For the cookies search on google if you have internet explorer or firefox or chrome, I don't know but it's easy to do.
    Don't forget if you erase your cookies you must log and pass in all your sites you have a password and a log on, after it's good like now.
    And you have a cleaner system for your brownser.
    Sometimes it's necessary to erase the cookies.

    If you don't know ask to Lover he knows, he can help you for that 
    You go in a room and chat about this for delete your olds cookies.


    O i was thinking the cookies  for achat not 

    see nat  it is only on achat  my pc is ok

    some times Lover is so busy  he cant help all 


    Ah ok yes you can delete the cookies only for one web page.
    Generally in your browser  it's in ” Options/Vie privée” private life I don't know in english !

    It's strange that that do that only on AChat !
    Like said Peeka try to delete your bookmark and make one new or try to bookmark the home page first and clic on forum after.


    Thank you  nat 

    I  dont have it booked marked

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