The forums › Share your creative ideas › Poses for building relationships and friendships
- This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by Vaughan.
September 26, 2023 at 12:34 pm #203234
Whilst arranging the poses topics in a more organised fashion and asking for pose reviews across the board, it became very apparent some couples lack poses that MF have taken for granted and use regularly to build their relations for friendship and lovers.
As a consequence, although, I have asked before, I have again forwarded a request to Achat Support to ask them to make the below poses for couples.
I am posting it in forum to, so you can see the poses I have requested.
If you agree, please also forward a message to support asking for them tooIf every couple has a good base to play from, I think the community will grow in a positive way.
Here is the message and poses I have requested today.
Hi Achat,
I know you are busy with Achat Next and improvements to Achat but I really do feel you are missing a golden opportunity to extend your customer base and to encourage more long term membership.Many customers buy poses for their true sex, as well as for their online persona and role plays.
In other similar games, LBGT and MF poses have a good range of poses and are similar if not the same in number.
Achat poses are far superior but many LBGT couples feel neglected.If members have a good base of poses to start with or choose from, your customer base will expand as will their spending.
And many will buy with other accounts of a different sex for RP and in gifting.
It will also encourage members to build longer lasting relationships.I have taken the liberty to look at the poses and think these poses created for our members, listed below, would really improve the game experience of Achat in a positive way.
It would give an excellent base for members to settle in and stay and build their relationships.MM is a large community who have really felt unwelcome in Achat, yet they are big spenders in other games.
Set a good pose base & I believe, they will come as word of mouth spreads.
These poses are chosen for building friendships and relationships.MM
Grand Total MM Poses 23 Poses to date. Last Pose: 6. Dance. Last Pose Released Sat 30 Nov 2013Slow Dance – Naked & clothed.
Foreplay – Lying on the bed.
Lover’s Siesta.
Hot Kissing – Clothed & Naked.
Body Massage
Macho Dance
The Body Builder
Refreshing Massage
Foreplay – Show me what you Feel (down on one knee)
Talk about Yourself – Sit at the table.
Romantic Moments 1 – Sitting Cuddle on bed Naked & clothed.
Romantic Moments 2 – On Sofa, head on lap. Naked & Clothed
Glory Hole
Hot Legs & Feet
Leg & Foot Massage
Classic BJ (Receiver standing. Giver Kneeling)
Lets Talk – sitting on the sofa Sex clothes AND CLOTHED.The below couples would also benefit from the poses identified to build and sustain relationships.
Grand Total MS Poses – 181 (Last pose Release: Sat 16 Sept 2023.)Slow Dance – Naked
Romantic Moments 2 – On Sofa, head on lap. Naked & Clothed
Classic BJ (Receiver standing. Giver Kneeling) AND reverse version.
Lets Talk – sitting on the sofa. CLOTHED.SF / FS
Grand Total FS Poses – 90 (Last Pose Release – Sat 2 Sept 2023.)Body Massage
Foreplay – Show me what you Feel (down on one knee)
Slow Dance – Naked
Dance on Table
Leg & Foot Massage
Classic BJ (S standing. F Kneeling)
Lets Talk – sitting on the sofa Sex clothes AND CLOTHED.
Finger My PussySS
Grand Total SS Poses – 41 (Last Pose Release – Sat 2 Sept 2023)Macho Dance
The Body Builder
Foreplay – Show me what you Feel (down on one knee)
Slow Dance – Naked
Dance on Table
Romantic Moments 2 – On Sofa, head on lap. Naked & Clothed
Hot Legs & Feet
Leg & Foot Massage
Classic BJ (Receiver standing. Giver Kneeling)
Lets Talk – sitting on the sofa Sex clothes AND CLOTHED.FF
Grand Total FF Poses – 93 (Last Pose release: Sat 2 Sept 2023. Wanking a Dildo pose!!!! FF. Pose Review Request. 93. The Milkmaid.)Foreplay – Show me what you Feel (down on one knee)
Slow Dance – Naked
Dance on Table
Leg & Foot Massage
Lets Talk – sitting on the sofa Sex clothes AND CLOTHED.
Finger My PussyMF / FM
Grand Total MF Poses – 289 (Last Pose Release: Sat 23 Sept 2023)Lets Talk – sitting on the sofa CLOTHED.
Please seriously consider making these poses available for the couples identified. I’m sure it will be worth your while.
Please also can you make the pose editor available for other couples, not just MF.
We have talented members who could help improve the pose counts.Thanks for listening
Vaughan.If anyone has other poses they would like added, please post here and let Achat know via Support.
September 28, 2023 at 10:53 am #203247Good Idea.
But look at the last date for a MM pose 2013 !!!
The Achat team have an agenda and MM poses are really not in them I guess.
October 2, 2023 at 9:33 pm #203266Big support to this. I have sent multiple messages to support over the past year asking for more MM poses, it is long overdue at this point. Would also like the 3-day premium pass to return as well.
October 9, 2023 at 8:23 pm #203313Achat have answered.
we are just considering the possibilities of better gender support, so we hope in the future we can provide all the positions for all gender combinations.
AChat support -
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The forums › Share your creative ideas › Poses for building relationships and friendships