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Poses selection now prevented by all partners

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    Poses selection now prevented by all partners

    After some update my partners cant select poses I have, that;s really inconvenient.


    yes I have this issue too 


    I think it's a new thing against free players. Also even if you buy membership right in the room, you have to leave the room or relog before you can pick poses.


    I would hope to think its a glitch.

    A premium player who has paid should have a partner  who can access his / her poses as their guest in his / her room, free player or not.
    It helps to tempt free players to become paying players!

    If this has changed,  Achat should tell us and confirm the new restrictions.

    The lack of information and customer service to members is disgraceful and seems to be the norm.  Achat, It's time to treat your members better. I think we have all been very patient and you need to review this part of your business as a matter of urgency.

    Can anyone in Achat confirm if this is a glitch and if so when it will be resolved?

    Well I found out that if I invite I only see MY bought poses- I got NO access to my partner poses. ( he is premium !!!)
    it is since the last few big changes on the “servers”

    Its just sad to watch, how a nice and fun game gets ruined with the time by the lack of customer service!!!

    BUT as we all know the words:” Ducks shit in there pound of fresh water untill its dried out !!! “

    just smh


    If they have changed the rules, they HAVE to tell us – cause we are paying members and our subscription is connected with special rights.

    Like Brandy, I also want to believe, it's just a glitch. We ask the A-Team!


    I got the sneaky suspicion that they have changed the rules without telling anyone.
    Seems like such a odd bug otherwise.


    I suppose as usual telling silence?

    And from now on both need to own the same pose if both want to be able to chose it.
    Double your income! Do you really think it was done without purpose? I don't.

    Can anyone explain me a reason why I should prolongate my subscription when it runs out? Where would be the benefit if I can't use my partner's poses like a freebee? See, I also don't get the difference.
    Oh yes, I can change my cloth! Yeehaw!

    Screw it!

    I'm sure I said hilarious before?






    shoudl stop giving newbies 1000
    make 24hr test account

    SPOUSED- LOVERS  SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE BOTH OWNED POSES……….for what relation ? For what premium ?




    This is exactly the point. Just going in one direction now, where to meet. Which makes is even easier because only one has to consider whether to buy a new location or not. Good job AChat, saved us a lot of $.

    This post is a natural product. Due to the processing it may contain residues of peanuts irony. 


    I thought that this was the normal stuff. Since july Im playing and I always saw that. Anyway I think its not cool that partners cant select our poses and vice versa.


    Yes Paulina, all poses for all partners are need. You know me. You know i want to show my feelings and you know i play with heart and soul. hugs only when dancing or kisses all bad. Drinking as girl or shemale with girl or shemale why not. Kisses for you in love Gwen.


    ACHAT –  YOU NEED TO CHANGE THIS IMMEDIATELY.  Its a bad decision to change Prems rooms in this way.

    PREMIUM MEMBERS  pay to room and share an experience with their partner.
    PREMIUM MEMBERS  encourage new members to become PREMIUM MEMBERS
    Not all PREMIUM MEMBERS are Dominant so why on earth should submissive premium members have to choose the next pose if their partner is trying the game out.
    BOTH PARTNERS should be able to choose the poses in the PREMIUM's room – it's why they are paying members .

    Then can you explain to us WHY only the paying member can get access to poses? 
    If it's my room, my partner should have access to my poses whether paying or not.

    Another bad decision –  Allow public sex in the Red Light Night Room and anyone to invite.  You have killed it changing it.
    Put it back to how it was so new life can be breathed into it.

    Not sure if you can change this too but if you could, it would improve your game a 1000-fold
    Change the ignore facility so the toon you have ignored cannot be seen or heard.
    That way, all can continue to enjoy the game without the silly trolls trying to spoil everything.
    Standing in your face, standing in your play and even screen shooting without permission could all stop.
    Its worth a new upgrade. It works marvelously in another game I visit.


    Hi Vaughan *hugs*

    I have ranted about this flagrant abuse of our PAID services, stealing what was once ours, since March. Although it appears not on this thread…. hmm, that's odd, I must be slipping. I thought I read everything in here and “spammed”… oh, I mean POSTED to everything too.  😮

    Anyway… back to topic, did Achat really think we would not notice this obvious money grab? I understand it is a biz, it has to make money. It will be two years for me this January, this world has become a home for me…. a part of me lives here. Of course I want to see this world continue so I want the creators to be profitable. BUT, they have choices and I want them to listen to US, those who LIVE in this world, let us be the GUIDES in making these decisions. 

    All I have to do is look around…… here in our sanctuary, the Forum, as well as out in Achatville, our world is dying. WHY? Certainly NOT the graphics…. “we reap what we sow”. That applies to everyone…. even the creators.

    BUT….. I know longer rant and rave, not because my words fall upon deaf ears. I know they are heard, they are just NOT wanted. So our world suffocates and soon I too will wither away and perish. No longer able to breath in this world, no reason left to come back.  After all… what is a world without  friends? ……

    If Achat did only TWO updates for the rest of this year, I would be happy, I would stay, I would renew for another year. If they only…..

            – completely eliminate the cancerous like / dislike system – let US figure out who to like


            – return what was ours…… gives us back our two way poses

    hmm, pondering now…. after having spent some 20 min composing this only to find it either removed n censored or just tossed aside like all my others. Guess, I am now just VENTING instead of RANTING

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