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Problems with the ‘tex’ command

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Home Forums Slip of the pen (Report bugs) Problems with the ‘tex’ command

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  • #5996

    This morning, after updating the game, I couldn’t use the ‘tex’ command anymore.
    Is this happening to anyone else or is it just me?



    Just to explain: the “tex” command is necessary if you wanna get the clothes-editor. You're working offline. Marilyn doesn't talk about chatting in game.

    Is anybody having troubles with AChat at all? I can't check it at the moment.


    I've reinstalled and its working now.  :-X  :-X


    I have found on at least two occasions that the current “photo”, when in TEX mode, has replaced my active photo.

    Not only have I not explicitly taken a photo when in TEX mode, which is strange, but it has been embarrassing as I have ended up with a naked male as my active photo. It even added it to my list of photos on my profile.


    Concerto, this happened to me too. I didn't notice when.. but now as you mention it, my profile pic has changed several times to “usual male” pic after i have worked in tex-editor.


    I had notice it too some time ago, but when i refresh (show yourself button), it went normal if i remember it well

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