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Project Genesis: chronicle of the new world

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Home Forums Erotic Stories Project Genesis: chronicle of the new world

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    Chapter 1: Anya and Phyl

    Third layer, Omega sector, laboratory Genesy, under the protection of N.S.P.D.: in this place, for nearly three hundred years, scientists had study the phenomenon known as ” Scission of the continents “, a catastrophic event occurred about five hundred and fifty years ago, which caused the devastation of the earth, dividing it into several plates of various sizes. These plaques, now known as “sectors”, have started to fluctuate around the core of the planet forming different rings referred to as “layers”, which have several features: layer one, the farther from the core, is composed of those that once were the external land on the planet, but now looks like a cluster of sectors covered by glaciers that make it inhospitable or every being; layer two, with a clima similar to the one of the Siberian tundra and therefore not suitable to accommodate humans, but rich of raw materials; layer three, while presenting a nearly ideal climate to accommodate the community of human beings, in short has become predominantly industrial, with factories and research centers, but also hosts agricultural settlements; the layer four, the new settlements of human beings, with cities of different dimension and anything else necessary to daily life; and at last layer five, a deserted and burning land, a shield who protect the other four layer by the heat of the core. The human race has spent nearly two hundred and fifty years to recover from the disaster …. has been a long and not easy way, but men have not given up, reaching to base Genesis laboratory to study the phenomenon of the scission with the aim of finding remedy.

    It is with this objective that Dr. Anya Alstrain has engaged with all her might in the past twenty-five years, graduated with honors at the Academy of Scientific of Newark, the capital of this new world, she didn’t hesitate to devote every minute of her life to study the “Scission of the continents”, trying to understand what has originated and whether it is possible to invert the process, placing in second floor the affections and her own health at times. Not that Dr. Alstrain was a woman unattractive, far from it …. long, slim legs supporting a firm and round bum, usually sheathed by skirt to the knee, breasts not too flashy but well harmonized with her slender figure and making her a woman with a certain charm in the eyes of men. But the first thing everyone can see of her, is certainly her long brown hair, usually tied in a braid that fell from her shoulders, caressing her breasts hidden under the white coat. Finding her not wearing it, it’s a rare event … for her it’s like a second skin, cause work is her primary objective and she pretend the best from her team but especially by herself.

    As usual, that evening Anya is in the laboratory to double-check the data collected by the drones scouts in the last month, when her pager beeped. She take it from the pocket of her white coat and read the name a bit hard, as the day had been long and she’s tired, but when she see the name of Phylip on it, she jumped up and headed for the technical department of the laboratory. She know that when Phyl (how she call him) look for her is always for something important, as Phyl know that Anya is definitely in the lab cause they were friends since high school, and he know her habits really well. He’s just thinking about how much time had passed since they had first met, when he see her enter.

    “So!? What news do you have for me, Phyl!?” she ask, sure that would be something interesting.

    Phyl look at his childhood friend, advancing towards him without even saying a few words for the occasion …. really typical of her: first work, then the rest!

    “The drone number three has just returned …. it was a miracle, looking at how messy is the engine!” he replied, pointing to the workshop beyond the window “I have already begin the procedure to download the memory and in five minutes, you can analyze it! Of course, tomorrow morning i will arrange the repair, so the drone could be used again in a couple of days!”

    Maintenance …. Phyl has always had a passion for mechanics and electronics, so when Anya was enrolled at the Scientific Academy him had done the same, aiming to specialize in advanced mechanics and cybernetic systems. His skills in designing and manufacturing machinery, simple or complex as they were, had stunned even the Academic Council which, once completed the course of study, recommended him at the most important research center for development in the aerospace field. Much to everyone's surprise,  Phyl refuse ….  he said that was not his goal and presented himself, not even a week after Anya, to the Genesy laboratory where his candidacy was accepted immediately: they were sure that his skills would have had a quick turn to the creation of new drones probe and it was . In less than a year, the first working prototype was sent to collect data around the first layer: the new alloy that compose the structure resisted to the strong heat, but the sensors were not yet able to withstand those temperatures. In three years, Phyl was able to solve this problem and was appointed head of the new technologies development: his task was to coordinate the various development departments, but mostly had to take care of the design of what is necessary for research on “Scission of the continents” research, supporting Anya who is now heading the project.

    And this is what he was aiming from the begin, to remain at the side of her friend Anya, as it always happened since their meeting: he had got it in high school, his feelings for Anya going beyond simple friendship, but he knew that she was focused on her objectives and she think love is just an hurdle. Phyl had tried to go out with other girls, but in his mind there was always and only Anya …. he couldn’t forget her, the attraction he felt for her was overwhelming but at the same time, he was afraid of being rejected and that their friendship would end. Those are the reason who had pull Phyl to don’t tell Anya his true feeling, but at the same time he is ready to do anything to stand at her side.

    Phyl and Anya were talking, as always happen when they have some time, when from the computer came the sound signal of the end of the downloading process of data from the drone. Phyl rises from his chair and walked over to the computer to take the memory stick and handed it to Anya: for a moment their hands touched and the temptation to tighten that slender hand in his was so much. He wanted to hold her and caress her face he had dreamed so many times …. and then, he finally like to feel the taste of those thin lip. In his mind, this wish had come true any times and even he knew it will never come true, he want to stay at Anya’s side for all his life!

    He was lost in his thoughts when he heard the voice of Anya: “It's all right, Phyl!? You look a little lost …. “

    “Yes, don’t worry …. probably i’m just tired! I worked all day to complete the new sensors and now exhausted!” he said, hiding part of the truth. That wasn’t the first time, but he know this is the only way to make their relationship going on.

    “I think i'll go to bed and you have to do the same, Anya! You look tired and messy!”

    He stare at her for a long moment, noticing the signs of tiredness on her face. How many days she didn’t sleep!? But was normal in moment like this …. every time she have to meet the Council of the capitol for exposing the research progress, Anya spent a week without sleeping just to be able to demonstrate that there were results and had chance to continue the project. But this time it was really difficult because in the last three months, the drones had not detected any new useful data and the risk that the project can be suspended is high. Anya could not allow it, she can hear a voice inside her that pushed her to complete her research till she is now sure she’s able to solve this mystery and, why not, to find a way to invert the process who had generate the disaster!

    A forced smile appear on her face. Phyl was always tender with her and she liked this because, inside her, she feel how strong and deep a bond was grown between them, but she’s not ready to go further, or at least not now …. her research have the priority, they were her life, but in a corner of his heart her feelings for his childhood friend had grown up: his attention, the everyday gestures …. Anya had noticed them but at the same time, she had put them in a corner but never forget.

    “I should, but now it's impossible, you know it …. only two more days and we do not have enough progress to justify more funds …. i can’t rest!”
    “I know very well, Anya …. in the past, i saw you awake for four days with the only result being eventually collapsed due to too much fatigue …. i don’t want to repeat it again!” and without realizing it, he grab her hand, still so close to his. He can feel the warm coming from her hand and he don’t want to make her leave but he know really well that Anya wouldn’t rest until she had achieved her goals.

    She smiled and took the hand of Phyl in her, stroking it gently.

    “I'll be fine, i always make treasure of all the experiences i had …. you know better than anyone else!” she said, trying to reassure him.
    And it was true …. but now, all Phyl want was to be able to stop the time. There was something in that simple act that made him realize that Anya probably have him same feeling about their friendship: he wanted to find the courage to confess his feelings, but he know that it’s not the right time! He take a deep breath and looked into her eyes.

    “I trust you, always! But be careful …. There are too many things i'd like to talk to you after the meeting with the Council! “

    “I have so much to tell you too, Phyl …. but this is not the time …. please, have a little patience ….”

    Her face seemed more relaxed and her smile, first forced, became natural and bright …. Phyl can feel his heart jump, maybe his dreams are not so impossible! He want to hold her and kiss her, but he know this isn’t the right moment, as he now know now that moment is not so far. Their hands parted, but now they were both aware that their bond is much stronger and deeper than either had suspected until tonight.

    Anya and Phyl came out of the workshop, each going in its own direction. For a moment, Anya turn to look Phyl walking away: in her mind, the desire to run over him is strong …. she is attracted by him even more than before but now it’ on her duty to ensure that the Council approve the new funds for the project. While returning to her laboratory, she stop for a coffee, her usual cure for fatigue, then back to work of watch the record of the drone and elaborate the data it had collect: a lot of work and she would certainly busy all night! She cheer herself and insert the memory stick into the computer: first step is starting the diagnostics data, a long work who probably need four hours to be completed …. hours during which she can view the video taken by the drone during its parking around the core: a tedious job, but at least she forced her to focus and helped her to stay awake. Although, this night, other thoughts crowd her mind …. the words of Phyl constantly run in her mind and the emotions she had felt feeling the warmth of his hand are strong! Despite trying to focus on the job, she could not take them out of her head! She feel strange, the desire of having Phyl there with her is strong, like the sensation of his hand on her skin …. it was something new for her, she had never indulged in such fantasies before, but now …. today it all seemed so different! Resist to this vortex of emotions, now that she had them grow, isn’t easy, and oddly enough, the strange voice who had always lead her to continue with her research, this time seemed to say that indulge in those feelings was the right thing to do and this is the time to stop hiding her true feelings for Phyl!


    She looked away from the monitor: the heat that she feel only in her hands, now blazing in every cell of her body …. it’s something new for her and it feel so nice! It’s like having fever …. her chest seems close to explode and like her heart want to jump out of it: gently, she put an hand over it, as if she want to stop it. That gesture, the feel of her hand touching her body over her blouse, give her an intense shiver of pleasure never experienced before …. she closed her eyes and slowly her hand slide under her blouse opened for the summer heat and start to gently massage her breasts. Her fingers touched the nipple partially swollen for the growing excitement al over her body …. she squeeze it gently between her fingers …. couldn’t hold a moan of pleasure and instinctively she put her free hand over her mouth, afraid that someone would hear her. This fear have no reason because normally, at that time, there was no one inside the lab …. but for her it was the first time, she didn’t expect such a reaction, so intense and so “irrational”! Anya is partially afraid of this feeling, she isn’t sure if this is right, but at the same time she can feel the desire to lose any control, to feel like a normal woman!

    Her hand was initially hesitant but now it’s more firm and bold …. shivers of pleasure walk on her whole body, more and more intense, and she began to gasp. She stop, trying to breath, while her hands start to open, button after button, the blouse: she watch at them, at that unbelievable show, hypnotized by this flood of new sensations …. in her mind, the image of her hands is replaced by the one of Phyl’s hands and this  increase the pleasure and the embarrassment for what she was doing. But soon, the embarrassment give way to desire …. her breasts perfectly filled in her hands and her fingers are now playing nicely with her nipples fully erect: her hands are so hot, so impatient …. her left hand began to slide down her belly, gently massaging it.

    Anya feel chills run throughout her whole body and at the same time, she can feel something strange growing between her legs: it’s like if all the fire that blazed her at the begin is now focused in that point. It’s a very intense feeling, her heart is pounding faster and her breath is missing …. is this what you feel when you get carried away by sensation, desire, when you abandon reason!? She had heard about this from her friends, but try it personally is something else! She stand up while her hands began frantically to open the zip of her skirt and loose the only button that now held it firmly on her hips …. the skirt slid to the ground, lightly, showing Anya’s panty. When she realized that they were wet, she feel a strong embarrassment ….  she isn’t a shy girl, but this is the first time she let go herself and also she is alone, at night, in her lab! The fear that someone might come in and see her in this situation is an unfounded though!

    Instinctively, she touch her panty with her fingers and they are so wet that her juice soak her fingers in a snap! Her fingers slowly began rubbing the area around the clitoris, and moans come out of her mouth  more frequently with increasing force …. more her fingers move faster, more is hard to hold those moans of pleasure! She feel her juice sliding down her thighs …. her panty are soaked to the point she can see a glimpse of the triangular tuft around her dripping pussy. Taken by the vortex of pleasure, she pull off her panties and sit on the chair with her legs wide apart …. her fingers back to play with her clit with greater heat and slowly pushed further down, between the labia now ready to receive her fingers.

    A finger slip inside giving her a pleasure even more intense.

    “Oooohh …. it’so beautiful …. ” she whispered in ecstasy. In her mind, she continued to imagine that the hands that possessed her body are the one of Phyl …. the finger began to move in and out, with increasing vigor, and soon two are the fingers who rumming in her intimacy, then three …

    Her juice, now copious,  is flowing all over her hand and on the chair …. her fingers are moving frantically, faster and faster, and with their movement even that strange feeling in her belly grown strong till the point it’s getting hard for her to hold it! She is really enjoying it now and inside her she don’t want it end.

    In that moment, her first orgasm pervade her whole body, impetuous and irresistible like a river …. her body is now filled by little spasms of pleasure, her breath began heavy and loud moans came out of her mouth. She arched her back slightly, while a second orgasm run over her body again, making her going crazy with pleasure. She leaned on the chair, powerless but happy as never heard before.
    “Oh, Phyl, my love …. how i wish you were here!” she thought, as she tried to catch her breath and regain some strength ….
    Phyl isin his room, sitting on the bed and holding a photo of him and Anya taken during the first day of the Academy. He remembered well how both were thrilled to have been accepted and decided to take that photo in memory of that special day, but now that picture had become the most important treasures for him, and every night before going to sleep, he observe it for long time … his fingers follow the pretty face line of Anya, a face well imprinted in his mind. He put the photo in the closet and lay on the bed, thinking of his beloved Anya ….
    “Good night, my love ….” he said before sleeping, as if she were at his side in this cold and lonely bed.

    The next morning, Phyl move to the Anya’s laboratory up early, bringing with him two steaming coffee: he was sure that after a sleepless night, she would have had definitely need to recover some forces if she want continue to work hard as usually she does. When he see her half asleep in front of the PC monitor, that scene surprise him: even if she looks really exhausted, she don’t had give up but this time she looks at her limit.
    “Good morning Anya! Rough night!?” he said, resting a cup of coffee near her face.

    Anya look at him …. when she realized that person is her beloved Phyl, some embarrassment caught her: the pleasant memories of the last night flash in her mind. Fortunately, she had cleaned everywhere and every things and in the laboratory there are no traces of what had happened: just opening the drawer of her desk someone can maybe imagine it because she had hide her panties there …. too wet to put them back!
    With one eye fixed on the drawer she grab the coffee’s cup and take a long sip: that warmth and the aroma make her recover some strength and clarity.

    “it’s all right …. maybe you were right, this time i demanded too much from myself ….” she say after had drinking half of the cup.

    “You have to listen to me sometimes. If the Council don’t allow us new funds, it isn’t your fault! You made all you c …. wait, what's that?!” he suddenly yell looking at the monitor.

    Anya turn and look in the direction where Phyl’s eyes are pointing: an object, similar to the ogive of a giant bullet, is floating in the core! They stare at that unbelievable object for few minutes, thinking it’s just an hallucination …. but it wasn’t, that object is real and it’s in front of their eyes now! Anya run to watch at the data analyzed by the computer during the night, but Phyl was too quick for her and he is analyzing them being able, after few minutes, to confirm or the presence of a metallic object of medium size!

    “Anya, this may be evidence that it was something external to cause the “Scission of the continents!”

    “Maybe …. but now we have to prepare all this new data for this evening!, if we wanna show them to the Council and it’s gonna be a long and hard work!”

    Anya began to catalog the data, set all the work to organize a presentation to be submitted to the Council. Phyl grab his cell phone from his pocket and dial the number …. after a few rings, a voice answer on the other side.

    “Mike, it's me! I leave to you the responsibility for the repairs of the drone number five! ….. yes yes ….. no, i don’t think i can come to the workshop …………. i know you can do it and i'm sure you'll do a great job, i trust you!”

    He close the phone and walk over to Anya’s computer.

    “You can work of the data, i can take care of the presentation …. i’m practice with it and i know well how to do it!” he said taking away the mouse from her hand.

    Anya stare at him …. a sweet smile rise on her face: as usually, Phyl is ready to support her with all his strength when she need it! She walk close to him and put her hand over his …. Phyl turn towards her, noticing a strange atmosphere in the air.

    “Thank you for being always at my side Phyl ….” she say, moving close to his face and kissing him gently on lips.

    Phyl is surprised by this kiss …. happily surprised! That feeling, that lips he had dreamed about for long time …. were now a reality! He smile, sure that something is changing between them ….

    “I will always by your side, Anya …. but now we have a work to do! And we have some funds who are waiting for us!”

    Anya nod and both return to their work. But now both them know that things will be different and a new path in their destiny is now open ….

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