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  • #58044

    Simple is almost the best. Here are some more ideas:

    – Share your ideas in forum
    – Help to improve AChat – use the forum
    – There is a nice forum here
    – Meet more nice people in the forum


    the most simple, specially if it will be used by girls:

    – join us on forum!


    Yes Hentai Read few posts before, Janine's suggestin


    That would be the problem, if you want to promote the forum it will dominate most of your profile. It's a trade off.

    i dont want remove this phrase from my profile : Gifts are from heart, not for fuck . Nobody (or really few peoples , maybe 1 or 2 ) ask me money to go in room since i write these words then i'll let them.


    No one has to remove his own words. I usually change my banner very often as it't a way to welcome someone.
    The only point, this is for now the only chance to give hints to this forum. It's definetley not the best way and it's also just a little support – but as long as we don't have other possibilities it's a little step we can do.
    Once more, it's no duty!

    Janine Dee

    BIG notice people! I put up the “Join us at the forum” and the link and Adera caught I had the “I love AChat” as my message. Benefit of the doubt says they have something to block all links posted, but if Susy could comment I would be personally grateful, as I was promoting here and all? Just really confused.


    BIG notice people! I put up the “Join us at the forum” and the link and Adera caught I had the “I love AChat” as my message. Benefit of the doubt says they have something to block all links posted, but if Susy could comment I would be personally grateful, as I was promoting here and all? Just really confused.

    let's see if i had understand……so, basically, the link on the banner can't be recognized!?  😮

    Janine Dee

    That's my guess. I put it up as I had suggested, only to have Adera message me I was showing I love AChat. My guess is they block links, which WOULD be necessary really. I looked at Lover's and his message read okay, but it didn't have a link listed… so that was what I figured.


    well I'll keep it simple then and hope to get inquiries.


    Perhaps they block every link? That would be easy, a small routine and it's done. Hm, would be great if Suzy answers to this.


    Perhaps they block every link? That would be easy, a small routine and it's done. Hm, would be great if Suzy answers to this.

    I think they do and I think they've said as much… I just forgot it.

    Janine Dee

    I have never heard that, but it makes sense. Just shocked me to know *I* had gotten a “I love AChat” edit. 


    Hard to believe you are one of those nasty people

    I alsoe never heard this, but I thought they had said this the time I wasn't here.

    But they could have given a hint when we started this thread!


    Janine, your new banner is ok


    lover is peeking at ppl's banner i might need to go make mine really good then lol

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 127 total)
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