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Who know KKKxz.

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    qui connait kkkxz ? who know KKKxz ?

    Can you say me
    qui connait kkkxz ? who know KKKxz ?

    he said me that he was inventor or like this of achat !!
    is it?
    and achat was himself

    Thanks for your answers !



    As far as I am aware kkkxz is a player like everyone else ….  but just to make sure, I'll ask the Achat Gods.

    This is not the first time I have been made aware of this.

    Hopefully, I will have a definite answer for you soon.


    As far as I know he is just a player, calling himself “King of AChat”. I know that there is a member called “Administrator” who is really admin. This Tom told us some time ago. As brandy said, we'll check it.


    I can swear he is not part of the AChat staff but a user.

    Some time ago he contact me cause he was in “war” with another one, pretending this one was a man and not a girl, how her avatar is. I think that's only his way to make the others notice he is a “Master” in AChat and he looks usually for sub to serve him.

    Now, the point is……how many people had believe him about his words “he was inventor or like this of achat !!” and do what he ask and if he is taking advantage of this “fake power” he declaim. Me, Lover, Brandy and Bear can do nothing against him – we mod only the froum, thanbks to susy and Tom – but we can put this under their attention sending them a message.

    And from what i can read here, Brandy had just do it. More news when we mods have them!


    I have now had it confirmed.  kkkzx is a normal Achat User.  He is not part of the Achat Gods or their management.  His claims are pure fantasy.

    They are now aware of his claims.


    thanks a lot for  your answers!

    i thaught that was strange !

    thanks to all off you .

    Carole from France

    (i hope my english is allright )


    Your welcome
    We also add a warning to our profiles.

    As this is more a question for support, I move this topic to the corresponding board.


    Tom does have an Avatar,… but it is used very rarely…

    the ONLY staff avatar is “Administrator”… if you search the name you will find it too long for the search fields…

    Anyone promoting themselves in such a lofty status is a fake….

    Forum Mods are not identified differently in game… though we few have flagged the av's for your reference. If you have a specfic question… ask us… we will try to help but have no real authority.

    We are in the works of getting a true forum Avatar out there. Something unique for forum commnity activities.

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