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Real locations, filters, and light weight chat

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Real locations, filters, and light weight chat

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    There are three features that would really make Achat so much better for me.

    1) Use peoples IP address to place true country in profile. Rather than letting them type in or choose a country. Most of the profiles are not filled out properly or have multiple names for the same country

    2) Have filters, so that you only see people you want. I would like to be able to set multiple filters. One for country. Then filters based on gender and age. So males of a certain age range, females of a certain age range, and shemales of a certain age range. So the ability to have multiple filters active at any given time or the option to turn them off. Just to be clear, I don't want the age range to be for all genders. I would need to be able to have separate age ranges for each gender.

    3) It would be great if you had a light weight chat client for Windows and Android. So that you can essentially text your friends lovers etc… This way you can keep in touch with them when you are not logged into the game. For obvious reasons, people don't like to give out personal info. Especially when a relationship is new. So this proposed feature would be a good way to build a relationship over time, without having to give out personal information or use another software program.

    Hope all of the above requests make sense. I could really use all of these features, but I'm sure not everyone will agree with me. Also, sorry if I didn't put my request in the proper place in the forum. Please correct that if I screwed up. This is my first post and I find this forum hard to use.

    Lastly, thanks so much for reverting the gifting system back to allowing free users to buy memberships via gifts. I am not a gift whore. I simply can't afford to pay to play the game. So gifts are the only way I can upgrade my avatar. Many of my partners want me to be able to cum, even though I don't care about that. The avatar also looks sexier when upgraded. So I see this as a benefit to the person gifting as well.



    P.S.; Please be kind, I don't wish to fight or start crap. These are just three features I could really use and wish to inform the developers of the game. If you don't want any of these features, that is fine. I'm posting the ideas for the developers consideration.


    Hi Alley!

    I can understand your need for real info, but I think IP tracking would go against the need for anonimity of many who like it here.

    And for the search feature : you already can combine all type of infos given on profiles.
    For example it is possible to look for women aged between 25-35 that live in France and like oral… Not that bad already, is it?

    The idea of a lightweight chat is nice though. Nice when all goes fine with your friends, but dangerous when one would start to harass or so…
    If not with windows or android, the chat really needs a group feature indeed. So that we can group chat on the game. Not only in MP or poker.
    Group invites aso. Agreed!


    Hi CD,

    A Massive Welcome to Forum and well done on a first post that has put forward ideas to improve the game. Thank you for taking the time to do so. And please continue to post ideas and join in some of the fun topics

    No one will cause a fight or scrap with you here in forum. We are a friendly bunch, although a bit nutty at times.
    We all express our views of course and may not always agree with each other but we do all respect each others views.

    1. You first idea about using IP addresses to identify a players country of origin is interesting but is probably an invasion of a person's privacy. I doubt very much this would be allowed for that reason.
    It is probably best to chat to that person and the information volunteered if they wish to disclose it.

    2. A better search facility is always better but as you no doubt have realised by now, it is only as good as the people who use it or profiles filled out correctly. 
    Some players are quite happy to have the information displayed, and even RL pics, but others, for reasons we respect, choose to be more anonymous. 
    I doubt therefore filters will improve the game to the extent you would like and the search facility already being used, as pointed out by Peeka, is adequate for the game at the moment.

    3. Here in Forum, you have a PM facility which has a much bigger space. You can leave messages & pics here for friends, lovers and spouses to pick up without going or loading up the game. I use it all the time. Of course, you have to register while you are a premium player as you are already aware but once a member, you can use the facility even if your premium runs out. So encourage your friends to join up. Its free, has info about the game and you will meet and make new friends as you browse around. You can also enter some fun games and events we do and even have a chance to win some A$. A Win Win situation.

    There is also the Room & PM facility at The Square where you can chat to a group in The Square or more privately, both in real time. Private chat is by PM and you can also leave messages there.  Again, it is free to join and The Square regulars / members are achatters and very friendly.

    Both facilities respect the privacy of members.

    This forum does look complicated at first but once you get used to it, you will find its not so bad and forum members will always help you out or direct you to where you want to go 

    Please introduce yourself in the link below and I've included another useful link that explains some of the basics in Forum which is always helpful 

    Forum Homepage / Organisations & Events / Introduce yourself,22.0.html

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.,2788.0.html

    It is nice to meet you and I look forward to more of your posts 


    Hi Alley,
    welcome to the forum and thanks for posting your ideas.

    I second Peeka and Brandy on point 1 & 2. About your 3rd idea, I join you. Sometimes it would be nice to have a little extra programme or even an app for your mobile phone, to talk to members in game. A better chat function would be needed first and then you could get an app, which mirrors the chat system, just without the chance to room. I'd like that.


    hi guys,

    yes i understand about wanting to be private and play only for fantasy. however, a real location based off ip address (that only achat would see) is not invading privacy. it is just allowing the ability to filter using location, which is all i want. also the filter is two way. you will not be seen by those you filter out. so it is not an effort to invade ones privacy. only meant to be able to hide yourself from countries you don't want to talk with. there is no way to do that unless the location is accurate. if you think about it, what on earth can you uncover by someone's achat id and country. nothing at all.

    people would still be entering an age, which is usually fake. but it is their choice to enter that in however they like. i just want to be able to hide myself from certain genders, countries, and ages.

    another option could be allowing country selection from a drop down list. you could also have no entry as an option. but the main issue is anything can be typed in that field so it makes even search useless.

    my main goal is to just be able to see people of whom i wish to talk with. and to only be seen by those people. i don't want to chat with everyone in the world and i certainly don't want to chat with people with no info in their profiles. hope that clarifies things. i am not interested in seeing ip addresses. only achat would use those to fill that particular field out. i am sure they can already see any ip address they want since we are all connecting to their servers. so it is no additional privacy risk.

    i knew this would be controversial. i also know, from using the game for awhile, that a lot of people feel like we should have sex with anyone and everyone. but to me this is offensive. i wish to choose my partners. i have had too many bad experiences with people from different countries than my own. so i'd like to just filter out any country but mine. hope that makes some sense.


    Don´t get me wrong but the game is called aCHAT not aSEX, even if it´s a sex game,
    maybe asking someone where he/she is from would be an option?
    Maybe it gives ppl also the possibility to get into a conversation?
    That´s just my opinion tho.
    As Peeka said , the search options are already there
    and since you obviously don´t want to talk to ppl whose short infos are
    blank anyway, you will find what you are looking for via the search option.


    hi maron,

    i've used the game for quite awhile. i know all about the search function. that won't do what i want without the addition of filters or a select-able location (rather than an open text field). but ip based location would be better since it would be accurate.

    also filters are different than search since they are persistent. being able to only be seen by groups that you want is not the same as search. i think many here are thinking of it as a user trying to find other users. i am trying to filter out users. i do it manually now, via block, but you have to go through the whole user database. you also have to keep updating the block list to account for new users. so you have to spend a ton of time and mouse clicks to do something that should be very simple.

    the fundamental problem is many users don't read your profile. if you say usa only, people from other countries still hit you up. if you say men only, women and shemales still hit you up. if you say 40 or over, young people still hit you up. as i said before, i am offended by the idea that i should have sex with anyone/everyone who logs in. i want to choose my partners. having filters would make it easier for me and others to find a compatible person to start a conversation with. if a user wants to bang everyone then they don't have to set filters up. so it would be no change for them.

    the only way to get any piece right now is to block people. that is why filters are needed. also, it hurts people's feelings when they see they are blocked and don't know why. being blocked should be for a good reason not because they are outside the demographic that you like to have virtual sex with.

    to brandy's point about using the forum instead of a light weight chat client. that would not do what i want either. for one, i was only able to join the forum and post once they changed the gifting back. i mostly am thinking of a cell phone app that you can use to arrange in game meet times with your friends, lovers, and spouse. but being able to also chat with them outside the game would be nice too. it takes awhile to get to know people and build up trust. so this would help with that. having it run on windows makes sense as well, since achat runs on windows.

    sorry if my wishes are not coming across well. difficult for me to explain i guess.


    there are a lot of different ways to chat outside of the game
    none of them requires an IPaddress  or any connection to achat,
    just two willing persons who agree to stay in contact and a working email address
    to open an account in skype, yahoo messenger or hangouts in google+ ( just to name a few) 
    the thing is tho, and of course just my opinion again, you would have to gain my trust FIRST
    before I would give any personal things about myself away and talk outside the game.
    AND you clearly miss out, cause if I would have used filters to sort countries , age or gender out,
    I would have never met a few of the most amazing ppl this world ,and I mean the whole world, has to offer.

    I m always open to learn something new each day tho…

    I truly thought the block list was for assholes, not for ppl who dont fit the criteria


    I like my privacy,  I come on  a sex site  and like to keep it discreetly

    from my real world , I would not like every one to know my location

    I do not see the use for a  IP address  and  filters or them finding your  location..

    My concern  privacy safety

    A few years ago to present  I have a stalker and she has tried many many years to seek my location
    I am grateful that they protect my privacy..

    I think that if you want to get to know some one very good
      that will take time  and trust  to allow someone closer
    in to your real life as you choices to let them in..

    I like to say people keep in mind to be safe online
    things are not all as them seem to be  and people are not

    all who the say especially online  I heard to many

    only line stories some not so pretty

    choose wisely and safely

    who you let in ..

    so NO! to IP address


    hi roxy,

    i would be happy with select-able location from list as well. i thought ip based would be better. but it wouldn't matter. just the ability to search and filter off of that field is the main goal. i am all for privacy. that is why i want the light weight chat client too. so you don't have to give out your e-mail addy or skype and so on.

    in the proposed address field people could leave it empty. so long as others can filter off that field that is all i am wanting.


    Let me ask u something Alley…
    You obviously asking for the IP location system cause you dont trust the infos ppl provide and u want them to be filled automatically, if i understand right…
    But then, do u trust their sex, age, orientation and preferences info they give? Or u ask for guaranties for that too?
    So, my opinion is, as the others said before, to try to build and gain that trust with others.
    Then u can have more time to enjoy the game than to set multiple filters or block the others.
    Have fun!


    hi tony,

    the real location filter is simply to find compatible mates. a lot of people think they can speak english but really can't. they don't understand the meaning of things and so forth. if someone is actually from your country there is a much better chance that you will have an enjoyable role play.

    like i said originally, i knew this would be controversial. i am fine with either option so long as we can set filters and location is one of them. this way i am only seen by people from my country. also each sex of certain age ranges. it is a two way thing. not a stalking effort. i do it anyway already. it just takes a lot of time and effort that could easily be fixed with the right software options included.

    i clearly get people get pissed because i don't have an interest in banging them. think of it as tinder.  you swipe on people near you that are mutually compatible to begin with. this would just let people find other people they are both interested in. if everything is fake you should probably have an option that is just pure fantasy profile and open to anyone.


    Oh, you don't want filters for a better search option, but not to be found? If so, there is one thing you don't see… if someone is looking for german people, he will find them – even if they don't want to be found.
    If it's more about languages, it would work if you could add languages from a list -languages you speak. Much better than just the country IMO.

    As I said before, an app just to chat would be good. But first we need a better chat system.


    I think    building a relationship with someone to get to know them well
    Is a lot more important before getting their IP address

    who will a IP adress help you fined a  simply to find compatible mates

    It is  getting to know the person  first

    Quote :

    a lot of people think they can speak english but really can't. they don't understand the meaning of things and so forth. if someone is actually from your country there is a much better chance that you will have an enjoyable role play.

    this dose not make any does not make any sense to me

    what dos  a IP adress  help in this

    I think  getting to know some one    is more important …. if they can understand you  or not ..Why would you continue
    talking to them if you can't understand them to RP ..

    I just think Privacy is more important to many

    A lot  just come online to play  and every one has there reasons  how they play ,

    But  we should  respect everyone's privacy…

    If you like to  get closer to them Get to know them before trying to get to there privet life




    the filters and location are to be able to hide yourself from people not find people. i want to hide myself from any country but my own. i also want to hide myself from each gender in certain age ranges. by hiding myself i would also not see them. so it is a two way persistent filter.

    i have said many times above i am fine with a drop down menu for location rather than ip. i think ip based would be better but i would be fine with a drop down list. the problem with an open field for location is that there are multiple ways one can enter a country. the field is completely useless to search off of currently. and like i said i don't want to search i want to filter. not the same thing.

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