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Tagged: Red Friday.
- This topic has 75 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by JessiCapri.
April 28, 2021 at 2:32 pm #169721
Told you I had the chat Corina. Did you think I lied? I also told you I did not send hp to you. The above proves it.
WANT MORE? I have the whole thing.
PS. No Corina. The Chat log cannot be changed when approvimately 6 maybe 8 others have it. That would not only be unethical but stupid as a different one can then be produced. Think what you like. YOURS is the one says Chat with one partner yet has quite a few people talking. How good are you at photoshop? Expert level?
I am done with you and your twisted mind and smelly farts in our faces. You are disgusting.
So to sum up.
Corina hates PriPri's Red Friday Event.
Corina attacks us over it.
Corina Farts and calls name continuously for two weeks.
Corina is on Jessi's ignore in game.
Corina claims that HP approached her saying Jessi wished to talk to her.
Jessi says this is not true. She never asked HP to go get Corina. Corina passes by every day all on her own.
Jessi says the word “Bitch”
Corina assumes it is said her but it could not have been since Corina is on Jessi's ignore.
Corina has another gestational attack and farts alll over us, friends and in forum.
Corina posts a doctored screenshot to prove Jessi said word “Bitch” even tho Jessi never denied it.What is important in that screenshot is the bottom sentence. “Ugh try to share more of what's said. lol I can't hear” (This proves that Corina is on Jessi's ignore but because of some glitch she was able to hear Jessi even though Jessi could not hear Corina.) So therefore any cursing was to herself and not “at” her.
Jessi posts part of the chat log to prove she never sent HP to Corina and this also includes where Jessi said “Bitch”.
Corina claims chat log doctored. (In what way we may never know but Achat has their own copy and can compare.)
Corina has claimed several times now shes leaving forum, she doesn't care about red/black Friday but keeps returning to Fart and call names.
Corina thinks we are Gods.
Jessi and Vaughan have both told her to leave us be.
Corina refuses to do so.
Jessi deletes the chat log now that Corina has seen it and still refuses to accept that Jessi had nothing to do with HP's actions.
Corina continues to attack. Although we are not sure why. See Below screenshotsFor those inclined to do so her screenshot and commentary can be found here.,5337.0.htmlApril 28, 2021 at 4:49 pm #169722SEE YOU ALL ON FRIDAY !!
April 28, 2021 at 5:18 pm #169723See?? She just cannot leave it alone.
Scared? Scared of what EXACTLY? A person with the class of a FART?
She really just needs to leave us alone. Jayc are you paying attention? Achat Support Admin? How long are you all going to let this harassment continue?
AND She keeps at it! I did not call her a bitch as I have her on ignore. Although I did say the word. How can someone call another something while on ignore? AChat has the records and the complete chat log in their own files.
April 28, 2021 at 9:32 pm #169720And More… Taking it to yet another topic.
Seems she moved it by request…… She's Still at it! Pure InsanityApril 29, 2021 at 10:25 am #169724April 29, 2021 at 3:15 pm #169725Isn't it a beautiful morning?? The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky and temps were just beautiful on my walk on the beach this morning!! Just perfect!! I hope you are all having as wonderful a day as I am.
However, it has already been a busy drama-filled day in the land of the twisted. I am sure you were all looking for an update and I would not want to disappoint….
Seems she refuses to see that showing our soldiers that we care and value them is not political. This is something done in many countries so how could it be local politics? But bullies rarely make sense. They use anything they can find to bully and harass and she is no different.
Vaughan had posted a thank you to AChat for the newest hot kissing pose for F/F in a different topic. Of course Corina needed to use that post as a way to again harass:
I replied that I do not kiss women or snakes….(true)…since she refers to herself as a cobra. Her reply:
I thought better of it as this again was taking place in someone else's topic, so deleted by post to move it here. Her reply to my consideration of the OP and topic:
So now let's add sexual harassment to the list. How long is Achat going to let this continue?
It just proves again how out of control and disrespectful of the community she is. As of this writing her harassing posts remain in that other topic belonging to another.
Stay tuned….I am sure there will be more to brighten your day soon!
April 29, 2021 at 3:22 pm #169726It seems a certain person – Corina_33 – who keeps leaving and then re-joining Forum is persistent in making trouble and to derail an event that has nothing to do with her…
WHY? Because she has a personal vendetta about the people who have posted this topic, namely me and my spouse and to hell with anyone else who gets hurt or insulted along the way.
So we feel we have to dispel some of the rubbish she is spreading…
Why the vendetta? Who knows… The first time we became aware of this player was when she attacked and bullied mutual friends to back up others doing the same. Her posts were similar, if not the same, to ones you see in forum now. You can see many over several different topics.
She was hostile towards us after being influenced by these same associates she joined with to gang up on the other players. We objected to the bullying behaviour.
As it was in my topic, of course I asked it to stop and since then this player has done everything in her power to spoil play for us, insult us, our friends, and spread ridiculous lies and accusations.
Normally I would not care of her silliness, or her pettiness and some of her antics really are funny except after it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on.. it goes from funny, to rolling eyes to… not funny now, it’s just annoying! And again so be it… we always have the ignore button but …
She moves it a notch higher to get reactions… now she involves others. She returns to Forum to start a war.
She sees we have an event going on… It doesn’t matter if it’s someone else’s… it doesn’t matter that it’s just in recognition for soldiers posted away from home… What matters is it’s started by the people she wants to annoy because, it’s not working in the game…First, she tried to derail it with objecting to the colour Red… she wanted RED as her idea and wanted to say you stole my idea!
But that fell down when her event was way back in December 2020 and one was called Scarlet Sunday.
Nothing had been done there for months… at least not in Forum.We explained several times what it was about, tried to compromise and asked her to join in and we would help her with another day.
That offer still stands and to make posters & even to teach her how to post pics in Forum instead of having to ask others all the time.This just infuriated her more, she began silly name calling & using bodily functions as insults.
Though farting at us is funny at times. Farting in public can be amusing but like everything else… too much of a good …or smelly thing… can also be annoying. So her next plan to annoy us was to have an event at the same time…!We asked her to change the day so we could support her event and so everyone can support both and have fun.
But NO that can’t happen. And having the event at the same time is not enough for her!
She decides to make it..a them and us war, insult the RED day and turn the RED day for overseas soldiers political.
This player puts us on ignore in Forum and locks her topics, so she can post insults, silly propaganda and then run, supported behind the scenes by the same “gang” as before.
That’s amusing as we have never attacked anyone, nor pestered, nor harassed anyone.
Jess and I have only ever reacted to insults or accusations thrown at us and corrected misrepresentations. Mostly we let it ride though. Now I don’t. Now I have zero tolerance.No one has to agree with the cause of RED, you can take part to support their service if you want, or even wear red just for fun and something different to do.
You don’t have to wear full red either…. you can just wear one item of red. A shirt, a dress, a skirt. The other colours can match or clash. The choice is yours.
So we can make yet another attempt to stop this silliness and still have fun here, those who will or wish to take part… thank you.
Wear Red and black if you wish. Whatever you decide.., it’s just a fun day. Jess & I won’t play this silly “War Game”
Corina_33 keep your vendetta to us if you must, stop involving others. Stop trying to make people take sides.
Enjoy your game everyone.
If Jess and I can help with anything, PM in forum. My game messaging does not work, it’s always clogged up, so best to contact me through Forum.
April 29, 2021 at 5:03 pm #169727SEE??? LOL I told you she wouldn't let us down. Below is her response to Vaughan's post. Instead of posting V's entire post again I only took a shot of her reply. You can see her name and date stamped on her last edit.
She just does not understand that when someone says the word “Bitch” and someone standing there is on their ignore, it is not said 'to them'. However, she sure does continue to want to prove the statement correct doesn't she? She also refuses to see that support for our deployed soldiers is NOT political
She also thinks she needs to remind the Achat community that this is a porn game. Does she think you did not know this? Meanwhile, giving her permission to you all to wear red panties and socks. In a game restricted to porn? Seems you are only allowed to step out of your box of porn for HER. For FUN!? So non-porn fun? She is argung for the sake of arguing, trying to take over an event already organised and advertised in forum and using bullying and harassing tactics to diminish RED Friday and turn it black.
Again, I am sure there will be more bullying and harassment to follow for your drama fulfillment today!!
April 29, 2021 at 5:46 pm #169728LMAO
April 29, 2021 at 6:22 pm #169729Try this again!!
April 30, 2021 at 8:01 pm #169730
YAYYYYYY!!! IT IS RED FRIDAY!!!May 1, 2021 at 8:18 pm #169731We cannot thank all who joined in on the fun had at yesterday's RED FRIDAY event enough!! We had a blast too!!
We asked you to wear RED, whether to support our deployed soldiers, or just for fun, AND YOU DID!! In Amsterdam & In Winter!! So many of you from so many different countries!! If we missed getting a pic of you please know it was not on purpose. You can still be a part of this post by sending me or Vaughan the pic via pm and we will be sure to add it. PriPri we all did you proud girl!! Cannot wait till you are back online and hope the move went well.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!
You ALL looked fabulous!!
[img width=700][/img]
May 3, 2021 at 2:35 am #169732So this is interesting, and it is worth pointing out despite the chance of possibly waking the twisted again.
If you remember the entire battle over Red vs. Black Fridays started because she claimed she had started Black fridays ages ago. Facts are that she had a Scarlett Sunday back in December and never EVER did a Black Friday.
Below is her first post in her Black Friday Event post where she thanks people for attending her FIRST Black Friday Event. This took place AFTER we had ours.
So. PriPri Stole NO ONE's IDEA. This entire thing was based on fantasy and for the sole purpose of harassment.
May 6, 2021 at 2:26 pm #169733May 7, 2021 at 12:30 am #169734I know you all have been holding your breath impatiently for her next nasty drama filled tantrum. She has a Scarlett Sunday FIVE MONTHS ago so no one is allowed to have a RED FRIDAY without being accused of stealing her idea. YET SHE accused US of being GODS and owning the day of the week that no one else could have an event on.
Anyone have some milk of magnesia for her? She's still B-ing and F-ing the poor girl.
This might be it….or not….but I will make sure to update you of course.
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