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Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.

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Home Forums Events Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.

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  • #151489

    New YorK Jets vs. Indianapolis Colts  Sep. 21st

    WAGER 5 & Forfeit.


    as much as I love you baby, but you picked the wrong team

    all is fair in love, war and fussyball, prepare to look sexy as hell honey

    you ll gonna wear …..

    for lets say 3 days, if I like it maybe longer

    and I ll get a nice foot massage every day
    and for your banner….. My Colt is just a Water Pistol

    *smooches* damn you ll look hot baby, cant wait to see the back

    we have a deal?

    New YorK Jets vs. Indianapolis Colts  Sep. 21st


    we sure have a deal honey…

    but im sure u gonna regret this …
    cause if u lose…u have to wear this for…lets say 3 days…chuckles* 

    and your banner will be…N.Y. Jets can never touch down
    Of course i ll get my massage every day (not a foot one   )

    gooooooo Colts


    Wager agreed and 


    New York Jets Maron21177 20  Indianapolis Colts Tonyg Maron21171  wins wager


    Sunday Sept. 20 2015
    Seattle Seahawks – Martinus 17 Green Bay Packers – Skydance 27  Skydance wins wager       

    WAGER 2.

    If Green Bay Packers win :-
    For a week, you change your profile to look like this …

    Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
    The straw Hat
    Gimp mask
    The candy striped jumper
    The Summer costume flowery shorts
    The Black and white ankle boots with black socks.

    Tagline / Banner =  “Whiffy Sea Chickens have been packed by a Green cheese!”



    1. San Francisco 49ers – Syique at Pittsburgh Steelers – Babydoll 

    My wager Syique if you dare to accept  is this………………….I will take the 2 1/2 points………….your lovely outfit for three days will be the strawberry shortcake outfit accompanied with yellow gloves, green stockings and the scream scary mask…………….your banner for the week will read …………..”All cold invites accepted because I am a 69er not a 49er”

    Sure, I'll take it.  (I don't own any of the items though…).  Since I am very unimaginative, If I win, you have to wear the outfit, and your banner will read, “My steel is bent, so I take it in the ass.  Send me your invite!”

    San Francisco 49ers – Sylque 18     Pittsburgh Steelers – Babydoll 43     Babydoll wins wager.

    WEEK 3.   Agreed Wagers so far.
    T = Temporarily adopted for that game.

    1.  Wager 1    Lover &  Brandybee.
    Sept. 27 2015

    Game –  Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Lover  at   Houston Texans,  T. Brandybee.
    For this game only, Brandybee adopts the Houston Texans and as her temporary team is favourite to win,  she will give Lover the 6.5 point lead as high lighted by the Point Spread.

    If Houston Texans win,  Brandybee will take control of Lover’s profile and description banner for a week :
    For 1 whole week – Lover will do and wear the following :-
    Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
    Red Cowboy hat
    Gimp mask including when you room of course. 
    The top portion of the golf outfit
    The Summer costume flowery shorts
    The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.
    Tagline / Banner = “I love being Brandybee's Bitch” 
    Plus …
    A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol. (Probably something for Halloween)

    Lover has agreed to this and made a counter offer, also agreed to by Brandybee –
    Lover will tell her banner soon and she will have to wear the pink latex bodysuit with panties of her choice.   

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers (9 + 6.5) 15.5 : 19 Houston Texans

    Brandybee wins

    2.  Wager 2.   Sam_Hawke & maron211177  
    Sun Sept. 27 2015

    Philadelphia Eagles –  Sam_Hawke   at   New York Jets – maron211177
    If the Jets & Maron win,   Sam to wear 
    [img width=200][/img]
    Tagline / Banner = “My Eagle got shredded by a NY Jet”

    If Sam wins, Maron to wear –

    Tagline / Banner –  “My jets got stuffed like turkeys by the Eagles” = 3days

    Philadelphia Eagles 24 : 17 New York Jets

    Sam_Hawke wins

    3.  Wager 3    TonyG  &  Maron211177
    Sept. 27 2015.

    Indianapolis Colts –  TonyG   at    Tennessee Titans –  T  maron211177.
    Maron temporarily adopts The Titans for this game.
    If the Titans & Maron wins,  Tony to wear –  for 3 days
    [img width=200][/img]
    Tagline / banner will read “My Colt got smashed by a sexy Titan Goddess”

    If Tony and his colts win
    8 point lead and for 3 days Maron to wear

    Tagline / banner will read  “I like my Colt loaded and ready”

    Indianapolis Colts (35+ 43 : 33 Tennessee Titans

    TonyG wins

    4.  Wager 4.   Jayc & Martinus.
    Sept. 27 2015
    Chicago Bears –  bigdaddyg &  jayc   at    Seattle Seahawks  –  Martinus
    Losers of this game – OUTFIT AND BANNERS  FOR 3 DAYS :
    Palest skin color
    bald head
    party hat
    borat mankini
    white socks
    flip flops.

    Jayc to display banner line: “Seahawks having Bears for lunch, wanna join? Please cold invite me!”
    Martinus to display banner line : “I can’t BELIEVE I lost to the Bears!”

    Chicago Bears 00 : 26 Seattle Seahawks

    Martinus wins

    5.  Wager 5.  Blayne & Stone.
    Sun Sept. 27 2015
    Jacksonville Jaguars apussycat & Blayne at New England Patriots Stone & jessie1990
    If Stone loses :
    Pink Pigtail Hairdo
    Heart Sunglasses
    Yellow SSAChat Dress
    Knee High Green Boots
    Background: Snowmen
    Tagline: Blayne's Mighty Jags Rule!

    If Blayne loses :
    Pumpkin Head, palest skin, the blue & red patterned cropped top and pants of the football set, white socks and flip flops
    Banner / Tagline  = “Leprachaun Jags are Pussy's & no match for Stone's England.”

    Jacksonville Jaguars 17 : 51 New England Patriots

    Stone wins

    6.  Wager 6.   Jaynie & Bigbeef
    New Orleans Saints –  Jaynie   at   Carolina Panthers – Bigbeef
    BigBeef agrees to Jaynie having a 9 point lead.

    If Jaynie loses
    Fine Leather Cowboy Hat
    Heart Sunglasses
    Leather Cowgirl Costume
    Black Platform Thigh High Boots
    Background: Halloween Night
    Tagline: Carolina Panthers rule.

    If Bigbeef looses :
    Tagline to read  “I've been caged by Saint Jaynie because my Panthers are Pussies”

    You will also have to wear the following for 3 days:

    Men's football half tank and shorts outfit
    Football Helmet
    Red, White and Blue stars and stripes Ankle boots.

    New Orleans Saints (22+9 ) 31 : 27 Carolina Panthers

    Jaynie wins

    7.    Wager 7.    Blayne & Maron211177
    Sun Sept. 27 2015
    Jacksonville Jaguars – apussycat & Blayne   at   New England Patriots –  Stone & jessie1990
    Philadelphia Eagles –  Sam_Hawke   at    New York Jets –  Maron21177 
    If Jets lose… Maron to wear pumpkin head in poker for 3 days
    If Jags lose … Blayne to wear the party hat in poker for 3 days  (But different days to Stone’s week long forfeit)

    Jacksonville Jaguars 17 : 51 New England Patriots
    Stone wins.  Blayne LOSES.

    Philadelphia Eagles 24 : 17 New York Jets
    Sam_Hawke wins.    Maron21177 LOSES.


    2.  Wager 2.  Sam_Hawke & maron211177  
    Sun Sept. 27 2015

    Philadelphia Eagles –  Sam_Hawke   at  New York Jets – maron211177
    Philadelphia Eagles 24 : 17 New York Jets

    Sam_Hawke wins

    Philadelphia Eagles 24 : 17 New York Jets

    Congratz Cowboy  :-*




    Thurs Sept. 24 2015

    Washington Redskins Tangoracer 21 : 32 New York Giants ZerogNo Wagers

    Sun Sept. 27 2015

    Cincinnati Bengals – Unadopted 28 : 24 Baltimore Ravens Brandybee.  No Wagers.

    New Orleans Saints Jaynie 22 (+9=31) : 27 Carolina Panthers Bigbeef.  Jaynie wins wager  SEE BELOW

    Oakland Raiders. Unadopted 27 : 20 Cleveland Browns  Unadopted.

    Atlanta Falcons Unadopted  39 : 28  Dallas Cowboys Jingerbird. No Wagers

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers Lover 9 (+6.5=15.5) : 19 Houston Texans T.  Brandybee.    Brandybee wins  SEE BELOW

    San Diego Chargers Foxyroxxy 14 : 31 Minnesota Vikings AuswoodyNo Wagers.

    Jacksonville Jaguars apussycat & Blayne 17 : 51 New England Patriots Stone & jessie1990 .   Stone wins.  SEE BELOW

    Philadelphia Eagles Sam_Hawke 24 : 17 New York Jets Maron21177Sam_Hawke wins.  SEE ABOVE

    Pittsburgh Steelers Babydoll 12 : 6 St. Louis Rams. Unadopted.  No Wagers

    Indianapolis Colts TonyG 35 (+8=43) : 33 Tennessee Titans T. Maron211177.      TonyG wins wager    AWAITING CONFIRMATION OF FORFEIT

    San Francisco 49ers Sylque 07 : 47 Arizona Cardinals FixxgiggleNo Wagers

    Buffalo Bills Unadopted 41 : 14 Miami Dolphins IceboxNo Wagers.

    Chicago Bears bigdaddyg & jayc 00 : 26 Seattle Seahawks MartinusMartinus wins wager    AWAITING CONFIRMATION OF FORFEIT

    Denver Broncos Unadopted. 24 : 12 Detroit Lions  Unadopted.

    Mon Sept. 28 2015

    Kansas City Chiefs. Unadopted 00 : 00 Green Bay Packers Skydance. No Wagers.


    5.  Wager 5.  Blayne & Stone.
    Sun Sept. 27 2015
    Jacksonville Jaguars 17 : 51 New England Patriots

    Stone wins

    Yeah Yeah … Congratz and such ….

    Sexy And I Know It !!


    7.    Wager 7.    Blayne & Maron211177
    Sun Sept. 27 2015
    Jacksonville Jaguars – apussycat & Blayne   at   New England Patriots –  Stone & jessie1990
    Philadelphia Eagles –  Sam_Hawke   at    New York Jets –  Maron21177 
    If Jets lose… Maron to wear pumpkin head in poker for 3 days
    If Jags lose … Blayne to wear the party hat in poker for 3 days  (But different days to Stone’s week long forfeit)

    Jacksonville Jaguars 17 : 51 New England Patriots
    Stone wins.  Blayne LOSES.

    Philadelphia Eagles 24 : 17 New York Jets
    Sam_Hawke wins.    Maron21177 LOSES.


    6.  Wager 6.  Jaynie & Bigbeef
    New Orleans Saints –  Jaynie  at  Carolina Panthers – Bigbeef
    BigBeef agrees to Jaynie having a 9 point lead.

    New Orleans Saints (22+9 ) 31 : 27 Carolina Panthers

    Jaynie wins


    1.  Wager 1    Lover &  Brandybee.
    Sept. 27 2015

    Game –  Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Lover  at   Houston Texans,  T. Brandybee.
    For this game only, Brandybee adopts the Houston Texans and as her temporary team is favourite to win,  she will give Lover the 6.5 point lead as high lighted by the Point Spread.

    If Houston Texans win,  Brandybee will take control of Lover’s profile and description banner for a week :
    For 1 whole week – Lover will do and wear the following :-
    Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
    Red Cowboy hat
    Gimp mask including when you room of course. 
    The top portion of the golf outfit
    The Summer costume flowery shorts
    The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.
    Tagline / Banner = “I love being Brandybee's Bitch” 
    Plus …
    A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol. (Probably something for Halloween)

    Lover has agreed to this and made a counter offer, also agreed to by Brandybee –
    Lover will tell her banner soon and she will have to wear the pink latex bodysuit with panties of her choice.   

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers (9 + 6.5) 15.5 : 19 Houston Texans

    Brandybee wins



    WEEK 4 GAMES  2015

    Oct. 1 2015

    Baltimore Ravens Brandy bee at Pittsburgh Steelers Babydoll

    Oct. 4 2015

    New York Jets Maron21177  at Miami Dolphins Icebox ( game is being playedLondon England)

    Houston Texans at Atlanta Falcons

    New York Giants Zerog at Buffalo Bills

    Oakland Raiders at Chicago Bears bigdaddyg, jayc

    Kansas City Chiefs at Cincinnati Bengals

    Jacksonville Jaguars Blayne, apusssycat at Indianapolis Colts TonyG

    Carolina Panthers Bigbeef at Tampa Bay Buccaneers Lover

    Philadelphia Eagles Sam_Hawke at Washington Redskins Tangoracer

    Cleveland Browns at San Diego Chargers Foxyroxxy

    St. Louis Rams at Arizona Cardinals Fixxgiggle

    Minnesota Vikings Auswoody at Denver Broncos

    Green Bay Packers Skydance at San Francisco 49ers Sylque

    Dallas Cowboys Jingerbird at New Orleans Saints Jaynie

    Oct. 5  2015

    Detroit Lions at Seattle Seahawks Martinus

    Byes: Tennessee Titans, New England Patriots Jessie1990, Stone (explanation- each team gets 1 week off during the 16 game season )


    WEEK 4 GAMES  2015
    Thursday Oct. 1 2015

    Baltimore RavensBrandybee   at     Pittsburgh Steelers –  Babydoll

    @ Brandybee

    Our teams are on the field tomorrow night!  Care to have a little wager???   I propose the following when my Steelers pluck the Ravens!

    Since Big Ben is out with an injury I will take the 2.5 points. Your avi will wear the gimp mask with the strawberry shortcake outfit, yellow gloves, green shoes.  This is also for playing poker and rooming until Tuesday morning.  Your tagline will read “My Ravens got plucked by Babydoll's Steelers”

    I await your answer!

    Hi Babydoll,

    Apologies, I got sidetracked with the Erotic Story Contest 10 – War Time – and the publishing issue I had with one of the stories.

    I thought I was safe till Today to accept any challenges.  Just my luck our game was played 2 days ago, on a Thursday instead of a Sunday.

    As a consequence I will forfeit and wear what you outlined as if I lost. (I havent checked and dont know if I actually have. The games arnt advertised in the UK.)



    4.  Wager 4.  Jayc & Martinus.
    Sept. 27 2015

    Chicago Bears –  bigdaddyg & jayc  at    Seattle Seahawks  – Martinus
    Losers of this game – OUTFIT AND BANNERS  FOR 3 DAYS :
    Palest skin color
    bald head
    party hat
    borat mankini
    white socks
    flip flops.
    Jayc to display banner line: “Seahawks having Bears for lunch, wanna join? Please cold invite me!”
    Martinus to display banner line : “I can’t BELIEVE I lost to the Bears!”

    Chicago Bears 00 : 26 Seattle Seahawks

    Martinus wins



    Oct. 1 2015

    Baltimore Ravens 23 Brandy bee  at Pittsburgh Steelers 20 Babydoll

    In a interesting turn of events, Brandybee  decided to punish herself for a tardy response to the wager. Hats off for her good sportsmanship or perhaps she enjoys dressing up like that.

    Oct. 4 2015

    New York Jets 27 Maron21177 at Miami Dolphins 14 Icebox Maron21177 Wins the wager

    Houston Texans 21 at Atlanta Falcons 48

    New York Giants 24 Zerog at Buffalo Bills 10

    Oakland Raiders 20 Maria  at Chicago Bears 22 + 3 =25 bigdaddyg, jayc  jayc Wins the wager against Maria

    Kansas City Chiefs 21 at Cincinnati Bengals 36

    Jacksonville Jaguars 13 Blayne, apusssycat at Indianapolis Colts 16 TonyG  TonyG Wins the wager against  Blayne

    Carolina Panthers 37 Bigbeef at Tampa Bay Buccaneers 23 Lover No wager

    Philadelphia Eagles 20 Sam_Hawke at Washington Redskins 23 Tangoracer Tangoracer Wins wager

    Cleveland Browns 27 at San Diego Chargers 30 Foxyroxxy ebony_gurl

    St. Louis Rams 24 at Arizona Cardinals 22 Fixxgiggle

    Minnesota Vikings 20 Auswoody at Denver Broncos 22

    Green Bay Packers 17 Skydance at San Francisco 49ers 3 Sylque  No wager agreed on

    Dallas Cowboys Jingerbird 20 at New Orleans Saints Jaynie 26 No wager agreed on

    Oct. 5  2015

    Detroit Lions at Seattle Seahawks Martinus







    Mad_Sex aka Maria



    WEEK 5 GAMES 2015

    THURSDAY Oct. 8 2015

    Indianapolis Colts TonyG at Houston Texans

    SUNDAY Oct. 11 2015

    Washington Redskins Tangoracer at Atlanta Falcons

    Cleveland Browns at Baltimore Ravens Brandybee

    Seattle Seahawks Martinus  at Cincinnati Bengals

    St. Louis Rams at Green Bay Packers Skydance

    Chicago Bears jayc,bigdaddyg  at Kansas City Chiefs

    New Orleans Saints Jaynie at Philadelphia Eagles Sam_Hawke

    Jacksonville Jaguars Blayne,apussycat at Tampa Bay Buccaneers Lover

    Buffalo Bills at Tennessee Titans

    Arizona Cardinals Fixxgiggle  at Detroit Lions

    New England Patriots Stone,jessie1990 at Dallas Cowboys Jingerbird

    Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders Maria

    San Francisco 49ers Sylque at New York Giants Zerog

    MONDAY Oct. 12 2015

    Pittsburgh Steelers Babydoll at San Diego Chargers Foxxyroxxy ebony_gurl

    Byes: Carolina Panthers Bigbeef, Miami Dolphins Icebox, Minnesota Vikings Auswoody, NY Jets Maron21177 *

    * Bye……….Each Team gets one week off during the regular season

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