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  • #75184

    Congrats bluedenim you got it right. the answer is Language. your turn to post a Riddle now. Good luck


    You are at a river. With you are a Chicken, Bag of Grain, and a Wolf.
    You have to cross the river in your canoe but can only take one with you at a time.
    You can't leave the chicken with the grain. He'll eat it.
    You can't leave the wolf with the chicken. He'll eat it.
    How do you get everything over and intact?

    Good luck!



    I learned this in Programming 101

    1. you take the chicken across
    2. you return alone
    3. you take the bag of grain across
    4. you bring the chicken back with you
    5. you take the wolf across
    6. you return alone
    7. you take the chicken across

    You just have to hope the wolf is not so hungry he eats the grain or that the chicken runs away in search of food or that the bag of grain doesn't sink the boat



    Well done Concerto.

    Your turn now.


    I like this one because it is an excellent little poem too….

    Ah! If I get my good ship home
    I'll find a tempting spot,
    Where mayhap pleasant flowers will bloom,
    And there I'll shape a charming cot.

    Where bees sip nectar in each flower,
    And Philomel on hawthorn rests,
    I'll shape a rustic, sun-kissed bower –
    A bower meet for angel guests.

    Then she who lives and loves with me,
    Will sing our days of calm repose,
    Sole monarch of the flowers will be –
    For Myra is indeed a rose.

    There are twelve fruits hidden in the poem. Can you find them all?

    I'll give you the one in the first line…

    Ah! If I get my good ship home


    I like this one because it is an excellent little poem too….

    Ah! If I get my good ship home      fig & hip
    I'll find a tempting spot,                                        date
    Where mayhap pleasant flowers will bloom,          apple
    And there I'll shape a charming cot.                      peach

    Where bees sip nectar in each flower,                  nectarine
    And Philomel on hawthorn rests,                          melon
    I'll shape a rustic, sun-kissed bower –                  pear
    A bower meet for angel guests.                          orange

    Then she who lives and loves with me,                olives
    Will sing our days of calm repose,                        gourd
    Sole monarch of the flowers will be –                  lemon
    For Myra is indeed a rose.                        raisin

    There are twelve fruits hidden in the poem. Can you find them all?

    I'll give you the one in the first line…

    Ah! If I get my good ship home

    Lolz, that was good fun!!!!

    Back with another in a minute


    Damn! That was quick, lol

    fig, date, apple, peach, nectarine, melon, pear,
    orange, olive, gourd, lemon, raisin

    Ah! If I get my good ship home
    I'll find a tempting spot,
    Where mayhap pleasant flowers will bloom,
    And there I'll shape a charming cot.

    Where bees sip nectar in each flower,
    And Philomel on hawthorn rests,
    I'll shape a rustic, sun-kissed bower –
    A bower meet for angel guests.

    Then she who lives and loves with me,
    Will sing our days of calm repose,
    Sole monarch of the flowers will be –
    For Myra is indeed a rose.

    Well done BD! I don't know who created it but I like the poem and the riddle is clever.


    wow that is really cool . is more of puzzle then a riddle but who cares lol very nice.


    OK, here's another little teaser……

    There is a clothing store in Oakridge. The owner has devised his own method of pricing items. A vest costs $20, socks cost $25, a tie costs $15 and a blouse costs $30. Using the method, how much would a pair of underwear cost?


    35 or 10.


    It's a conundrum.  $45.oo if you're using just underwear.  If a pair means 2 then it's $90.00.  But, if we're supposed to figure a pair of underwear, then it's $80.00.

    Also… If you go to that store in Oakridge next month, it won't cost anything.  He'll be out of business.

    This is a simple one:



    I'm not sure about that…

    vest=4, socks=5, tie=3 (i.e. no “a”) and at $5 per letter
    so it is a “pair of underwear” which is 15 or $75 or, if you include the blanks, it is $85


    now I'm little confused. whats the right answer? lol


    the right answer was $45
    it's done on the number of letters
    $5 per letter
    underwear is 9 letters so 9 x 5




    then, strictly speaking, it should have said “how much does underwear cost” but never mind.

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