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  • #75199

    now I'm little confused. whats the right answer? lol

    The right answer is “The guy went out of business for charging such crazy prices.”


    lol thanks bluedenim, okay who posting new riddle? or did miss the post that had it?


    Yes Dustin, you missed the post. Here it is:

    This is a simple one:



    Okay I don't get it and I could not find the any meaning to it on the web. so I am asking please pm the and tell me what all the  stuff means PLEASE.


    read it out loud Dustin…….. it's easy really.


    hmmm to me its like a contest to decide who propose the harder enigma


    its gibberish to me, I'm not into all that computer lingo stuff. I would not know how to to say it out load. so I ask again before my head explodes. what dose it mean ? pm me so you don't  give away the answer.


    maybe its time for a clue 


    Ok I'll read it for you………………………….

    Too (two) y's (wise) you are,
    Too wise you be
    I see you are too wise for me



    hmmm and what it mean ? 


    I'm lost two Rukya  ,  but then i'm useless at brain teasers …  lol

    At first I thought chromosomes and thought arhhh  light bulb moment  two ys  are female  but only to find its  xx = female and xy = male.

    Now I read it again and its all letters and such  …  not sure if that's the answer though  lol

    YY U R,  YY U B,  I C U R YY 4 ME.      Which happens to be very true 

    Or was Blu's the answer and we are waiting for another riddle  ( Oh my life  …  lmao …  confused … if I was before, I am now …  )


    ………………(gets up walks to the wall and bang head on wall for being too stupid to get that)……….thanks bluedenim


    2y's u r=too wise you are

    2y's u b = too wise you be

    I c u r 2y's 4 me= I see you are too wise for me.

    I  never even thought about reading it like that, if only i did i would have gotten it……… sigh


    Ok here goes.

    I will give no clues, nor answers until next weekend if no-one can guess it! 

    'Twas whispered in Heaven, 'twas muttered in hell,
    And echo caught faintly the sound as it fell;
    On the confines of earth 'twas permitted to rest,
    And in the depths of the ocean its presence confes'd;
    'Twill be found in the sphere when 'tis riven asunder,
    Be seen in the lightning and heard in the thunder;
    'Twas allotted to man with his earliest breath,
    Attends him at birth and awaits him at death,
    Presides o'er his happiness, honor and health,
    Is the prop of his house, and the end of his wealth.
    In the heaps of the miser 'tis hoarded with care,
    But is sure to be lost on his prodigal heir;
    It begins every hope, every wish it must bound,
    With the husbandman toils, and with monarchs is crowned;
    Without it the soldier and seaman may roam,
    But woe to the wretch who expels it from home!
    In the whispers of conscience its voice will be found,
    Nor e'er in the whirlwind of passion be drowned;
    'Twill soften the heart; but though deaf be the ear,
    It will make him acutely and instantly hear.
    Set in shade, let it rest like a delicate flower;
    Ah! Breathe on it softly, it dies in an hour.


    i dont see the question


    I'm with Rukya on this, were the riddle? Its nice poem/story but I don't see the point.

    okay after reading it over and over I found it emphasize the words with H in them  so i guess the answer is the letter H but I'm not sure as i don't see a question for this riddle.

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