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Running AChat under Mac os or Ubuntu

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? Running AChat under Mac os or Ubuntu

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  • #4985

    Hi there…
    Just a question for the developments, or to anyone who done this working…

    Is there a possibility to run the application under Linux Ubuntu or Mac Os through wine?
    I change the operation system that working to from windows to Linux ubuntu, but i cant run achat through this..

    Is there a possibility to do that? Im really tired of using Windows and i want to make a change running ubuntu but i cant run achat..

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance..



    Member Nicoquin posted it before:

    I use AChat on an iMac running macOS 10.5

    Does this answer your question?


    Well, not exactly but thank you anyway your reply..

    I saw somewhere, Nico running achat on imac but with parallel desktop, means with a virtual machine, but this is not what im looking for..


    Hi Billy!

    run achat under ubunto is certanly possible, but surely not easy.

    In my experience wine is not easy to setup. But my experience on wine  is not big.

    You should read at least a good wine tutorial!  and try…
    You can also ask how to do it in a linux comunity or on wine comunity.

    and don't forget linux maxim “do it yourself…” 

    but if learn how to do it please teach me!

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