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Home Forums Introduce yourself Savannah85

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    I guess I should post one of these things too…

    Hi! I'm Savannah, I chose my name after my most favorite city! If you've never been, I highly recommend it. I'm not really going to get into the whole back story of how I grew up, when I put on my first pair of panties, etc. I am very shy in person, and I've not let many people see me as I really am. If I connect with you, I *might* tell you something about my real life…or I might not…it just depends.

    Anyways, I'm here for the ultimate reason I think we all are, fun! And to post a few of what I claim to pass as stories lol!

    PS – Oh, and I'm too picky! I know, and I'm sorry in advance if I don't respond to you in game. It's an indication of my own flaws, not yours. Unless you're a total ass, then it might be you.


    Welcome Savannah

    Hope you enjoy the forum, glad to have new members this a very nice place. Many nice people around here. Would
    love to hear your story’s when and if you feel like posting them. Ideas and opines are welcomed its very nice you give us your
    ideas to improve the game well again its nice to have you here wishing you all the best and lots of joy in here ….Roxxy



    Welcome on board, Savannah! Glad you post an intro and i'm very happy to offer you your first drink at the Bar & Grill!

    Enjoy your stay!


    Hi Savannah,

    Real or not, shy or not, flaws or not, as you say, fun is the most important.

    You found the right place to let go your creativity (thoughts?  ) any way you like, so don't stop and continue providing us with your stories and/or other thoughts and funny posts.

    Welcome and keep enjoying!


    Hello Savannah,
    welcome to our crazy village. Were looking forward to read your stories and also if you help us to improve the game. Were always looking for new ideas and opinions.
    Wishing you a great time here and in game!

    Have fun


    Hi ya   Savannah85

    Welcome to forum.   It's good to see you have decided to join us.  Trust me, you will have fun and games here. 

    Here's some topics worth reading to bring yourself up to speed with Forum    Grin

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules  > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.,2788.0.html

    We have a fantasy  RP bar which is good fun.  Heres a bit about it.
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Introduce yourself > Old_Joe,2810.0.html

    Please read  and vote  in our Erotic Story Contest.   It shows support for  our little contest and if you are  a writer, perhaps join in to decide the theme of our new Erotic Story Contest 8 and enter when the time comes.

    The Erotic Contest stories are now published.  Please take your time and vote for your favourite.  Your vote counts and shows support for our authors and the contest.  Thank you.                                                                                                                                                                                       
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > ” JOURNEY ” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 7.,3232.0.html

    We are also discussing the theme for the next contest –  Erotic Story Contest 8 –  Please let us know your suggestions.                                                                                                                                 
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 8 – O.T.                   ,3231.0.html 

    Here's the rules to check out.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    We also have a village square, where you can meet new friends too.   Tongue
    Forum Homepage > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Please have a look around our Forum village and post any ideas or views you may have. 

    But most of all, have fun and enjoy your time here.

    Hugs and mwahhhhhhhhh

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