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Not Saving changes and swirly arrows

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? Not Saving changes and swirly arrows

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  • #5745


    Clothes i’ve bought in the shop, when i go into character editor and change, the save changes button appears,
    i click it but then i just get the two swirling arrows and nothing happens, also evrything else freezes, i’ve uninstalled and
    reloaded, logged on and off and it still doesn’t work.

    please help




    Hello Sophie,

    please make sure that:
    – you’re antivirus allows AChat full connection
    – same with firewall

    Login to homepage and go to shop… check if the clothes you bought are shown as “yours”

    After uninstalling, also delete (or rename) the existing folders on your harddrive before you reinstall.
    You can see the installation path by clicking the right mouse button on the AChat symbol. Here is one solution, another member did:
    I reinstalled from scratch. Deleted all other extraneous files from system including LOCAL files, any hidden user or temp. files etc.
    Booted up again waited for updates to complete. Removed all clothing, addons and text. Saved a character and then started again from the beginning…


    Good luck, we hope to see you in your new clothes 😉


    Hello Sophie, and welcome on the DreamWorld's Forum.

    Well, before re-installing the complete client, you may consider to clean your temporary internet folder from cookies and temporary files.
    ( This may be done thought your internet explorer's options )

    This may help to solve some problems

    Thank's to Mister Taztexan for this useful hint !

    Please accept my best humbly regards.


    Hi Sophie, Welcome to The Forum!

    What Evelyne has suggested is good advice..
    Sometimes I get the 2 swirling arrows when my internet commection is failing, which of course means that when I thought I was saving the changes, they weren't being saved because I wasn't connected to the internet.

    Good luck solving your problem!



    Thanx for the advice, i will give it a go and see, here’s hoping !!!

    thankyou for welcoming me too 😉 😉 😉 😉




    someone posted this in the french non english speakers :

    bonjour, et bien je viens demander de l’aide. je n ‘arrive plus a changer de vêtements dans le jeu, ou plutôt des que je veux “save” j’ai les petites flèches qui tournent sans arrêts. a ce moment je peux toujours discuter mais plus inviter ou me faire inviter car les boutons sont comme “freeze”.

    j’ai essayée de réinstaller achat, j ‘ai vider mes cookies sur “firefox” et” internet explorer”.
    si je deco reco j’ai mon personnage avec les vêtements comme “avant” mes changements ne sont pas enregistrer.
    j’ai trouver un post en anglais qui parle de sa. j’ai essayée de faire se qu’ils disent mais sa n’as pas marché. comment fait on pour contacté un administrateur pour réinitialiser mon personnage?

    merci de votre aide par avance. sa fais déjà 1 mois que je suis dans ce cas.

    translation :
    hello , i come ask for help . I cant change my clothes anymore in game , i mean as soon as i click “save changes” i have the small spinning arrows who dont stop spin . I cant still chat but not invite nor be invited cause the buttons dont work .

    I re-installed Achat , i cleaned my cookies on “firefox” and “internet explorer” .
    If i relog , i have my avatar with the clothes i had before the supposed save
    i founded an english post who talk of it , and tryed to do what they said , but it dont work . How can we contact an admin to reinitialize my avatar ?

    Thanks by advance , its one month yet that i have this problem

    Sooooo , if someone know how do this , help is welcome 🙂

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