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Secret Christmas 2013

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  • #115078

    YAYYYY  I'm Happy I got 2 lovely ladies 

    A nice Lap or pole dance from  Terric

    and a nice Foot or Body Massage for Sexiliscious



    We had 32 people on the list when I have drawn the couples. As i just wanted to publish the couples, i noticed OliU wants to join. As a generous mod, i replaced myself with OliU.

    Hukk, as you can see, indeed we both would have been a couple But im sure, OliU is even a better receiver than i would be.

    If any member doesn't get a date with his partner, you can call me. Im on standby.



    It's happened already, and threatened to give me a low mark to pull ahead if I didn't try harder  😮 .  I await with baited breath.

    And it cost me the FF  lap dance and  FF  fast fun dance  LOL


    hi covems and Jcm0824  did you just call me a lady  lol you do not know me. so who is first.


    We had 32 people on the list when I have drawn the couples. As i just wanted to publish the couples, i noticed OliU wants to join. As a generous mod, i replaced myself with OliU.

    Hukk, as you can see, indeed we both would have been a couple But im sure, OliU is even a better receiver than i would be.

    If any member doesn't get a date with his partner, you can call me. Im on standby.

    Oh Lover. : I always love seeing you give a professional, heartfelt response to any of my fake outrages. Always classy.

    Though I didn't even realize I could've landed you. Better if you hadn't said anything actually.

    I expect a lot from OliU now…a whole lot.


    Tangoracer… mmmmm… I have to give you something… I don't have a Christmas outfit, how about I wear the Christmas hat?….    just the Christmas hat  Did you win any prizes?
    We need to work out the details.

    So who am I fucking?  Er… I mean having sex… um… I mean getting massage from?
    Mrsexlover…. oooooo… you can collect all your prizes.
    We need to work out the details, too. 


    willisgrimm AND bellelangue PLEASE, contact me

    I dont know you… and as terri says… is important to work the details

    You can answer me here, in the game or in the PM. (I sent you messages in 3 places).


    Hey… I didn't sign myself up… so I don't have to play… but I will.  I don't want to be like those others who actually DID sign themselves up for this and now don't want to fulfill their commitment.  That's not a very good example for conduct in the forum.  AND.. they're MODERATORS, too.. they should be held to a higher standard… shame on you both!!  For punishment I'd like to add that they wear the “Happy New Year” hat… that's much more awful than the Santa hat… also, they should wear the crotchless pants… preferrable the zebra striped ones.

    I'll message OilU to set up a day and time…

    and since he wants to be in charge, I'll wait for a message from iamincharge.


    Pafe , … we never met i think in game , well you will have choice , foot massage or lap dance ( i dont do the pseudo pole dance ) … Oh and of course you can come with your BOUDOIR SHOES  .

    and hmmm … iminchage , contact me to set the meeting


    Isn't it interesting that James (Jcm) and I drew the same partners.

    I will message Lydiarose and Florise  via Personal Messages here and in the game.

    And I agree with Pookie… the zebra crotchless pants… that should be the punishment.


    I swear you all i had my punishment today……i'm angry, my balls turning like crazy……


    Brandy messaged me and I picked it up on my return home. She wondered when I was free to meet up for our secret Christmas date. Seems the fates that be had decided that she was to give me a Lap Dance.  I had to chuckle, we had been betting who could get the highest score for a while now, on these dates, asking our partners to give us a mark out of 10 for our efforts.

    Unfortunately he who shall remain nameless gave her a score of 1,000 out of 10 for one of her dances, so I was somewhat lagging behind.
    She had taken the time to help me improve my lap dances though, in my earlier green days much to my spouses delight as he had to sit through them while I honed the horn.

    Jayc and Bear were out that evening so I messaged her back,  saying I was ready and willing to score her   LOW      NOW.

    She said she would put the kettle on, an old English custom, meaning – Come on over, I’ll be waiting with a cup of tea for you.

    I arrived at her yard and we both laughed when she told me she had had to go buy the poses, the Lap dance and the new fast manic dance for FF.  It was her gift to me after all. 

    Of course, we had a mug of tea and began the mad cougar dance first, just for the hell of it. It was funny seeing the Forum Queen flailing around in an epileptic fit, but then again, I wasn’t much better. Of course we blamed the caffeine in the tea and promptly had another and speeded it up a bit for effect. 

    As we laughed and joked, and caught up with some of the Forum village antics, we worked out a couple of post ideas for some topics before getting down to business of the Lap Dance.

    We had a competition, to see who had the most sex clothes on in the world. We broke even ! By this time, we were both crying with laughter.

    Then she asked me to wear my cowboy hat so she had something to direct her dirty words at instead of my fat knacker face !! To which I retorted, “At least I wasn’t ugly as sin and there was hope for me yet”

    We both burst out laughing and she began her performance, talking to the hat. She was careful to point out, it was nothing personal.

    She gyrated and shimmied. All the time, hot steamy words were pouring from her mouth to the hat. By the time, she had finished, the hat had turned from brown, to pink, to bright red.

    Luckily the hat wasn’t marking her, I was … and I give  ….    Minus 1,000  out of 10  LMAO.  Now we are about even.  LOL

    Before I was about to leave, she suddenly asked  “Heads  or Tails”
    Puzzled, I answered, “Tails”

    “You lose”  she giggled.  “ Means you post the date!!!”


    *Sees Stone posting her date with BB*

    *reclines back, gets 3-D glasses and popcorn*


    For those who didn't notice – I just draw back myself because we had an impair numbers of player and I gave another member the chance to join this event. You can punish me for that, i dont mind, but i always will do it again.



    I think before anyone withdraws ,  I think it should be open for a volunteer  to do 2 dates in the true spirit of meet and greet  game.

    So as a forfeit,  I  think  volunteers  for a date with Lover  or. Hentaiboy69  should make themselves known here and  I  will pull the names out of the hat for you both.

    And then you both write a post for each of the dates with a promise, that should it happen again, this solution will be sought first.

    Of course the alternative is the Happy New hat, zebra crotchless pants and banner,  no refusals of lap dances, foot massages , banner  until February.
    :  :  :

      Moderators after all are role models and I can't be perfect all by myself 

    @ Stone,  thanks for the date girl and  complimentary  encouragement  to  horn the hat.  Jayc is extremely lucky to have you on tap.  I look forward to my date with him next.  My feet are tingling in anticipation.
    Stone is a delightful companion  for one of these dates and doesn't usually room with anyone else except Jayc .  Great report of the date by the way and bar humbug to my score LOL.
    Merry Christmas to you.

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