The forums › Events › Secret Easter 2015
- This topic has 108 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago by freddie.
April 12, 2015 at 3:25 pm #145633
Lisaria – Auswoody
It was a balmy evening, I had just returned from a day trip on the Lorraine, a 47' single masted pleasure yacht. As I was stowing all the gear and cleaning up the phone rang stridently.
To my surprise it was Lisa my secret Easter date, I was a trifle apprehensive as she was a member of the HDSR bdsm house and I had history with them in the past.
I was pleasantly surprised when Lisa asked if she could come down and discuss our arrangement in person, to which I readily agreed. I gave her directions to the yacht berth at the marina where she was moored.
I hastily finished tidying up and placed some wine to chill and prepared some nibbles as I waited for her arrival. It was About 20 mins later I heard a loud “Hallo” from the dock, popping out of the depths of the yacht I reached down and assisted Lisa to board the sleek yacht and after steadying her I lead her to the saloon cabin, where the sound system was pumping 'Stone Sour' a group Lisa had told me she liked.
Stone Sour – Playlist – Ultimate Mix ask her to dance and we begin chatting as we dance, getting to know each other and allowing the alcohol relax us and loosen our inhibitions.
Lisa Say's “finally we managed it
Smiling I reply “welcome Lisa”
I pour Lisa a glass of red and myself a beer, we dance close to the music swaying gently.
Lisa looks around and comments “you have a very nice place woody”
“Yes it’s a nice boat, do you like fishing”
“Oh fishing? Never tried that”
“I take you out fishing if you like Lisa, did I mention I had a soft spot for redheads?”
“No you didn't mention it” winks “is that so you like us?”
“All my great loves have been redheads” I say with a soft smile and ask “how you enjoying AChat?”
“Oh I love AChat so far, very entertaining and satisfying”
I say “it’s good to see you designing clothes, there quite well”
Lisa blushes and Smiles, “you like them?”
“Yes tho I wouldn’t wear them myself
I like what you’re wearing, I love bustier and corsets”
“Thank you,” she responds “I like to wear them… Like to dress sexy for me and my men, so the perfect choice for our date? So you're the receiver of our date… So I should be more entertaining to you”
I smile greedily
Lisa pushes me at the couch saying “sit back and enjoy it woody” with a wicked wink
I reply “so I guess imp in your hands. Mmmmm”
Lisa begins swinging her hips to the rhythm of stone sour, as I watch eagerly
As she looks at me through the hair falling across her face.She rubs her body on the pole, moaning softly
A soft groan escapes my lips, and I comment “you’re very skilled”
Lisa demonstrates her athleticism and pole dancing skill and finishes by swinging around the pile, letting my hair fly through the air, finally to rest on all fours on carpet and crawls over to me, “thank you woody, I love to dance for a man.”
“Thank you Lisa, an excellent performance, red hair, nice body the complete package”
She crawls into my lap and begins to fondle her breasts in front of my eyes, as she slides her tongue over her upper lip
This generates a loud groan from me. She deftly moves from a pole dance to a lap dance for my pleasure. Her hands slide over her body, slowly but in the rhythm of the sound
I reach out and fondle her firm arse cheeks
She asks “like what you feel Hun?”
“mmmmm very much”
we enjoy each other for quite a while after which we lay in each other’s arms enjoying the post coital afterglow. She snuggles close and whispers “You’re a rough man, I like that”
After a few minutes she tells me she has to go promising to return soon.
We kiss passionately and she gathers her clothing dresses and kisses me softly good night.I drift off to sleep thinking how good the blind date had gone and looking forward to my second secret Easter assignation. Mmmmmmmmmm.
April 18, 2015 at 6:15 am #145634Having nothing better to do on a Friday night sadly, I decided to make use of my availability and ring up Mr Curious12 to see if he was willing to meet up so I can perform the dance I owed him. He answered and was in fact very welcoming and excited, inviting me right over.
I got dressed in sexy lace and headed right over to his cosy cabin. He greeted me at the door and I came to know him as Mick. Giving him one of my famous warm hugs, we said our introductions and I thanked him for having me over.
We sat down for drinks and got to know each other better. His personality resonated with me right off the bat. He was sweet, charming, attentive, charismatic and had that sexy British accent to top it all off.
After what seemed to be quite a spell, it was time for my dance. I instructed him to sit back & get comfortable and that I'd be right back after freshening up.
As I returned, having removed my mini-sheer skirt, and donning just a lacy-thong instead.. I was surprised by the fact he had one-upped me by sitting there completely in the buff. I raised my eyebrows as I approached him, smirking, and began my slow seductive dance.
I teased and taunted him with my curves… swaying, shimmying and sashaying them on ample display for his viewing pleasure and noticed him growing increasingly hot and bothered, much to my delight.
Eventually he decided he had enough and stood up, swiping at my thong and ripping it right off. Alarmed, I didn't have much time to react, as he swiftly pulled me into his arms and held me tight to his large frame.
Things took a turn on the hotness scale, as he kissed my neck, leading to quite an intimate situation…It got even hotter from there on…& let's just say Mick got all the easter eggs he was looking for from this naughty bunny :April 18, 2015 at 11:47 am #145636Ahhhhh….my bloody laptop died and I missed the whole thing! I am so sorry to anybody I have inconvenienced.
April 18, 2015 at 4:25 pm #145637psssst dxdynamite
You haven't missed it, the dates are still being arranged and carried out.
Please contact your partners by pm in forum and a message in the game to arrange your dates. Have fun now and I look forward to your reports.
dxdynamite – Foot massage to LorenaSex92
ItsAmy123 – dxdynamite receives a dance.@Amy – Great report and love the pics.
Thank you everyone for completing their dates so far and providing a report of the dates for the rest of us to enjoy. They are fun to read
If anyone is having trouble contacting their dates, please let Lover & Brandybee know by PM and we will endeavour to arrange dates with the “Extra date” volunteers
Happy dates everyone, lets hear more of them.
April 19, 2015 at 8:43 am #145638TeachHer – Misdevious
As fate would have it, one of my Secret Easter surprises turned out to be an old friend whom I hadn't seen for a while, since we live on different continents, so I was more than happy to hook up with Misdevious again, especially since I knew that she'd not been too well recently. I was therefore more than happy visit her in the States to pamper her a bit. Both our lives being somewhat hectic, we decided to meet at an upmarket hotel near the airport, where I had booked a suite for a couple of days…
After an initial rendezvous had failed due to other important commitments overrunning, she managed to come and see me on a Thursday morning – I had my towels and massage oils heated and ready in the bedroom and was waiting for her knock on the door. When I went to let her in, she nearly knocked me down by her appearance: hip-hugging blue jeans, an assorted crop top revealing her new tattoo, and silky, long black hair, flowing over her shoulders onto her back… Quickly regaining my composure, and trying not to stare too long, I invited her in and, given the relatively early time of day, offered her a cup of coffee and a seat. Having just come from a physiotherapy session, I also noticed that she was favouring her right foot because her left foot was still bandaged, so I assisted her to the chair before I went to get the drinks, switching on the sound system in passing – I'd put in a compilation of relaxing old classics, ranging from Otis Redding to Louis Armstrong, to Nina Simone and Ella Fitzgerald.
Over coffee, we talked for a minute about one of our favourite authors, who recently passed away, and also about our and our friends' health, before I helped her to the sofa. While I went to get my massage paraphernalia from the bedroom, she excused herself to the bathroom. We clearly must have been thinking along the same lines, for, while I removed most of my garments except for a pair of boxers and an under-shirt, when I returned to the sitting room, she had stripped to her birthday suit.
Upon seeing my attire, she arched an eyebrow and waved a hand across her body to call attention to her nakedness – as if that had really been necessary: her ample breasts clearly shouted volumes – so that I could only grin and remove whatever threads I had left on me. Balancing towels and oils, I approached her without taking my eyes off her, seeing something smouldering in her eyes – lust? I couldn't be sure, but I knew that I would be massaging more than her feet today.
Kneeling in front of her, I slowly removed the bandage from her left ankle and, seeing that it was still swollen, asked her if she would like some ice on it. Acquiescing, I went to get some from the freezer in the mini-bar, wrapped it in a towel, and wound it around the injured appendage. After rubbing my hands together to get some heat into them again, I devoted my attention to her right foot, pouring some warm eucalyptus massage oil on it and easing out the kinks and tensions that had built up over a the course of a hectic week. Feeling her relax under my fingers, I followed the path of the tension and moved on to knead the muscles of her right calf and thigh. Fully enjoying the sensation of ease and abandonment, she leaned her head back, eyes closed, and moaned softly.
Judging that leg fully served, I tenderly removed her left foot from its icy prison, to check on the swelling: it had, indeed, gone down substantially. However, before even thinking of touching it, I give it 5 minutes to give the circulation some time to reinstate itself and heat up the tissue again – after all, nobody likes bruises on their feet, right? Once the toes are nicely pink again, I oh so gently apply myself to massage out any tension that physio might have created or left, liberally applying both oil and my lips, trying to kiss it better. At the touch of my lips on her calf, her skin gets goosebumps, which I find cute, so I offer to move the massage elsewhere, holding out my hand for hers and leading her to the bed.
Sitting her on its edge, I kneel behind her and run my fingers over her neck and shoulders, finding the muscles and tendons there just as tense as the ones in her legs and feet – must be her luscious boobs causing her some backache. I try, with enough oil, to ease out as many knots as I can, but the more I play my fingers over her naked skin and breathe in her scent, the less I can resist the urge to kiss the nape of her neck. I brush her hair to one side and lean forward, gently putting my lips to the curve of her neck – she shivers, but doesn't pull away. Guessing at her enjoyment, I caress her shoulders and continue kissing her neck for a minute. However, I don't want to press ahead, so I grab a half-melted ice-cube from the towel that had been wrapped around her ankle and run it teasingly up and down her spine.
She chuckles, arches forward and wiggles at the contrast of my warm lips and the chilly water. Just as I let go of the ice-cube, she looks over her shoulder at me and teases me by asking: 'I thought I was the mischievous one.' To which I reply: 'Guess there's two of us here,' winking at her, which earns me a 'Cheeky!' from her.
She puts herself prone onto her belly on the bed, and I proceed to lick off the cold water from her back, putting my hands either side of her. She turns her head to smile at me, wide-eyed, and I catch her mouth with my lips…
Here ends the public performance
April 21, 2015 at 4:38 am #145635Stone jayc
I arrived home and after parking my truck next to stone’s Battered truck I examined a new dent she had on the rear quarter panel. No doubt another encounter with the “Painted boulder” the massive rock that’s about ½ way up the drive by the hard right bend. You would think after all these years she could avoid it, I shake my head as I open her truck door and gather up 5 tea/coffee cups. Last count I made we had over 20 cups but most are found in her truck or jewelry studio. Only 5? I smile maybe she is getting the message.
Passing by the utility shed I hear the usual ruckus by the garbage bins. Setting down the cups I use my key chain flashlight to light up the area but I know what it is. Stone has “forgot” to latch down the bins and a raccoon or raccoons were rooting through the trash. Tonight it’s just Rodney, Stone had named him so.
Raising my voice to announce my presence, Rodney pops out his head and gives me a look that says.
“Get that light out of my eyes, you know the rules, if you leave them open I will come.”And with that Rodney grabbed a wilted carrot and waddled his way into the dark. Latching down the bins I pick up the cups and walk to the cabin. I hear music coming from the cabin and as I try to identify the song I trip into a Gnome and ding my shin, dropping the cups in my right hand. I pick up the cups and limp up the stairs and manage to open the door and enter.
All my grief is forgotten as I smell dinner cooking and a fire taking the spring chill out of the air. Stone comes out of the bedroom wearing her silk dressing gown, always a good sign I smile. She greets me with a sultry kiss and embraces me as I drop the cups into the sink. She reminds me it’s Easter date evening, but first it’s time for dinner.
I sit down and stone places a glass of prune juice in front of me.
“You didn’t drink this morning……..i measured the bottle.” Stone chuckles as she returns to the kitchen. I act fast and dipping a finger in the vile liquid I wet the corners of my mouth then pour the evil juice in a potted plant nearby and I am sitting again as she brings me my dinner.
“Good boy now you can help me with this bottle of wine.” Stone smiles as she sits down and we eat.After dinner I get my foot care kit out of the bathroom closet and find Stone on the couch, now wearing a pair of bunny ears. I study the CD case and choose an Endless Boogie Disc. Great guitar music and long songs perfect for a romantic massage.
As Stones feet soak in a warm Epson salt bath I opt for Lavender soap and fine Pumice. Taking my time i lather each foot and rinse with cool fresh water. I pat them dry with a thick towel and open up a bottle of Peppermint massage oil. Again taking my time I massage her toes and then stretch her arches over my balled fist then it’s time for her legs. As I work my way up to her calves Stone undoes her robe belt.
Delighted with what I see I say “You have been shopping.” unable to look away. Opening her legs a bit wider my hands begin to roam as I hear stone Whisper “you like?”
I reply “Yes I like” and kiss her deeply. As I explore deeper I ask “you like?
Her response is “yes I like”
“To the Bedroom” I grab her hand.
“Good thinking Batman” Stone giggles.To sum up it was a great evening and yes my bruised shin is healing nicely thank you. And despite the Cup thing and bad driving i Love my spouse stone very much. Anybody Know of a good body and paint guy?
The entire Raccoon population of Chrystal lake waiting for Stone to Toss out the trashApril 21, 2015 at 6:44 pm #145640I'm just an asshole who hasn't gotten to my verson of my date with teachHer, but it's in the works, I promise!!
April 21, 2015 at 10:10 pm #145641Brandybee – TeachHer
I’d texted a couple of times with my secret Easter date TeachHer. He was out of town for a few days but promised to contact me on his return.
As promised he did so and gave me directions to his luxurious yacht.I was impressed already if truth be told. The texts and messages were polite, friendly and kept me informed on what was happening and why there was a delay in arranging our date.
I was looking forward to meeting him. I just felt we would hit it off immediately due to his very amenable and respectful demeanour.
I arrived as arranged and he greeted me aboard. I had especially dressed with bunny ears and little cute cotton tail.
I presented him with a chocolate Easter Egg and bottle of red wine, which we opened straight away.
He was very appreciative and put on some soft tunes so we could dance slowly to and chat and get to know each other.Following a few relaxing dances, we sat at the table and drank wine.
He told me he was from Luxembourg and asked if I had met anyone from there as it was a tiny country with a population of around 600,000. It is bordered by Belgium to the west and north, Germany to the east, and France to the south. Their official languages are French, German and Luxembourgish.I had never really thought about it before, and as far as I am aware I hadn’t so TeachHer had made the Brandybee History book. The first Luxembourger I had had the pleasure to meet. It was worth a toast.
We then moved the comversation on to his dance preference. He decided he wished for a lap dance rather than a pole dance for his Easter treat.
I produced a CD of one of my favourite tunes for such a performance and he put it on his stereo.
Salma Hayek – From dusk till down
As the music started, I began a slow seductive strip tease and then danced for him, bending, swaying, fondling and naughtily teasing him by my behaviour and words.
He was of course the perfect gentleman and entered into the spirit of my dance.
He flirted back and helped to inspire my performance.At the end, he complimented me on my moves and rhythm.
He seemed to be pleased with his lap dance and we had had a very enjoyable date.
He kindly walked me to my car afterwards and we thanked each other for a lovely time.He was kind, considerate and respectful. A lovely man who is chatty and fun to be with.
Ladies, if this Luxembourger comes knocking on your door, then I would highly recommend a date with him.
He is quite simply gorgeous.Thank you TeachHer for a wonderful and interesting Easter date.
April 26, 2015 at 6:02 pm #145642Misdevious-Jvhelvis1979
On a beautiful Wednesday evening I was setting up my roomfor my secret Easter date with misdevious. She told me she would be there around 8.So I cleaned the room made some preparations for the evening in the kitchen.
An unopened bottle of red wine, I cut some cheese cubes to serve and put it back in refrigerator. Everything set and done the only thing that was missing was the date for the evening.So I sit down on the sofa watching some fluffy program on the TV.
Suddenly my phone went off, Misdevious was on the phone with a cold voice telling meShe was ill and she apologized herself for not being there for the date.She asked me if we can reschedule the date to Friday. I agreed with that and let her go back to bed to recover from being ill.
2 days later Friday evening 8 o clock a perfect night for the date.The doorbell rings, I walked to the door opened it up there she was Misdevious. She walks in still coughing a bit but good enough for the date. I greet her with 3 kisses and take her jacket and put it on the coat rack. I take and kiss her hand and guide her to the table and slide the seat for her to sit down.
I asked if she liked a glass of wine and we chat to get to know each other.She enjoyed one glass of wine so I refilled up her glass and provided a plate with cubes of our famous dutch cheese. we sat down at the table and started to chat I asked if she liked some music for the background I gave her some options to put on the decision was easy I put a cd with some various classic rock songs.(I had picked some red roses from a big field on the routeWhen I drove home from work I told her I didn't steal it I put an euro on the working table that was at the field)so walking back from the table I provided a rose as a little gift for her.
After the chat she handed me over a cd from poison and asked for unskinny pop to put on.When she came back after she had dressed herself for the lap dance. I am sitting leaning back in my sofa waiting suddenly the door opens the music starts to playShe moved in to the room dancing showing me her flexibility and smooth movement with every asset of a fine looking women She pleased me with feeling that good looking body and a perfect lap dance.
After the show she gave me. For me the date was not completed yet I still had a reward for her. So I asked her to change the seat and take place on the sofa. I gave her a foot massage for the hard work she has done for me I treated every leg and feet with care. She was very pleased with the result I asked her ones more to take my hand as I guide her to the bed and I treated her with a full body massage. After the massage I gave her clothes back so she could dress herself. We had a shortchat afterwards and ended the date with a kiss and I gave her a chocolate that she could enjoy on her way back home. We said goodbye and the date was done.
I want to thank Misdevious for her pleasant appearance and company and the mods for making this date possible.
April 27, 2015 at 7:39 am #145644Brandybee – TeachHer
First of all, my apologies for taking so long to share with all of you here my time with a lovely and fascinating lady.
After some problems in finding a mutually acceptable date, I was more than happy to invite Brandybee, on a whim, to my yacht, which I'd just made fast at the local harbour. She was so prompt in arriving that I had barely time to stow away the trash from a long cruise and to shower, shave and dress for the occasion, when I heard her calling up to me from the pier. I welcomed her aboard, and my, what a gorgeous woman I clapped my eyes on! Her bunny ears and tail were frivolously in keeping with the Easter theme, as was the chocolate Easter egg she presented me with. The bottle of wine, however, was in a league of its own, as was she. While I let her get her bearings, I opened the wine to allow it to breathe, and put on some soft tunes to go with the lapping of the waves against the hull and the doleful cry of the mews over our heads.
Chatting amiably over the wine, I asked her for a slow dance, so we could get better acquainted, and also to breathe in the smell of her skin (after several weeks of salt air, a true balm to my nostrils!). Since I knew that she was a long-time resident in town, I asked her where the locals usually hang out for a quiet chat, and she promptly invited me to their little hide-out (which I still have to visit, I know…). Having complimented her on her choice of wine, and settled on my type of dance, I did the same on the sofa, and enjoyed her show. For her dance tune, she'd chosen a song I actually knew quite well, as it had been used on the soundtrack of one of my favourite movies. A word of from the worldly-wise to the boys out there: this is a real lady, so if she offers you a dance, you keep your hands to yourself! Following her every teasing move with my eyes and egging her on, I was soon in for the show of a lifetime, her slender, yet womanly body swaying seductively in front of me, yet tantalisingly out of reach…
When she was done, I helped her gather her clothes, thanked her profusely for her offering, walked her down the pier to her car, and bade her a good night, in the (maybe foolish) hope of seeing her again some day.
April 27, 2015 at 1:40 pm #145645mwahhhhhh. Thank you TeachHer. I enjoyed it too as expressed in my previous post.
If anyone is having trouble arranging / contacting with their dates, let Lover or me know and we will try and make alternative arrangements with our “extra date” volunteers.
Well done everyone for some great reports. I love the detail, pics and effort that daters have took the trouble to do.
Keep up the good work.
May 1, 2015 at 4:16 pm #145646Lover – Brandybee.
This pairing made me laugh when I saw it on the notice board. My good friend and King Moderator himself had been drawn with me to carry out a massage.
We have been friends for years and seen each other through a few ups and downs in the forum village life. We are close enough to tease each other about our nationalities, especially during the national football tournaments where we are sworn enemies and is usually an underlying torment in many a chat and discussion. It was only right, therefore, that when preparing for my date, the Union Jack bikini was the natural choice of clothing for the shoulder massage he would carry out.
Due to work commitments in Forum and Real Life, plus priority for our delightful Achat partners, our date was arranged a little later than most.
I phoned him up and arranged our date. I was quite excited as I got ready and fixed my bunny ears and tail in place. I already knew, Lover was excellent company, could speak fabulous German/English. He is after all a regular writer and story teller in our Forum Village and had a wicked sense of humour.On route to his place, I run into the local grocery shop and bought a Belgium chocolate Easter Egg and bottle of fine quality red German wine.
I arrived and he invited me inside. He had decorated his penthouse suite, with scented candles that wafted in the air and we both played soft Heart (Love songs) from the radio station I regularly use.Chloe – Free Internet Radio.
(It’s a great way to listen to songs at the same time in a room without messing about new songs all the time)
We danced, chatted and laughed at some things that had happened in our daily lives, plus a few games and contests for the Forum Village.
Then it was time for the massage, he had promised. He led me to the massage couch and I smiled secretly thinking he will be amused by my patriotic bikini and get the “in joke” immediately. I knew I had the advantage, I don’t think the local shops sell flag pants yet so was quite interested in the underwear he would choose.He had warmed the oil and we dressed in our underwear or ….. so we thought…
The magic of Achat sort of ruined the delivery of my “shock patriotic moment” and backfired in spectacular fashion! Suddenly my avatar was sitting there in a bikini top but minus the bottoms. But not just sitting there, I had my legs open and was displaying my secret bits!!! And my face… well.. What a slut!! LOL.
Lover was the complete gentleman and shut his eyes of course, staying behind me, but I felt the same thing had happened to him. He was poking at my back and I knew it wasn’t his hands, they were on my shoulders!!
Lover gave me the most, wonderful, relaxing massage. He was attentive, charming and his attention to massage detail is second to none. No wonder his spouse, FoxyRoxxy adores him. He knows how to pamper and treat a lady.
I was so relaxed and getting into that deep sigh, dozy moment of the best shoulder massage ever, when I suddenly noticed something… my bunny ears had stayed on and so strangely had my bob tail which I thought unusual under the pantiless situation.
I casually mentioned it in my massage euphoria state… to which Lover replied, in his blunt German English.“LOL, Yes, you are tickling my cock!”
The tea spurted, the euphoria was gone and we were both crying with laughter.
I will never look at or wear that bob tail again without thinking of that … tickle LOL.
Which sums up our very close relationship. I love him to bits. He is fun, chatty, can laugh at himself -as well as me – and we adore each other.
Our date was brilliant and I would do it all again, anytime.
Thank you Lover, apart from your choice in football teams, you are the perfect partner for a great and entertaining date.
May 2, 2015 at 5:36 am #145647Both my date's are still M.I.A. :'(
May 2, 2015 at 10:26 am #145648Pairings –
Just a reminder to those who have not completed their dates.
Round 1: First person is giver
AusWoody – auryn
dxdynamite – LorenaSex92
xstacyx – Covems
Brandybee – teachHer
EllieDone – Lover
ItsAmy123 – Curious12
Tommy_72 – Lisaria
jvhelvis1979 – Stone
Sam_Hawke – ItsAmy123
Jayc – Stone
iamincharge – Lisaria
freddie – Misdevious
mrsexlover – darbi29
Sarevok – Kaitlyn72
Misdevious – Frederico
Kaitlyn72 – SexxxyTexanRound 2: First person is giver
Stone – Tommy_72
LorenaSex92- mrsexlover
Covems – EllieDone
Lover – Brandybee
Frederico – xstacyx
Lisaria – Jayc
ItsAmy123 – dxdynamite
Curious12 – Brandybee
teachHer – Misdevious
Misdevious – Sarevok
darbi29 – jvhelvis1979
Kaitlyn72 – Sam_Hawke
auryn – iamincharge
Lisaria – AusWoddy
Brandybee – freddie
SexxxyTexan – Lisaria@ mrsexlover – Lover & I will fix you up with a couple of blind dates to replace your no show dates. We will be in touch by PM.
May 2, 2015 at 2:43 pm #145649Misdevious – TeachHer
For a more dramatic reading of this little account, check out the music links, I feel it adds to the experience.
Laying back on the massage table in my physical therapist’s office,I notice that I’m going to be late for my date with TeachHer. This frustrates me because we had to reschedule Monday due to my doctor’s appointment running over. I wish I could tap my foot impatiently, but the PT has got it in her hands, making me bend it in ways it doesn’t want to go so she can measure the progress, which ends up being not much. Finally, after torturing me, she wraps it in ice and hooks me up to the electric muscle stimulator. During my 15 minute imprisonment on the massage table. I grab my phone and try to google shortcuts to the hotel where I’ve planned to meet TeachHer.
Finally, I'm free. I jump in my truck and check the traffic, set my route on the gps, and head to the hotel. I try to keep my speeding limited to the +10 the posted speed that seems to be the true speed limit here in Michigan; but, as I tend to be naughty, I went over even that. I park my truck right on time, which means by the time I get up to the room I'll be late, and I hate being late. I quickly threw on my ankle wrap so that I can sprint (bad idea with a bum ankle, even wrapped) to the hotel, and rush to the elevator. A few minutes later I arrive breathless at the door to the room.
He opens the door and he’s impeccably dressed in a sharp, spring weight gray suit. (Note to male readers, suits are to women what lingerie is to men.) As soon as I saw him, I knew this would be a long date. I felt a bit underdressed in my old worn jeans and skimpy shirt showing off my temporary henna tattoo, but after seeing the expression on his face, I didn't regret my choice. He invited me for coffee, this man knows my favorites, so I took a seat while he switched on some music. After assisting me to my chair, he comes in with a sheepish look on his face, and we both had a chuckle over our coffee being drunk from silver goblets, but it was what the hotel gave us, so we settled in to catch up.
After some lovely conversation, I excuse myself to the restroom to get changed for the massage. Looking into the mirror at my flushed cheeks, I smirk. I decide then and there that I will forgo putting on the sports bra and panties that I had bought to wear during the massage and strip to the buff. Exiting the bathroom, I look over and notice him in boxers and an undershirt. Wordlessly,I convince him to strip as well. Once he is naked, he walks over and takes my hand, guiding me to the sofa, and very considerately wraps my damaged ankle in ice.As he starts rubbing my pain away, I notice the song that’s playing. I inwardly grin, maybe we are on the same page after all.
And I'ma love you girl
The way you need
Ain't no one goin' stop us
Ain't no one goin' stop us
And I'ma give you girl, what you fiend
I'm the drug in your veins
Just fight through the pain
The Banks – What You Need (The Weeknd Cover)
After doing a wonderful job working on my tired legs and feet, while being tender with my injured ankle. He offers a massage, well, who am I to refuse. One of my favorite instrumentals starts up. Duke Ellington’s Prelude to Kiss. Sometimes it’s just amazing that music can say so much more than words.
I relax as his hands slowly work on my shoulders, easing out the tension of my hectic, stressful life, and I get lost in the music and sensations he’s evoking in my body.
Now, I’m afraid this account wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t kiss and tell. Of course, between the music and the closeness, and all the wonderful feelings, I just had to turn and brush my lips over his, moving into a deep, slow kiss. We lost ourselves in this kiss for several minutes.I get up a few moments later, and plug my my phone into his music system and quickly find the song I want, Ariana Savalas – One Man Show (Ladies, you really must listen to this one!)
(The real Misdevious smirk)
I give a little smirk and walk back to the bed. He lays me on my stomach and proceeds with a full body massage. I am in heaven! I’m melted into the bed, softly moaning, and near falling asleep, when the little devil slides one of the melting icecubes from my ankle wrap down my back. I tease him, he licks it off, and as I turn to grin at him, he captures my lips in a kiss.
I grab my phone again, and switch it onto Nina Simone’s Feeling Good.
While I may kiss and tell….the rest of the date you will have to just imagine.
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