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- This topic has 69 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 3 months ago by Misdevious.
December 4, 2014 at 3:45 pm #138028
Jayc called me just as I was studying the upcoming American Fussyball games. SeaHawks are playing The Eagles on Sunday which delighted me. The Eagles are my fellow Mod – Lover’s team. I was musing on a suitable wager challenge.
After winning the 49ers and dressing Bear magnificently in his clashy clothes and gimp mask, I felt lucky. I was on a winning role.
I answered my mobile and Jayc invited me round to his garden at Hyperion Homestead for my Secret Santa foot massage and a glass of wine. Of course I gladly accepted. I had had a hard week and my feet needed a magic touch but also, I had not seem Jayc for awhile. He had been busy with RL commitments and any spare moments were spent with his spouse of 3 years.
( Although being a typical guy, he did tell me 4 tut tut )I jumped in my battered yellow truck and drove the short distance round the lake from the Bee Hive to Jayc & Stone’s place. Stone was out for the evening. I think she was visiting Lover to carry out her Secret Santa date over the way.
I knocked on the door to be greeted by Jayc and a glass of wine. He showed me on to the back terrace and he laughed at my Santa Hat. My new plum hairstyle was poking through it.
“Least I made the effort” I teased him, looking at his dull coloured T Shirt and beige combats.
We both burst out laughing and took our drinks to the table.We caught up on some Forum business as Jayc is a fellow Mod. We spoke of our joy at having 10 entries in the Erotic Story Contest and hoped the voting would reflect the efforts of the talented contestants.
We laughed about my recent wager win and Bear’s new look and passed a pleasant hour or so chatting, joking and polishing off the bottle of wine.
He also began laughing when I reminded him it had not gone unnoticed about their last wager win – I had been dressed up as Susy Shortcake with a gimp mask, green stockings and yellow shoes. A victim of Jayc and Stone’s unique sense of humour. I had displayed a profile banner that was highly amusing, as well as having to “Be a Love” and clean the Panda Puke in the AB&G.
My “Friends” had gleefully displayed my profile dressed in that attire all over the Forum Village. I had indeed lost that wager and my forfeit paid in full. 😮
He chuckled when I told him the messages I had received and a scolding off one particular gentleman for being stupid enough to allow myself to become the pet of such a domineering couple. He was quite incensed about the situation, especially when I refused to room him. My masters would not allow it. LOL.
Jayc then settled me down on the garden sofa and carried out the most pleasurable foot massage I had had in a long time.
He used mint soap to wash and lather my feet and then lavender oil to firmly massage them. He eased the tension of all the tight little muscles, in my feet, ankles and calves, right up to my knees.
I closed my eyes and drifted into that semi state of bliss as we chatted. Jayc’s voice was quite soothing and hypnotically relaxing.
Before I knew it 3 ½ hours had passed. We had hit a time warp and Jayc had to go into town for some prior engagement.
Jayc is an old friend of mine. He is very pleasant, a terrific story teller and role player. He is a man totally in love with his dear spouse – Stone. He is a fantastic companion for a Secret Santa date and certainly knows how to work those fingers on your soles.
He can kneel at my feet any time he wishes.
Thank You Jayc for a fantabulous date.December 4, 2014 at 4:45 pm #138029When i was walking back to my cabin i saw Malphes walking by. She look a little cold in the snow so i asked her in.
As she agreed and i noticed she not only seemed to be cold but also a little tired. So when we got to my cabin where it was nice and warm, i offered her a massage. She just smiled at me and said that was just what she needed.
I offered to massage her feet but Malphes said she was a little tickles there and would rather have her back massaged. I agreed with a smile.
Before i could say somthing she stripped her clothes off and lay down on her belly on my bed. Being the gentlemen that i am, i tried not to look at her private parts as i started to rub her legs.
My hands followed her lines and did massage her tired legs, i made sure not to touch her feet as i didn't want to tickle her to much. Working my up i complimented her on the smoothness of her soft skin. She just moaned a little as she was enjoying my touch.
more curves to follow as i got higher and massaged her back and neck. She noticed and mentioned that something was getting awake between my legs. I just blushed and told her that her nudeness did not leave my hormones untouched. Then she told me to strip and gave her a body to body massage.
I accepted and as my chest rubbed her back she moaned a little more. She turned her head and kissed me. As i kissed back she turned around and said her front needed a massage too.
I agreed but what happend after that i'm not tell you all………
Thanks for the wonderfull Santa Date Malphes, i do hope you come back sometime for another massage
December 5, 2014 at 1:24 am #138031On a late Thursday evening, Santa's Lil Helper decided to surprise another special fella, Zoerink, on his yacht. Having just returned from work, he was surprised to find me at his doorstep with a smile and eggnog. He welcomed me in and we took a seat at the table.
He thanked for the eggnog and took a sip of it, thoroughly enjoying. Smirking, I engage in further conversation with him, asking about his day, work, and how he's been in general.
I snapped my fingers & All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey begins magically playing.
Mariah Carey – All I Want For Christmas Is You grab his hand and lead him into a fun, flirty dance. Moving my curves in a suggestive manner for his viewing pleasure, as he manages to keep up with me in his own goofy way.
He grabs me and twirls me on top of the table as our dancing becomes more suggestive and clothing garments magically disappear.
I eventually plop him down and slither up behind him to give him a nice, soothing massage. Feeling his shoulders up, I remark on his tense muscles and begin to slowly and gradually bring him into a state of complete relaxation, all the meanwhile whispering and purring into his ear.
I pour hot oil over his back, much to his pleasure, and continue working the magic of my fingers and soft hands on him. To add a nice finishing touch, I stand up and turn around to rub my tushie up against him. I wiggle and work it, rubbing in the oil, as he responds with agreement and intense pleasure.
I maneuver over and settle into his lap, pushing his face to my breasts, in order to entice him further.
Enjoying his nibbles and kisses for a moment, I gradually slink out of his arms and plant a tender kiss on his cheek. He thanks for the enjoyable date and I smile at him before poofing magically out of sight.
2 Down ~ 1 To GoDecember 5, 2014 at 4:19 pm #138032Oh… i am blushing a lot… now everyone can see my underwear with hearts…
Well… as Amys says, i was relaxing in my yacht, drinking something, and i hear her voice outside the boat, in the port. I give her my hand and let her come into the yatch for drink something, we was waiting for this secret santa date, and now… is the moment!!!
As she says, we drink something, a eggnog, and talk about our plans for xmas, after this, we dance with Mariah Carey song of xmas, having a really funny moment while the slow music give her into a table dance, so sexy!!!
After some days of work, my back was a little tense, so Amy give me a soft massage in my shoulders and back, and make me feel better.
After it, she did a nice pool dance for my eyes, but i am a shy boy and i let my hearts underwear put :
The date was finishing, and after two kisses and a hug, Amys go and i stay there, happy after a good date.
TY Amy!!!
December 6, 2014 at 8:37 am #138033Oh my goodness. Looks like everyone is having so much fun with this. but it seems I am too late to sign up. Probably for the best though, I don't know how to take the pictures to share, let alone have time to write up any story. But I wish everyone a merry Christmas and lots of fun with secret santa. nice to see such lovely holiday cheer!!!
December 6, 2014 at 10:19 pm #138034With Stone out for the evening and putting a serious dent in my spouses “to do list” posted on the fridge, I thought this would be a good time to meet up with Brandy. She picked up after a few rings and said she was free and would drop by in a few.
Putting away my lawn tools I heard Brandy’s old truck long before I saw it. I winced as I heard a loud crash I knew was coming, as she ignored the slow sign I had put up and hit the bad Pothole about mid-way down the drive.
Leaning on a rake I gave Brandy a wave as she drove up and killed the engine which kept running for a moment before the old truck shuttered and let out a very loud backfire. After giving me some grief for my attire We exchanged hugs and chatted as we went out back to the terrace.
We sat down and I opened a decent bottle of Merlot and poured out two glasses. Nibbling on cheese and crackers we caught up on current events and had some good laughs over her “make over” after losing a wager to Stone. Our conversation soon turned to writing and her delight in receiving 10 entries to her latest contest.
With the Merlot half gone it was time for me to get to work. Now I am not one to brag, but one thing I do very well is massage. For the next hour and a half I soaked her feet in a warm Epson salt bath followed by a mint soap/fine pumice wash. Patted dry with a heated towel then a deep massage.
With the hour growing late and the wine gone I walked Brandy back to her old truck. We hugged and said our goodbyes, then she fired up her old truck and groaned and wheezed her way up the steep drive missing a gear a time or two.
Brandy is one of my oldest friends here and I have always enjoyed her company. So thanks Brandy for a wonderful evening. And wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
December 7, 2014 at 6:06 pm #138035December 9, 2014 at 2:18 pm #138036For my date with Misdevious I booked a big yacht on Michigan Lake. It was cold and windy outside, but inside it was cuddly warm and comfortable. I've sent a taxi to her house while I was preparing everything. When she arrived, I saw a beautiful woman entering the yacht.
We danced a while and talked to get to know us better. We drank some hot tea and then changed our clothes. As usual for a massage, I wore my skin-coloured massage suitAfter a while, I noticed her feet need a massage. Maybe I stepped on her toes too often? I poured some oil to my hands and started massaging her feet and every single toe. She also needed some acupressure on several energy spots, because her neck was hurting and she wasn't in perfect health. I ormised her, she will feel better in the end and I hope she did.
Some years ago I learned how to fill the body with energy just using words and massage techniques. I'm not sure if my english is good enough but I tried. We also laughed a lot, talking about our youth and the silly things we have done – and still do.
Time was running and we finished our date, drinking a glass of red wine. It was a wonderful date and we took leave with a gentle kiss on the cheeks. If you ever get the chance to meet Misdevious, take it. She is a great chat partner.
Thanks Misdevious! It was an amusing date and I enjoyed it very much
December 10, 2014 at 4:40 am #138037After dealing with weather created delays Miss Stone and I found an opportunity to arrange our Secret Santa Date… (if everyone knows how can we call it a secret?). With the drastic time differences between us I took an early long nap after dinner and rose shortly before midnight to sign in to AChat for this rare encounter with one of the forums talented writers from across the pond.
For as long as I have had the pleasure of trading barbs in the Bar and grill I truly have never had an opportunity to speak with Miss Stone.
I dressed appropriately… as one could stuck in a gimp mask and golfers outfit… (I felt obligated to add a couple days to my loss in a bet with Brandy due to the offline issues), and donned the festive xmas hat to boot. Completing the festive decorations in my cabin to add to the moment,… I awaited my date,… and waited as she sorted thru her wardrobe for appropriate wear.
It was a worthy wait as she arrived in a stunning outfit and after a few laughs… and courteous greeting she offered a couples dance and our conversation drifted off to a topic of something… long and thick…
My eyelashes… I seriously need to recheck my avatar… I never realized how long my eyelashes were… or the fact my eyes carried a dark underlining… perhaps that is an element of the gimp mask and its adoption from the female offering. It is worn from the facial options so that feminine qualities may have been an oversight… hmmm I diverge….
We talked long as we danced taking the opportunity to discuss a long list of topics. I found Miss Stone to be an interesting and engaging person. Her humor and wit refreshing,… and her suspicions of things afoot an underlining theme. I took time to assure her there was no plot afoot about,… but added that would be the likely answer given one involved in a plot would give her. Perhaps I was… or… perhaps the plot was to simply deceive her in suspicion there was a plot where none was to be found. Or plots underfoot carefully laid in subterfuge when her guard was taken down.. Of course Jayc had to be added to the possible list of candidates involved… or maybe he wasn’t.
I am pretty certain Miss Stone regrets having asked or pressed that question.
We continued our chat over many topics and forum related happenings. All in all time seem to fly bye quickly. Eventually she found it time to get her foot massage and I knelt on achy knees and performed my duty. I was hers to command in the moment. I offered her a pedicure… unfortunately her hosiery had to be ripped to allow access. I gathered a prepared kit I had stuffed under the futon and removed the existing polish and carefully filed and formed her toenails and applied a new coat of polish of sultry subdued red I hope jayc appreciates..
Of course she was interested on what was under the futon besides the kit. I assured her she was better off not knowing., though it was well stocked with that which buzzed and vibrated…. And assured her I did not mean Brandy was hiding underneath.
Of course we talked of many things,. shared stories as I worked and I found a most charming woman there.
Finally I looked at the clock, and realized we had been chatting for well over 3 hours. Time flies quickly when engrossed in engaging conversation and my clock was reading nearly 4:30 am…I quickly finished my task and begged her forgiveness… silently dreading I would have but 2 hours to sleep before rising for work.
She gave me a sweet hug…. And we said goodbyes as I beat a hasty retreat.
I do hope the men of Achat take their time and have a chance to simply talk with her. Without lines and without ulterior motives… simply take a moment to meet a truly wonderful person.. I am glad I had the opportunity.
Thank you Miss Stone it was a wonderful experience to finally get to meet you.
December 11, 2014 at 11:58 am #138039Knowing that I was quite ill, Lover decided to take me on a cruise for some fresh air. I had a lovely time with pleasant, funny and intelligent conversation. I think that Lover is being too much the gentleman by saying that he was stepping on my toes, it was the opposite. I confessed to him that I am truly a horrible dancer.
I have debated posting one sort of embarrassing moment, but decided to go for the laugh (hopefully). Let me preface it with this, I personally am terrible with foreign languages, so I have much respect for anyone who can converse in more than one. I also know that English is one of the hardest to learn because of our many idioms. While Lover and I were discussing our childhoods we discussed being barefoot in the spring grass. I admitted that I am barefoot as often as possible and still run barefoot in the grass when I can. Lover's next question shocked me, as I wasn't expecting the conversation to go in the direction I thought he was going.
Here's the log of the convo at this point.
LuvCoddler: im sure it is! have you ever run barefoot in spring?
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: as soon as I can lol
12:59 PM 12/8/2014
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: always got laughed at as a kid, as soon as the snow was gone I'd be barefoot, cold or not
LuvCoddler: do you remember this amazing feeling? so full of energy, so fresh, so esciting
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: hmm wasn't that long ago that I did it
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: I still do it
LuvCoddler: awww wonderful:)
LuvCoddler: even fool around?
13:00 PM 12/8/2014
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: in what way?
LuvCoddler: just being silly
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: if you're asking if I've had sex in the grass in the spring, the answer is yes
13:01 PM 12/8/2014
LuvCoddler: haha this i didnt mean but you can write a story about it;-) for sure i will reas
LuvCoddler: read
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: you do know that fool around is a euphamism in america for sex?
LuvCoddler: no, seems i just have learned something
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: lol
13:02 PM 12/8/2014
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: that's why I was asking what you meant
LuvCoddler: smiling.. maybe frolic would have been the better term?
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: of course I frolick! Have an 8 year old, we have lots of fun outside.
13:03 PM 12/8/2014
LuvCoddler: *note to myself* fooling around = sex
Misdevious to LuvCoddler: see, you learned more than one new thing on this dateObviously, I should have waited for him to explain that he meant frolick, but in my defense it is Achat, my mind automatically goes to sex (well, I should say, it was me, my mind always goes to sex.) I charged ahead and ended up giving a little too much information.
Americans will get it, but for those of you who aren't native English speakers, he used an idiom (where a combo of words takes a different meaning than the words themselves.) From the Urban Dictionary:
fooling around
Sexual activities between two people which normally involves getting to 2nd base (hand-jobs, fingering) and/or to 3rd base (blow-jobs, eating out).Overall I had a really wonderful time. I am feeling much better, it has to be due to Lover's body healing pressure point massage. Obviously not the antibiotics nor extra sleep I've had.
Oh and Lover, don't worry I was able to get all the oil off of my stockings!
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