hey i'm getting nervous like a boy before his 1st date,i better do some training on foot massage be4….. what a funny thing this secret santa…. HO HO HO where r my feet?
I'v been talking and posting to and with Miss Brandybee for over 6 mouths and in that time the only invite to a room was in the middle of our first chat and that was done by mistake.
Covems Change: Everyone gets and gives… I switched you and Mollie.
Darn it all. Why didn't you switch Covems and Prias? I wanted that foot massage! And now Covems won't tell me what the peppermint stick was for, unless I do certain things.
I will wait my turn, Sexi is moving and has not internet and i think Jane needs her rest now franky is here, but no worries i know things will be ok in the end