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    Welcome to Forum Jemstar … its completely mad here , as you will see now you have joined up to this hehe…

    Please have a wander round and post your views and ideas


    In answer to your query, No blow jobs ….

    Achat Secret Santa is about gifting christmas cheer

    If you are a girl …. you perform a gift of a lap dance or a pole dance
    If you are a guy … you perform a gift of a foot massage

    Names of volunteers will go into a hat, which Lover will arrange and organise and partner the volunteers up.

    The chosen couples will arrange between themselves as soon as conveniently possible, when the gift will be performed. They then will post a brief summary of their wonderful experience here.

    It maybe, that the couple may be of any gender, and may not be of the orientation they usually frequent ( hense why no BJ’s or sex lol ) so some will have to make a free avi to partake, but never the less will do so to perform their gift. And some have already kindly offered to buy the pose they may need.

    It should be funny and mad … thats it really lol

    Oh and some have mentioned that spanking may also be one of the gifts lol mmmm have we actually decided on that particular gift yet?

    Hope that clarifies the situation … 😮


    Spanking is ok if both partners agree. That's the condition.
    Just a dance, a lap dance or pole dance. A foot massage. A gift.

    If both want more or other fun they can do. But only if both want it.


    lol…  The devil is dancing on my shoulder again …  I think you should scrub the normal dance ,,,,  its way to tame for Achat …  and an easy get out for you Lover, if you win Bear  LMAO 

    Girls =  lap dance / pole dance
    Boys = foot massage

    And if both agree  = spanking  lol

    Grinning …    You chicken?  lol



      Welcome to the Forum Village, Jemstar.  Look around and read through some of the posts and please continue to post and share your thoughts and ideas with us…. and if you want, become a Secret Santa, this should be fun.

      I only mentioned spanking because I know that is available to all orientations… lol… I seem to have started something.

    Thanks for letting me share,

    Man Hentai… I'd pay real money to watch that… wouldn't you?    lol

    Covems, maybe Rukya and I will paddle you. 


    No Brandy, we keep the dance too – at least everything is allowed that doesnt demand sexual actions. Even a toaster, but ThunderSax has to pay the shipping costs

    LOL Pafe, you really started something… but as I said before, spanking is just allowed if both want it


    “yes we get the dance too”… speaking as I thunmb thru the Karma Sutra for positions invioling toasters.


    LOL Bear, did you find it? Look at page 178, the hidden toaster


    mumbling …  just ganging up on me now , cus i'm the junior …    LMAO …    and your chicken in case you win each other ….  :-*  



    I am not certain you would know what to do with me if I draw you….

    whatever you want… that's the bet… lets see who is chicken….


    mmmm,   so if you draw me,  to give me your gift,  I  can have anything I want   … ..  how can I lose ?   and the answer is soooooo easy ….  you can take me shopping lol  … looks like I might need some poses for future Secret Santas   

    The  dilemma is that etiquette dictates I reciprocate that offer and that is the stumbling block on whether I am Chicken against a King Dom….  ( knowing what our mutual friend Mistress Christi did to Tango   :'(   )

    mmmm   This needs some contemplating…. and lady luck on my side …….     mmmm  decisions, decisions mmmm


    What the…….from a secret Santa this is turning out as a “share your Xmas wish list”!

    let's go only with the dance for the girls and foot massage for the guys…….after that, i't on the couple do more or not! i think the spank isn't a so brilliant idea, cause it's only in one sense and no mutual, you all know it!

    And Brandy…..stop your mind, smoke is coming out your ears…. 


    Alrightie then… I'm in for the secret santa… only no spanking for me… I have abuse issues 

    oh… and another thing… don't give me Pafie… not that I don't love you sweetie, but you already watch me dance, you do however, give a terrific foot massage


    And Brandy…..stop your mind, smoke is coming out your ears…. 

    Hot  & smouldering.  What can I say ?  Winking ….

    Hell, I'm due a win,  HB & Lover  should know  … I reckon my chances are getting better with every new join.  Thanks Satoire.

    Shopping V Scary Bear ….    It 's  so damn tempting ….  Shhhing that little dancing devil ….  Damn , then there's the little Angel saying ..used dish rag…        Urggggg. 


    mmm… well the gift is from Bear not Ursus Brandy'  :

    Dishrags are only for his special friends…


    Yes Brandy  you can put my names in the hat sounds like it may be a good laugh

    You know my gift will be an hour to do with me as they see fit.

    Lit the fun and games start 

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