My partner and I played a good game in the last Saturday.
Ingredients: a bottle of tequila, lemon, salt and hot desires….
The rules: (we wear clothes when we start the game)
1st drink (hand) the salt was licking each other's wrist.
2nd drink was licking each other's neck
3rd lick was from breast…(rather nipple)
4th We can choose where from we want to lick the salt
5th We can choose the partner (she) where from lick the salt.
6th drink… ummmhhh… we licking the salt from everywhere of each other body
from dick, pussy asshole, tongue……. after the 6th glass we drink from bottle and everywhere was salt and lemon…then we aren't only just licked each other…
It was a very hot and erotic game ….. Huh?
Finally we fell asleep one another upset… everywhere salt, lemons, clothes scattered…. hhmmmhhhhhhhhh…….