The forums › Groups & Families › Shady rules of Houses or Groups
- This topic has 105 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by Brandybee.
January 6, 2015 at 12:35 pm #144192
Good. The Achat Gods can read this topic any time they wish.
My question still stands and ask that you or your house clarify the rule on banning members.
What is your policy in regard to this banning of members ?
January 6, 2015 at 12:57 pm #144198thank you all my friends now leaving the game i have think a mod must be neutral but this is a witchhunt i find it not fair what here is going
we have no one do what , i allways nice never say bad thinks ,who say what other is lieing
so do not understand why you all shout at us , u all must hate us so
i ask me why ? why? what have we do ? what have i do what was bad ? i am so wrong in your eys ?
i do not understand it
why why whyJanuary 6, 2015 at 1:06 pm #144199
The house is not under attack
the members are not under attackThe rules of the house are. The treatment of non-members by the collective group is.
If you can't justify or explain them , then u know they they aren't appropriate.
January 6, 2015 at 1:14 pm #144200HGO is right – I just wouldn't say the rules are under attack.
Members of HDSR, can we agree you think about some of your rules and clarify them? Maybe they aren't bad in your intention, but does every member understand them correct?
And those who cancelled their friends or lovers after joining this group – can you explain your reasons? If you want, you can send a pm to the mods and don't do this in public.
January 6, 2015 at 1:16 pm #144201i wanna explain a few things now,we (HDSR) has no BANNER POLICY,we dont command to ignor or delete any one from any list,our members are in our group for RP and the rules are only for ROLEPLAY. The BLACK LIST are a few names from ones the do things they would no one allow here. THINGS they are in a few countrys forbidden ! And when a new one has cancled another one ,it can be that it was as i told the new one : IT CAN BE that someone makes trouble when this one realize ,that you are a member from HDSR. that was not a command to cancle and ignor anyone. EVERYONE who join our GROUP comes without any pressure from us ,they come to join for play with us our FANTASY BDSM ROLEPLAY ,we dont control any one ,they like to be sub,dom or switch and they like what we do.
January 6, 2015 at 1:43 pm #144202Thank you. Hopefully this clarifies your house rules now.
January 6, 2015 at 3:40 pm #144197Anonymousi wanna explain a few things now,we (HDSR) has no BANNER POLICY,we dont command to ignor or delete any one from any list,our members are in our group for RP and the rules are only for ROLEPLAY. The BLACK LIST are a few names from ones the do things they would no one allow here. THINGS they are in a few countrys forbidden ! And when a new one has cancled another one ,it can be that it was as i told the new one : IT CAN BE that someone makes trouble when this one realize ,that you are a member from HDSR. that was not a command to cancle and ignor anyone. EVERYONE who join our GROUP comes without any pressure from us ,they come to join for play with us our FANTASY BDSM ROLEPLAY ,we dont control any one ,they like to be sub,dom or switch and they like what we do.
PLEASE NOTE: HDSR and it's member's mean NO ill will to ANYONE.. HOWEVER, certain individuals conduct themselves with such simple offenses as repeated & unwarranted attacks, accusations, RUDENESS, DISHONOR, DOUCHEBAGGERY, ASSHATEDNESS and TOTAL disregard for decorum, the RULES of the REAL Leather Lifestyle code of conduct and/or perhaps even the legal issues addressed in our RULES above against those into real victimization that they are to be PERMANENTLY IGNORED by HDSR Members! Those Listed below are not charged or accused with any particular offense but are those known to have proven themselves outsiders we collectively choose NOT to play, room or speak with!
~~ THESE are the ENEMIES of The House of DARK STONE RISING!!~~ @))-;–'–;
~~ MASTER DANTE'S sHIT LIST!!! ~~ THESE are the ENEMIES of The House of DARK STONE RISING!!~~ @))-;–'–;
(( **ALL MEMBERS of HDSR collectively accept that those listed have given sufficient abuse, misconduct towards and/or offence to one or more members of their family, be they Owner, Affiliate or Owned, that they are encouraged to avoid interaction with and Ignore with the rest of us! THIS LIST does not include those who may or may not be IGNORED by individual members of personal insults or just simply not getting along with some of us but getting on well with others! All members may play with whom they wish of course, but those who make the list , most if not all of us are fed up with!**))I bolded the part that's unethical, since it happened, its written that it will happen, and you're just saying its not, I'm gonna go ahead and call you a liar lol
January 6, 2015 at 4:08 pm #144203AnonymousI really suggest that one of you send a copy of this “shit list” to the moderators. if it turns out I wasn't on it, it might help your case, and if known harassers who have received prior complaints are on it, it looks more legitimate.
as far as if I am actually on it, one or 2 of your members apparently accused me of illegal activities and I'd like proof of those allegations.
January 6, 2015 at 7:37 pm #144204
Yes I really think the moderators should get an unedited copy of the list.Especially as…..
The BLACK LIST are a few names from ones the do things they would no one allow here. THINGS they are in a few countrys forbidden !
and also if they are on it for breaking this ruleNO slave or member of HDSR will engage in illegal activities or those which encourage pedophiles such as – AGE/Child play, incest or violence against children, severe tortures, force rape (ooc consent RP possible), Scat/shit play, actual prostitution (they can accept & encourage gifts), bestiality/beastiality/animal play
Which would make the ones on your list also accountable to the administrators as they violate Achat TOS also laws in place to protect internet users in general..
Is Tg is being accused of any of these things ? Improperly accusing someone of such things is actually illegal in it's self.
January 6, 2015 at 9:59 pm #144132Dear friends,
Thus far I have restricted my responses & input regarding the repeated & continuous verbal assaults and flaming against those of our family conducted by the one responsible for this post. Despite being placed on ignore by the many individual members of our House caused offense on one level or another, for over a year.. this individual is one of two who has persisted in sending, or attempting to send, terrible insults to those members through others that have had chosen not to cut off all contact with him or circumvent the no contact by sending PMs here. Most recently, other than sending a simple “tell (X) I said “^$*&%%$ you f**^$^ &%^#&^ &^*%”.. such messages including some sending chat logs in which the offender made actual death threats and wishing harm to members. In his defense I will tell you this individual falls under the “other BS” caption and still continues to flame and insult us to people we have never had contact with but whom, meet us and finding us not at all what he claims.. inform us of what is said. As far as I know none of the other actual “play” activities we choose not to partake in, encourage nor indulge is he responsible for. In fact, he and I were once friends until he took offense to some of our members asking for gifts & in one case being promised something not delivered. Once it was determined we would not be manipulated by simple verbal abuse and he was placed on ignore, his campaign of bullying transversed into repeated flaming to others, and trying to send threats and hate filled messages to our members via others.
As for those on my personal ignore list or the reasons thereof, I do not and have not shared them with any member, unless specifically asked about an individual. I do not have nor keep any specific list, would not share it if I did and instead leave the sharing of information between members to those involved or curious. In most cases, the bio/tag of some we choose not to play or involve ourselves with speak for themselves. In the case of individuals who choose to IGNORE redlight contact with us as well as in game “Ignore” by sending BS messages of hate filled tripe, threats and rhetoric to our members via other players OR continually flaming to other players we may be friends/lovers with or who in many cases we have never met.. We reserve the right to inform members up front that we wish NO contact whatever nor messages from these individuals such as the author of the original post here. From that point they may make their own conclusions and choices. You will find several members who still maintain contact or friend/lover status with these individuals.
As for the current claims;
1. -Encouraging their subs to delete users (mostly male) who have personal gripes with the masters of the house
Check the friends & lovers lists of any/all HDSR members please. You will find many male users, friends & playmates, many of whom have a gripe with one or more of the Master's, Mistresses, slaves, pets, friends or playmates of HDSR members but whom respect individual in game ignores or simple lack of contact! They don't try to circumvent , flame to others, send PMs, insults or death threats to members via other players. We come here and pay to play here for fun, not stress or negative interaction. With a few select exceptions of which Master Oli is aware and approves, I personally choose to keep to my AChat spouse for male playmates.. a Husband has some rights. IMHO.
2. -Encouraging gift begging/whoring on the part of their subs as opposed to simply allowing it
The most EVER done is to advise those wishing or needing Premium help to attain premium on their own at first with annual being the best deal & then to receive gifts or RP such if desired or needed.. was to ask them to post NO MORE, as many of you know, than “Gift$ HELP SLAVES!”. Beyond this the rules of HDSR which all new members refer too clearly state this.
3. -Showing disregard for Achat members outside the BDSM community by having rules regarding “slave permissions” which do not extend to non-slaves.
We have many pets, playmates, submissives, switches & non-slave affiliates & associates in HDSR. Those who choose to enjoy RP as a slave have the right to do so and approve of, endorse and agree to our rules before they are offered a collar. We respect their rights to enjoy SSC slave play and will protect same. The rules speak for themselves.
4. -Rules which violate basic human rights such as “subs” not being allowed to remove tags without permission
HDSR engages in only SSC, love based BDSM as practiced in the Leather Lifestyle which finds it's basis in deep abiding affection, LOYALTY and TRUST between Owners and Owned. In many instances members have and always will continue to first agree to the House rule he refers to, and simply remove their TAG/Collar when such no longer suits them without discourse or discussion as is their right to do.. just as it is our right to reduce them from lovers to friends or refuse to offer them a collar again when & if they return which they often do.. and more often than not they are received with open arms and remain happy & proud of their collars. No rights at all are, have ever been or can be violated.. Asking someone to step forward as MANY have and say “I REALLY LOVE Master/Mistress X and I wish to be theirs!” is not too much to ask and they are sent on their way with our blessings .. the fact they did so assures if they ever are abandoned or wish to “come home” they will be received with open arms.
5. -Founders failure to adhere to their own standards, insisting upon a higher morality outside the house
We adhere to our own rules and standards within the House and ask that all members of our family do so. We never have and never will insist on any standards, censure, censorship, restriction on personal sexual rights, identity or morality be placed on anyone outside of our family. I personally have some on my friends & lovers lists to which some find objection too.. but I smile and keep them there and enjoy their interaction and company regardless.. as is my right.. and the right of any member of HDSR. Just like every other point made these claims are ill informed, baseless and part of yet another attempt to circumvent “ignore” and “no contact” by an abuser who is not getting his own way by attacking and bullying us via public forum. I can concede only that I will speak to the members including Master Oli to review posts and some may be revised or deleted which may give a false impression.
That said, in answer to HisGirlOnly.. I appreciate your point about those we or our friends come in contact with who may be minors or criminal. There IS NO REAL LIST .. but Rest assured, ALL individuals we have or will come in contact with who may be engaged in illegal activities are reported individually to the moderators who will bare witness to this fact. On numerous occasions we have done so and will continue to do so. Often, chat logs and notifications have been sent to us and forwarded directly to BrandyBee for admin/moderator investigation & disposition.
In closing, please let me say to friends & lovers I know and those I have yet to meet.. Thank you for taking the time to read & I apologize for the baseless, childish drama to which I have finally and reluctantly felt obliged to respond. To those VERY VERY few who have repeatedly circumvented ignore via PM & messages to other players sending hate, threats & flaming I can only say…
January 6, 2015 at 10:41 pm #144119Thanks Amber, for your long and detailed post.
I hope, this clarifies most of the questions which have been asked.
Let me add, if you or any other member is using the report-butoon in game, none of us mods is informed. The report-button sends the chatlog straight to AChat. If someone wants to let us know, you have to send a copy of the chatlog to us, as pm in forum.
Though it's always the best, if someone is attacked, offended or threatened, to use this button. We only can offer our help, we can mediate and we can talk to AChat, but faster and better is AChat of course. Also we (luckily) don't have the power to ban members.TG, I'm sure you won't be happy with this answer. It's clearly said, you are not on any lists, because there is no list. Though some members have been warned, saying you could cause troubles.
Which gives another question, something Roxxy asked too: If members leave you, cancel and ignore you and then join a group, are they your friends? Or has something happened, between you and them, which was the reason for their behave? I don't know the answer and I don't have to know it. It's just between you and them.
Nobody else posted, saying this has happened too. For now, this makes me believing, the reason for being ignored is a personal one and not forced by the HDSR.
We could discuss about someother rules. But for now, I don't think it would be correct. HDSR is a group, which is fair enough to publish their rules. How many groups do we have, who don't do this, knowing their rules are against TOS?
HDSR, I offer my help if you want to rethink some of our rules. When I say I, I speak for all mods.
Closing, I want to say, I expect the argue is over now. HDSR explained their rules and TG got what he wanted too: A discussion about it and a question to be answered.
I expect, only if you have a new point, a question or any objectiv content, to post it in a gentle tone. Thanks!January 6, 2015 at 11:00 pm #144205AnonymousLots of unfounded claims about me in there champ. I never sent a death threat first of all, the only “threat” i ever sent to you guys was that I was going to expose you for making people delete or harass me if you continue to make them do it. You probably can pull a few quotes with me flipping out at members sure, but I seem to remember getting emasculated and targeted each time. It's not nice to have people to which my relationship with is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS delete me randomly. You never get to live that down once it happens, and it's happened 3 times. Those things don't unhappen and I'm going to continue telling people that they happened. You can't put me on a shit list because I didn't shut up about unethical behaviour on your part, you will be held accountable.
First, one of your subs started talking to me daily for a few weeks pretending to be my friend, she actually started out harassing me and speaking in an unfriendly manner until I told her to go away, then she stated she liked me etc. She asked for a gift as a whore but since she was acting like my friend I gave it to her. but to give details i casually asked her to come to the room 1 on 1 and she asked for the gift, after which she refused to room me 1 on 1 and pulled me into 2 lousy threesomes which I neither like nor asked for. obviously offended that I didn't like the 3somes she started being increasingly rude to me to the point where she was asking me lovers to delete me if they wish to speak to her. this is the point where I realized she had ignore listed me. This is probably the first girl you will claim I harassed, but I remember she dished as much as she took, on top of behaving unethically.
Now you heard all of this, and I don't even think I was the one who ultimately complained to you guys about her, but none the less another girl completely unrelated to the situation was asked to unfriend me, this girl sent me a pm claiming she still wanted to be friends but she didnt want to get in shit for having me on her list. You guys didn't really have a right to do that, you poisoned a functional relationship of mine with drama and decided you were too good for the next girl, she had mentioned that she was asked to unfriend me and told you guys to screw off, so I know theres a few of those around too, she started emasculating me when i told her I was fed up with slave culture and didnt really like the same kind of play as her. I don't think she claims I abused her though.
somewhere between the point where this girl was repeatedly chatting to me and emasculating me, a certain sub mistress of your house came and started talking to me, my stance at this point was to avoid contact with anyone wearing your tags, but they were still finding me, the thing is that this girl was acting as if she was scripted to come ask me for gifts, like someone told her how much I paid the first girl, she wanted to pull the same scam. when she realized I wouldnt play that game she outright told me to pay her or fuck off.
the thing is i cant remember masses of cases where I even talked to your members long enough to harass or abuse them. these are false accusations. I know immediately following this recent deletion I did tonnes of shit but this is the 3rd time you guys crossed that line and the 7th time you guys crossed a line, you declared war and didn't expect retaliation
January 6, 2015 at 11:08 pm #144206TG, you say they started it, HDSR say you started… probably the truth is in the middle of both.
Can we all agree, everyone stops it now and all “live” together in AChat without mutual recriminations?
January 6, 2015 at 11:11 pm #144207AnonymousThanks Amber, for your long and detailed post.
I hope, this clarifies most of the questions which have been asked.
Let me add, if you or any other member is using the report-butoon in game, none of us mods is informed. The report-button sends the chatlog straight to AChat. If someone wants to let us know, you have to send a copy of the chatlog to us, as pm in forum.
Though it's always the best, if someone is attacked, offended or threatened, to use this button. We only can offer our help, we can mediate and we can talk to AChat, but faster and better is AChat of course. Also we (luckily) don't have the power to ban members.TG, I'm sure you won't be happy with this answer. It's clearly said, you are not on any lists, because there is no list. Though some members have been warned, saying you could cause troubles.
Which gives another question, something Roxxy asked too: If members leave you, cancel and ignore you and then join a group, are they your friends? Or has something happened, between you and them, which was the reason for their behave? I don't know the answer and I don't have to know it. It's just between you and them.
Nobody else posted, saying this has happened too. For now, this makes me believing, the reason for being ignored is a personal one and not forced by the HDSR.
We could discuss about someother rules. But for now, I don't think it would be correct. HDSR is a group, which is fair enough to publish their rules. How many groups do we have, who don't do this, knowing their rules are against TOS?
HDSR, I offer my help if you want to rethink some of our rules. When I say I, I speak for all mods.
Closing, I want to say, I expect the argue is over now. HDSR explained their rules and TG got what he wanted too: A discussion about it and a question to be answered.
I expect, only if you have a new point, a question or any objectiv content, to post it in a gentle tone. Thanks!I disagree, what amber said does nothing to prove that this girl deleted me for personal reasons. Only the girl can prove it really, but I'm going to reiterate: I NEVER HAD A SINGLE FIGHT, INSULT, OR BAD WORD THROWN IN ANY CONVERSATION WITH THIS GIRL EVER. Would you like all my chat logs from the last month? even then its missing time stamps for times when i was like not online or sleeping etc and people will just argue i deleted it. It's impossible to prove something was NOT said via chatlog.
January 6, 2015 at 11:12 pm #144208AnonymousTG, you say they started it, HDSR say you started… probably the truth is in the middle of both.
Can we all agree, everyone stops it now and all “live” together in AChat without mutual recriminations?
I would like you to ask amber for logs on allegations that I made death threats.
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The forums › Groups & Families › Shady rules of Houses or Groups