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SS. More Shemale Shemale poses please

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Home Forums Shemales and their lovers in AChat SS. More Shemale Shemale poses please

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    Yes, there is some deficit of SF-SS poses and actions you can perform for those poses. But I think it's a matter of time those to be added


    Oh please, copy poses from male-shemale to shemale-shemale! Drinking wine and stuff! Please! Please! Please! 


    During my night adventure in AChat, I have noticed that there is demand for a few more actions, in cloth, not in sex mode.
    Several times I have role played with girls and t-girls following situation:

    First partner gets on his knees in front of standing other partner and rubs his face (nose, lips) over genitalia of standing partner, licks hishers panties and so on. It's mostly for SUB and DOM play, but it was repeated very often, by many partners, so it must be in demand as sort of foreplay. ( slave showing his submission to MasterMistress.) 


      Hi Ronnie. (Jinx)  You did say Hot Kissing?      I totally agree with all you've said.  TOTALLY.

      I've been trying to get more poses for us since I first joined on here in April (2015). On this post below.,3688.0.html

      You have probably read through it, then again might not have. And if you wish please add to it.   

      The more people we have on here complaining about it the better.  So, Thanks for writing about this particular subject.  And please continue to do so.  The more we shout about it, the more notice the Devs might take. 


    you spoke highly Zuzannah, the more people express their dissatisfaction is better. just so the administration will start giving importance to our requests that are more than fair. also agree with everything you said Ronnie, but are not only poses “ss”, the group poses also poses as ssf and sff are horrible and few, but what they give us are just poses with men, and not all shemales like men, that's one thing they have to understand. not just want poses with men, mainly want poses with women and shemales.

    Thanks to all who are working with this campaign.   Kisses


      HasLah and everyone who reads this The Appeal is at the Below Link.

      Adult Game AChat > Discussions about AChat > Polls  > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.0.html

    Mod-edit by Lover: Just added the board of the link


    totally agree more poses for SS.


    During last  years this game has been only designed for males, this is not fair, not new SS or SSS , either SF new poses, only MF basicallly and sometimes SM… but we deserve the same rights.. wanna remember to Achat creators than shemales are doing a great job to promote this game outside the game itself. My example: I am on more than 20 sites where there are 18 movies, with more than 25000 visits till now. They  know Achat thanks to a shemale.
    So , please, now and here, design new SS poses and SSS poses. Balance the game. Thank You. Louise


    Achat is a great place to be, but without further, balanced for all users development it can become easily a boring place. Dear developers, please consider our (shemales) needs. We are not a second category players and as louise88 said, many people come to Achat because of us. I believe, that you, dear Achat team,  can begin with the adoption of MS poses to SS poses. I am not an expert in making poses, but I think, that the convertion shouldn't cost you much work. A warm kisss to all players! Let's keep this place full of live and fun.


    I couldn't agree more. As a shemale that pays for my own subscription and does not do sexual favors for A$ I feel I have the right to voice my opinion, Shemales seem to be the forgotten gender in Achat.
    We deserve better treatment as we bring so much to the community.
    I love Achat and I love the community, please help us get more recognition 


    Well, Im a 6 or 7 years player here and number of SS poses do tend to be at same number as years before. It would be a really nice to see some changes in that in near future, I agree with people above and very big please to AChat team to ty and balance number of implemented poses so there is a addition for each type sometimes.

    P.S. Also some poses where girls can go strap-on on us 


    I give my two cents
    may be that will inpired you Achat people!



    I cant agreed more…..As a shemale user , who pays my monthlly subscription , i demand , i repeat i demand, more SS and SSS poses.


    Not sure you should “demand” she_she, as Achat has given Premium to all users for free, but I agree there isa need for more shemale poses.

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