The forums › Artist’s Alley › Silver Blonde Garage
- This topic has 524 replies, 47 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by cassianna.
March 17, 2017 at 11:26 pm #156086
Hello Cass,
I love ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ those BW pictures
You should open up a B&W Boutique only and put in there all your BW Pics
I would love that
since I am a big fan of BW pictures. They just super classy to me.
Thanks for putting them up-
Hello Cougar, thankyou very much for the post. Iam a big fan of Black & White images too. I will try always make something in this style. A new topic about BW artworks is difficul, I have a lot work to make the Garage live, keeping a number of posts each week. In this moment is impossible for me make more topics… I need time,,, hihihihi.
Welcome to garage and thanks for comments, Kisses
Cyber Violence in Social Media
Hello people.
Today I bring a new post about cyber violence, aggressive actions and sometimes, criminal practices online. I will talk about the main tool used by Cyberpaths and him/her partners. The Cyber Violence in social games: cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, cyber-harassment, online deception and online game defamation.
Unhappiness, I can talk with experience. I was a victim of one classic cyberpath in game and I suffered all types of attacks, menaces, insults, isolation, and harassment from she/he and her/him group of followers.
I tried contact Achat team and forum looking help. I sended a lot reports, chat logs and screenshots to support. Nothing happened. The Achat team never answered me or gived me any help. After some weeks “under fire” of haters/bullies/trolls, I leaved the game. I was confused, sad and emotional wounded.
When I was out of game I contacted some some people and web sites about this theme. I received support and changed experiences with others users suffered the same type of assaults. I learned about all things happened.
The Achat game don’t have any type of support to people suffer this assaults. In other way, the assaulters and “cybercriminals” receive a kind of protection to make these things. Every time I tried expose or show what happened I was ignored, censured or insulted. But It is only my personal view based in my episodes here.
Many people here said to me: “Its Drama”. Now, I post to this people. Not is Drama. Cyber Violence in social media is a bad practice recognized and punished in many places. You can check a lot of sites about the theme and many of these sites have support of governments and others social organizations. It’s a sad reality.
Kisses All
Cyber-Bullying, Cyber-Harrassment, Cyber-Trolling and Cyber-StalkingCyberbullying and Cyberharassment
Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic forms of contact. Cyberbullying has become increasingly common. Bullying or harassment can be identified by repeated behavior and an intent to harm. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors about a person, threats, sexual remarks, disclose victims' personal information, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech), exclusion (intentionally and cruelly excluding someone from an online group) or defamatory false accusations, ganging up on a victim by making the person the subject of ridicule in online forums/games/medias, hacking into or vandalizing sites about a person, and posting false statements as fact aimed a discrediting or humiliating a targeted person. Cyberbullying could be limited to posting rumors about a person on the internet with the intention of bringing about hatred in others' minds or convincing others to dislike or participate in online denigration of a target. It may go to the extent of personally identifying victims of crime and publishing materials severely defaming or humiliating them.
A frequently used definition of cyberbullying is “an aggressive, intentional act or behavior that is carried out by a group or an individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself.” There are many variations, such as the National Crime Prevention Council's more specific definition: “the process of using the Internet, cell phones or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.” Components such as the repetition of the behavior and the power imbalance between the bully and victim, and their applicability to electronic harassment, are debated.
Cyberbullying is often similar to traditional bullying, although there are some distinctions. Victims of cyberbullying may not know the identity of their bully, or why the bully is targeting them. The harassment can have wider-reaching effects on the victim than traditional bullying, as the content used to harass the victim can be spread and shared easily among many people, and often remains accessible for a long time after the initial incident. The victim is also sometimes exposed to the harassment whenever they use technology, as opposed to traditional harassment where the bully often must be in physical proximity to the target.
Several US states and other countries have laws specific to regulating cyberbullying. These laws are designed to specifically target teen cyberbullying, while others use laws extending from the scope of physical harassment. In cases of adult cyberharassment, these reports are usually filed beginning with local police. Research has demonstrated a number of serious consequences of cyberbullying victimization. Victims may have lower self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation, and a variety of emotional responses, retaliating, being scared, frustrated, angry, and depressed. Individuals have reported that cyberbullying can be more harmful than traditional bullying.
The terms cyberharassment and cyberbullying are sometimes used synonymously, though some people use cyberbullying specifically to refer to harassment among minors or in a school setting.
CyberTrolling is a common form of bullying over the Internet in an online community (such as in online gaming or social media) in order to elicit a reaction, disruption, or for their own personal amusement. Internet trolls intentionally try to provoke or offend others in order to elicit a reaction. Trolls and cyberbullies do not always have the same goals: while some trolls engage in cyberbullying, others may be engaged in comparatively harmless mischief. A troll may be disrupt either for their own amusement or because they are genuinely a combative person.
Cyberstalking is a form of online harassment in which the perpetrator uses electronic communications to stalk a victim. Cyberstalking is considered more dangerous than other forms of cyberbullying because it generally involves a credible threat to the safety of the victim. Cyberstalkers may send repeated messages intended to threaten or harass their victim. They may encourage others to do the same, either explicitly or by impersonating their victim and asking others to contact them.
CyberStalking is a continuous process, consisting of a series of actions, each of which may be entirely legal in itself. It is important to draw a distinction between cyber-trolling and cyber-stalking. Research has shown that actions that can be perceived to be harmless as a one-off can be considered to be trolling, whereas if it is part of a persistent campaign then it can be considered stalking.
Stalking online has criminal consequences just as physical stalking. A target's understanding of why cyberstalking is happening is helpful to remedy and take protective action to restore remedy. Cyberstalking is an extension of physical stalking. Among factors that motivate stalkers are: envy, pathological obsession (professional or sexual), unemployment or failure with own job or life; intention to intimidate and cause others to feel inferior; the stalker is delusional and believes he/she “knows” the target; the stalker wants to instill fear in a person to justify his/her status; belief they can get away with it (anonymity).
The US federal cyberstalking law is designed to prosecute people for using electronic means to repeatedly harass or threaten someone online. There are resources dedicated to assisting adult victims deal with cyberbullies legally and effectively. One of the steps recommended is to record everything and contact police.
More Info about the theme…
Haters, Trolls, Bullies and Stalkers are Narcissists, Psychopaths and Sadists
Aggressive actions like Cyber-Trolling, Cyber-Stalking, Cyber-Bullying are violent, insane and sometimes criminal. But what kind of person would do this? Some Canadian researchers decided to find out.
They conducted two online studies with over 1,200 people, giving personality tests to each subject along with a survey about their Internet commenting behavior. They were looking for evidence that linked trolling with the “Dark Tetrad” of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism.
They found that Dark Tetrad scores were highest among people who said trolling was their favorite Internet activity. To get an idea of how much more prevalent these traits were among Internet trolls, see this figure from the paper:
Look at how low the Dark Tetrad scores are for everyone except the trolls! Their scores for all four traits soar on the chart. The relationship between trolling and the Dark Tetrad is so significant that the authors write in their paper:
“… the associations between sadism and GAIT (Global Assessment of Internet Trolling) scores were so strong that it might be said that online trolls are prototypical everyday sadists.” [emphasis added]
Trolls truly enjoy making you feel bad. To quote the authors once more (because this is a truly quotable article): “Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others. Sadists just want to have fun … and the Internet is their playground!”
References: Buckels, Erin E., Paul D. Trapnell, and Delroy L. Paulhus. “Trolls just want to have fun.” Personality and Individual Differences67 (2014): 97-102.
March 20, 2017 at 2:46 am #156087SILVER BLONDE LUXE VERSION
More one picture of luxe version to Silver Blonde. Oh my God, I really want a long night dress in this game! And a fur coat! Listen me Developers, designers and programers!!!! Go Work!
Kisses All
March 23, 2017 at 3:42 pm #156088IN A RED CAR
Hello people
First of all, I must said tanks for all visitors. The last days we had a big number of visits in Garage. Thankyou very much for use your time to look my little space in forum. Lets Go continue our trip in the Silver Blonde Garage, with more images, photos, pics and fun. I hope everybody enjoy the visit. For your now, The Silver Blonde inside the red car to start a trip to one place full of fun.
Kisses All
March 26, 2017 at 7:10 pm #156089ENJOY THE SUNDAY
Hello people,
Iam here just to enjoy this sunday, in the bed, resting and recovering energies to next week. I see you in game.
Kisses All
March 27, 2017 at 12:55 am #156090Hi my Super friend, you such different, I adore your posters,I want want want the poster, hihihihiii,love you , my Super Friend,big kisses :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
March 28, 2017 at 8:42 am #156091I agree with Vika,
each of your posters is awesome!March 29, 2017 at 1:53 pm #156092Hi my Super friend, you such different, I adore your posters,I want want want the poster, hihihihiii,love you , my Super Friend,big kisses :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Hello Super Vika Maria Romanov, thenakyou very much my friend! Always is a big pleasure receive your royal visit in the Garage. A big kisses!!! I loved the comments. Kissesssssssss
I agree with Vika,
each of your posters is awesome!Of course you agree with Vika, she is the czarine. If you disagree the czarine you will go to a dark dungeon, hahahaha. Thankyou very much my friend!!! A big kisses foryou and always welcome to garage. Thanks for comments. Keep contact!
Hello people
How are you? I hope everybody good. Moreone poster to keep this topic live. So, when i finished the photomonntage, I remembered the barbie doll. I hope you like and enjoy too. The blue lingerie is really pretty!!!!
Kisses All
March 29, 2017 at 6:50 pm #156093Of course you agree with Vika, she is the czarine. If you disagree the czarine you will go to a dark dungeon, hahahaha. Thankyou very much my friend!!! A big kisses foryou and always welcome to garage. Thanks for comments. Keep contact!
In this case I hope Vika is like her famous relative Katharina II
and knows to appreciate a handsome guy– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Btw: Ken will be pleased
March 30, 2017 at 12:13 pm #156094hi cassianna love all the posters and sophie says thank you for her poster she loves it,, Thank you my very good friend
April 2, 2017 at 8:22 pm #156095hi cassianna love all the posters and sophie says thank you for her poster she loves it,, Thank you my very good friend
Hello my great friend Lydia! Thankyou very much, Is a big happyness receive your message and I hope all is ok with you and your family. A lot kisses to you and to Sophie. Keep strong! Kisses kisses kisses.
Hello people, Today I bring a classic old style picture. Remembering the Pinups of years 50th. I hope You like.
Kisses All
April 10, 2017 at 3:46 pm #156096TOMB RAIDER II
Hi All
iam again. I was very busy last days , working a lot and I dont had time to make more posts here.
I will try back to Garage works this week. So to return to action I bring a special post, a other new tomb rider image. Its special because I did it to a friend, she and her mother are fan of Tomb Rider games. And she was in a very hard moments last month. I hope all is ok with she and her family. So, I think its the moment to share the image with the comunity and I wish all good thinngs to my super friend.
Enjoy Tomb Rider and…
Kisses All
April 23, 2017 at 11:13 am #156097Hi Super Cass, wasn't your new posters long ago, I want want I want to see, your new poster,A thousand kisses my Super friend, I hope you are ok :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
April 25, 2017 at 7:26 pm #156098Hello People
Sorry this time out. I had a lot of work in my real life and a lot things to did in my personal life too. Many works, projects, conntacts, and it picked me all free time. But I dont forgot the Garage and the visitors. Ioday, after some weeks out of the game I back, and…
… THEY CHANGED MY HAIRSTYLE AND MY HAIR COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The new upgrades changed the hair of avatars and my hairstyle and hair color was destroyed, Is ugly, disgusting, unfashion, stupid and ridiculous. They changed the hair color to a copper/gray/brow too!!!
WHAT FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iam crying now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look yourself….
Please, I ask to Achat team to back the ponnytail blonde hair style back! The new model is disgusting! Dont Fuck me!!!! PLEASEEEEE!!!!
April 27, 2017 at 12:27 pm #156099Hi Super Cass, wasn't your new posters long ago, I want want I want to see, your new poster,A thousand kisses my Super friend, I hope you are ok :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Hello Super Vika!!! I was working a lot last weeks and didnt had time to post or make more images. Now I will try back with sommethings. A lot kisses to you super friend!!! Kisses kisses kisses!
BLONDE AGAIN!Hello, Hello , hello my people
How are you? Do you missing me? I hope yes! Becaause I missed the Garage! So Iam here, again. First, a big kiss to all visitors from garage. Second, explanations: I was very busy last weeks in my real life work and didnt had time to make more posts in our Garage. I ask sorry for my ausence, but is the life .
So iam here again. If you noticed Achat game suffered some updates last week. One of this updates was a hair update. They changed the hair shape, texture, and… and….AND …. COLORRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, they did! They changed my blonde hair by other gray/brow/copper color! I was stressed, crazy, angry, sad! But I dont did suicide (of course not, You noticed if read my post now, hihihi). I sended some reports to achat team, They contested me and and one day after my reports they changed the color to original light blonde again, My trademark! Cool, the color is back! But and the style of hair? Yes they changed and dont will back, I think. I really hated the new style. But I will post later about hairstyle and diferences.So I will post a picof my new hairstyle (blonnde again) if you see the changes and diferences of shape, texture and style. Lets go people.
Kisses All
April 28, 2017 at 10:59 pm #1561001 YEAR
Hello people
Today is a very important day to Silver blonde Garage. Exactly 1 year ago I started the topic. Day 29 of april of 2016.
After one year here, the topic still live. Receiving visits, I try keeping the posts, bring news, receiving messages and coments.
After 1 year, we have 20,000+ views, 29 pages. I think is a good thing.We suffered a lot problems too. Haters worked hard to push me out of the game, other persons tryed create problems spreading liars using fake avatars in forum and posting bullshits against me. But, we win. After one year we are here. many times i was tired, with a lot of work. but i always tryed post something. Many times I dont had time to make a good pictures or nice images. Iam sorry. But i always keep the topic working.
Sommetimes, I checked the views and it gived me power to continue. You gived me power tto continue. Thankyou very much, people. I always said, this topic not is mine, is our topic, because yours i doing it. I just make the posts because the people look. We have one year here together. So I just want said Thankyou very much to all visitor, all friends and all nice persons here. Thankyou!!! All us deserve a …
Happy Birthday!
Kisses All!!!!
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