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  • #156163

    all my congratulations, you are beautiful in this dress, send the bouquet of flowers


    What a beautifull flower you are Cassianna!
    Kiss kiss kiss 

    Que de fleurettes vont rêvant
    Dans l'herbe au soyeux corsage,
    Quand se fait caresse le vent
    Pour inviter au long voyage!

    Que de corolles en feston
    Au revers du grand pré sauvage
    Sur le long chemin de halage
    Tirant au ciel notre horizon!

    Que de couleurs en élixir
    Qui composent dans la prairie
    Avec des simples à cueillir
    L'innocent bouquet de la vie!



    Hello People

    One week more, so lets go to our weekly post. Today I bring a couple of friends, married and romantics (!). I want introduce to you Natascha69 and Slh6.

    They asked me a wedding picture to show the power of then love. So we did a picture in the winter place after a apocalypse. The message is the love survive against the time, against the apocalypse, against all. Yes, they are romantic. So enjoy then. My friends Natascha69 & Slh6.

    Kisses All



    Very nice thank you, you do such a good job. All the work you do is great. Thanks for the time you put in on all this work.So nice of you, to take the time to do this. kudos Cassi

    Stevs and Tasha


    Cassi you did a wonderfull job on making this verry nice Weddingposter for Steve and me.
    We will always be thankfull for what you did for us.
    It is so nice to have a good friend like you here in Achat.
    Kisses Cassi and thank you for what you did for us.

    Friends indeed,
    Together we will succeed.
    Our dreams will come true,
    Forever me and you.



    Hello People

    Today I bring the picture of the wedding of PaulinaHard and Ritajean. They did a amazing wedding party in Chulola, Mexico. A historical beautyfull city close one big vulcano. To celebrate the party a band of Mariachis and much tequila.

    Congratulations to PaulinaHard and RitaJean. The Silver blonde wish much happyness to the brides.
    To you enjoy the party, I bring the wedding pictures.

    Kisses All


    Awesome Cassie! I loved!

    Bringing this girl to Mexico wasnt easy… lol… and guess what? The city is not the only one close to a volcano… hehe… Rita… mmmmm… omg… I love her! By the way, that is something like a dream becoming true!

    Thanks Cassie and thanks Rita for being part of my life!

    :-* :-* :-*


    very beautiful couple I love you all. long life and happiness to you [img][/img]


    I love the picture Cassi ….. Rita and Paulina are one of the loveliest couples on here …. kisses from Debs 



    Hello People

    Thankyou by the views:)

    Today I want introduce you to a good friend and one of nice and sweet persons of the game. Iam talking about my friend LeFleur, the flower of Achat. She like strong feelings and good companies. I will show to you , Lefleur… enjoy!!!!

    Kisses All


      thank you very much cassi, you are a goddess, you made me very happy, I hope we will remain friends for life, I wish you full happiness where you are and on Achat, full of love and happiness, Blonde garage the best on Achat    I LOVE YOU ALL

    thank you Venus, I'm also proud to know you, I feel a big heart inside you. 




    Hello People

    How are you? I hope all great!
    Iam back to Garage again…again again, hihihihi

    First thing I must and i want said THANKYOU VERY MUCH to all messages I received here and PM about the posts. Thankyou very much people! I really like your messages and forgive me if I dont answered in the last weeks. Thanks, Thanks. Thanks Lefleur, PaulinaHard, Natascha69, Venus_15, Shl6, RedDebs, Raluca, Melora and everybody posted or writed me messages and smiles. Big kisses to you !!!!!

    Ok, lets go to next post…


    Some weeks ago we had a new outfit: The Nun. When I saw the new clothes set I remembered much “The Saints”, the killer Nuns of the game Hitman. So i had the idea to make some poster with the theme. You know… pretty women, guns, sexy clothes and nuns… all together. I hope you like.

    Kisses All… sinners!!!


    Very good job, I love all your posts ,  kisses Super Cass



    Bully Supporters and Followers

    Hello People…

    Today I want share more one post of the set of articles aboyt cyberpaths (cybersociopath/cysberpsychopath) and cyberviolence practices (cyberbullying, stalking and cyberharrashment) in game. I the other posts we posted about the practices, tactics and the cybersosiopath in a social game. Now we must finish the set of articles about the last character of the violence online: The Supporter and the Follower. Two kinds of people helping the Bullies/haters to make the social crimes in a online enviroment. 

    I experienced all violence and abuses did by the cyberpaths and her/him gang of maniacs. The bad experience damaged me and pushed me to write and post the set of articles about the abusives and violent people we can find online. I hope It can help someone to dont suffer the same violence I suffered in game. For more information look in my topic the other artcicles (Cyberpath I, II, III, IV…)

    Kisses All

    (and special kisses to two persons: LauraAFS and GSCougar. They was a target of the game bullies/haters/stlkers too and know the suffering and the violence of the dark side of the people in the game. Kisses both!)

    Bully Supporters and Bully Followers

    In the “Bullying Circle” by Daniel Olweus, as illustrated in Coloroso (2003), the bully supporter(s) and follower(s)play an integral role in the “ongoing” and “power differential” elements of the broadly-accepted definition of bullying. There are slight differences that disintinguish the supporter from the follower but first, some statistics from Pepler and Craig in a 1995 study that illustrates the involvement of supporters and followers.

    From Coloroso (2003): “

       1. Peers were involved in some capacity in 85 percent of bullying episodes.

       2. Peers reinforced the bullying in 81 percent of the episodes.

       3. Peers were more respectful and friendly toward bullies than targets.

       4. Peers were active participants in 48 percent of the episodes.

       5. Peers intervened in only 13 percent of the episodes at which they were present.”

    Having established that bullies have supporters and followers in the crowd that encourage or, at most, don't DIScourage bullying, the disinction between the two types of bully allies can be presented and some ways to modify their behavior in order to end bullying can be suggested.

    The Bully Supporter

    The bully supporter, “supports the bullying behavior but does not take an active role in the bullying” (Coloroso, 2003). In this way, the bystander who supports the bully by not intervening or even supporting the bully after the incident, can stay in the popular group (for example) but not commit the acts that the leader of the group commits in order to stake a claim to the leadership role. It's the little dog that runs around the big Bulldog in the old Looney Tunes cartoons supporting the bully-dog but not participating – but he (or she) is seen associating with the bully and his or her group and thus the supporter stays connected. But it is also similar to the remoras who swim, virtually attached to, sharks, with little or no fear of being eaten themselves because they remain close to the shark. So close, that sometimes the shark doesn't even know the remora is there but rarely pays them any mind regardless.

    The Bully Follower

    The bully follower, a/k/a henchmen/people if you will, “take an active part but do not start the bullying” (Coloroso, 2003). The follower takes an active part in bullying the target but often falls back on the excuse that she didn't start it and so she is not to blame. However, even in legal environments, bystanders who witness a crime are being scrutinized for their level of participation or their unwillingness to help end the episode. In other words, in order to ensure that the follower does not pounce when a bully begins an episode – the follower must be perceived the same way the bully is perceived: as an antagonist with something going on that allows them to engage in the episode without feelings of empathy, guilt, or remorse afterward.



    The bully supporter and follower both support the bully. However, the bully follower also participates in bullying episodes.

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